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Everything posted by tesa

  1. Thanks for the posts! I can take a breath about transporting my dress!
  2. tesa

    I'm new!

    Thanks everyone! I'm really enjoying my experience on BDW!
  3. These beautiful cakes are making me hungry! #onthebridediet
  4. Very random, but nice!
  5. I told my dad he could invite people if he paid for them to attend the ceremony and reception. Of course he didn't want to invite people after that lol! Also I think for some it's weird traveling alone. We are sacrificing invited for people we really wanted to come to accommodate our guest's "plus ones". You have to just say to yourself that the important people will be there and it'll be a wonderful wedding day!
  6. It'll come quicker that you know, just keep posting!
  7. That is so cute! Jill have to try using it for my coworkers bridal shower!
  8. Congratulations and welcome!
  9. It's only taken me about 4 days of hard posting and I'm almost there!
  10. I love margaritas or anything with tequila!
  11. I can't see the pictures just yet, but the information alone is extremely helpful, thanks!
  12. Cool! They're having a free shipping sale right now also, I guess I need to place my order!
  13. Congratulations! I'm almost there!
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