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Everything posted by Paris11

  1. Yes I think we have it all figured out. I changed my song to a shorter one. And I'm going to get my hair done. We are going off the resort for photos because it is so much cheaper. We are having a dinner and I have upgraded a few things but it is only for the eight of us so the cost is not too much. I am getting very excited. I had my alterations done today. So the only box to tick is us writting our vows. We get married on the 7th. Who knows maybe we will bump into each other on the resort. Do you have everything organized?
  2. I'm getting married there in March 2014. Any suggestions from your weddings? Would love to see pics. Wondering about photography, and hair and make up? Would you recommend the resort? Also wondering how long of a walk it it to a gazebo over looking the ocean. I want to walk down the aisle to a particular song that is just over four minutes long. Suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  3. Another Sandals bride to be here. We are getting married in March 2014 at Sandals Grande Riviera. I'm so excited. Also debating about pictures and hair and make up. I find it hard to pay for things without seeing examples. We are trying to not incure too many extra costs but we also don't want to have any regrets. Omg I'm getting stressed.
  4. This is my first time in this site so please forgive me if these topics have been covered. My wedding is booked for March 2014 at Sandal's Grande Riviera. I have a vision in my head of how I would like the wedding to be. I plan on getting married in a gazebo over looking the ocean. Hopefully something that is a bit more private. I have a song that I would like to walk down the aisle to but it is over four minutes long. Does anyone know approximately how long it will take me to walk from??? to my husband to be? Another question I have is about hair styles. Did you get your hair done at the resort from their stylists? Would you recommend them? Do they do hair extensions? I would like to thank anyone who could help me with little details. Just over two months to go so I am getting a bit stressed.
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