We went for a beautiful walk in the local gardens. We had been there before and spent nearly an hour exploring the area. When we were here last time we found the cutest little mailbox where visitors would write notes, quotes, or just sign their names. Little did I know at the time that this mailbox would hold great significance for us. Since he lives in Atlanta, our weekends are very precious to us and we were both so glad for a long holiday together. We had the typical Thanksgiving together, but when we woke up on Friday he decided that he would like to go out and get some breakfast. Instead of heading in the direction of the restaurant he pulled the car into the parking lot of the gardens- it was then that my heart started beating quickly. You see, he is an engineer. Every choice he makes is deliberate. So my heart was pounding and I just knew this was it. He guided.. or better yet.. RAN me over to the familiar spot with the mailbox. He suggested that I open it up and find the pink notebook. There were three of them in the box (I doubt that was planned). Once I found the one, he told me to turn to the last page where he had written… “Nathan asked Julie to marry him by saying…” When I turned back around he was down on one knee holding out the ring and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. I of course responded with a blubbering YES, YES, YES! I’ve been on cloud nine since that morning. We’ve talked dates, venues, and guests already. I’m SO thrilled and SO excited to be spending the rest of my life with this wonderful, handsome man.