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Everything posted by nursemorgan

  1. @@S2BLennon how can I view your wedding website for Marriott Frenchman's Reef pictures?
  2. These are fantastic pictures! I had never heard of a cenote before and I am wondering if there are any in st thomas or st john
  3. We will not be doing a welcome dinner, and ideally i would love for our hotel to place them in each room... i actually think it's ridiculous that resorts charge for this. the cleaning services enter the room to leave towels and clean, it shouldn't be that big of a deal to pick up a bag and set it on a table while they are in there. LOL Craziness! With that being said, I guess we will be hand delivering them to each room? maybe some ding dong ditch haha
  4. @@MikkiStreak Did you book Gary Felton? @@jean-marcus How much is a typical session in the islands when you book a photographer from the states? What do you typically require the bride to pay? Im assuming flights and a place to stay, but as far as misc. like food, transport (cabs), etc. Do you have a minimum length of days that you require a bride to book for you to do her photos?
  5. @@Matt Adcock Holy Cow! Where are you able to shoot? Do you primarily shoot in Mexico? I am getting married in St Thomas this may.. if you don't mind can you tell me how much you charge for an underwater session?
  6. I can't open the photos and the kodak gallery was moved to shutterfly, but I dont have the name of the user for shutterfly so i am unable to view them! If anyone can, can you get back to me? @K&Rwedding is there another way to view the photos??
  7. It really is just about the paperwork, especially if your ceremony is what is important to you and is what you will be making special for the two of you! @@chickky311 what did you end up doing? Did you get legally married before the destination wedding? Does anyone have any details about obtaining a marriage license in the states vs getting one in the islands? Is there a better/easier/less stressful way to do it? Or are they both about equal?
  8. @ Oh my goodness thank you for that comment! I need the encouragement. I have seven pages (two columns per page) on my To Do list! I am really super excited though! This site has been so helpful already just getting advice from everyone! I can't wait to be able to open links! Almost there!! I also cannot wait to share my experience on this website but I think I may wait until AFTER the wedding to really update about all of my details! I don't know how people keep up with posting daily! It is tough. I'm hoping that by the time I am on the beach in St John I will be able to look back and be really proud of what I accomplished so quickly in a few short months with my Fiance!
  9. @@StThomas2011 This photo is incredible! Is it St Thomas or St John? And where is it located on the island? Gorgeous!
  10. @@~*petals*~ what a fantastic idea!!! So great! I love the topic of this post & getting to see all of the joy! @@AllieH Your photo is adorable. You look so incredibly happy!
  11. @@JUSTUSTWO Fantastic bed bug tips! I am beyond disgusted with bed bugs. So seriously i will be 100% using caution on vacation from now on!
  12. Is this template specific to destination weddings? I am struggling to plan my destination wedding and our at home reception at the same time! I feel like I am planning two events. They are both less than 4 months away now! Ahhh!
  13. @ Thanks! I am trying to take small chunks of it each week to work on so that I do not feel too stressed the month before.
  14. @@starfish kate @@jillhiggins @@smwatson does anyone have any photos I could view from weddings on st john?
  15. Is everyone re-wearing their wedding gown for their at home reception? And are there any plans on doing a little mock-ceremony at the reception? I am considering doing a little mock-ceremony so that those who are not traveling to our destination wedding do not feel so left out. Also considering videography in the islands and playing the video at the reception. Any thoughts?
  16. I am just curious about Sugar & Spice makeup & hair. How were they and do you remember how much they charged? Also can they come directly to your room at the marriott?
  17. @@cap214 What did you end up doing for your at home reception?! So curious how it went. I am currently in the planning phases!
  18. I am obsessed with your save the date idea! I wish I had seen them before so I could have borrowed your idea! Great job!
  19. @@alexisinjamaica i love everything you posted thus far! It all looks amazing and you are inspiring me & feeding the already hungry DIY bug within me! So excited to start on all of my DIY projects that I have in my head! LOVED your save the dates! Tassle garland on Etsy.. do we know which shop you purchased from? Your program template is amazing. Any chance you can email it to me? [email protected] Also, how do I go about obtaining those fans? That is a fantastic idea! I would need about 35 of them.
  20. @@Italy2013 your wedding sounds like it was amazing! Just curious what you ended up doing for your pre-wedding party? Where in Italy did you tie the knot? My fiance and I have been research for a "later on" honeymoon since we are already traveling to the islands for our wedding. Post pictures so we can all enjoy them!
  21. @@Katiemac1082 @@Gatorgirl @@TaraBinki is there anywhere on this website i can view photos of your weddings? we are getting married in may in St John but staying at the marriott in st thomas for the week with our guests. Our dinner will be at havana blue! Thanks in advance for any advice or inspiration you can offer! @@ridley what did you end up doing for your honeymoon? we are trying to decide if we should stay in st thomas or do st john or island hop?
  22. these are gorgeous!!! I am curious how much it cost? I am getting married in may in st thomas and I just don't know how much is too much when searching for underwater TTD sessions.
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