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Everything posted by vanessav53

  1. @@GingerJ228! I know it's so exciting. Here's to a productive wedding weekend for both of us! I've been traveling all week for work so totally exhausted but need to get my second wind tonight to do my invitations this weekend. We finisehd registering awhile ago ( Thank goodness) good luck with that. So ladies, I have to share this with you because I am so so excited. I went back and forth with ordering pashminas for my OOT bags BUT the weddding is in june and it really will not get cooler tahn 75 degrees ( even at night) so I keep looking at found the most amazin sarongs ( coverups) online for about $3.00 a piece. They arrived today and they are gorgeous! They come assorted so they are all different and for the price they are such an amazing quality. I really reccomend these if you are looking for something extra special. I am going to include a little card in the welcome bag with a few pics on diff ways to wear the sarong! Here is the website where I ordered them. LIke i said quality is amazing-- like something you would buy in a store and really reasonable price ( $3.00 each!) Let me know if you have any questions! http://www.dhgate.com/product/women-s-sarong-cover-up-miss-swimwear-beach/158937975.html
  2. @@Bellaezra just sent them to you. let me know if this is not what you were looking for.
  3. @GingerJ228- thanks so much! My FI and I are going this weekend to get his suit and our wedding bands. That is a big thing I want to scratch off the list. Obviously sending out the invites are a big deal and laying out hte flow for our ceremony. I know I have time for my vows but I don't even know where to begin writing them! I know it will all come together and I'm so so excited but literally have been zoned out of work and need to really keep my job since I need to pay for the wedding! HA HA
  4. Has anyone seen these books for $1 anywhere in bulk? I need about 40 and I"ve seen posts on here that people found at target but I've been checking and haven't seen anything. Please let me know if you've seen these anywhere! Thanks.
  5. @@GingerJ228 so exciting! 94 days!!! I got my invitations last week. I had a small envelope snafu so had to order something to put them in. They will be arriving this week and then I'll go to post office on Friday to weigh them and buy postage,etc. I still feel like I have so much to do. My aunt went to target this afternoon but couldn't find the spanish for dummies books I'm going to keep looking. So many of hte girls on this site found them there so I'm going to be persisitent and hope it turns up one day!
  6. @@brendab1797 I don't know where you live but I got really nice onces last week at the christmas tree shop. They were $4.99 but so nice and people will def be abel to use them again.
  7. @@girlinthecity97 our florist is meeting a few of my family members in the drop off area at the hotel. We won't get charged a vendor fee that way since they aren't technically coming into the resort. It's $30 delievry fee so totally worth it so i don't have to rent a car. Not sure if your resort offers that but we can do that where I am getting married. So a few of my friends will meet florist, take the centerpiecs,etc. and bring them to the wedding coordinator office for them to set up for the wedding! Good Luck.
  8. @@girlinthecity97 her name is Alina she is from Floreria Riviera. Website is: www.FloreriaRiviera.com and her email is: [email protected] She has been so helfpul and has great very competitive prices. I am renting tall cylinder vases from her for centerpieces for my welcome reception ( I am putting seashells in them with water) Send her pictures if you have and also how tall you want the vases. She likely will have them but the more description the better she can help you. She is VERY responsive and her english is great. I am happy I am using her. I am using her for my centerpieces for the wedding as well as she was MUCH cheaper than the resort florist. Let me nkow if you need any more help.
  9. @@meganwitt NOW sapphire is having a webinar on March 22nd so I am putting down teh questions about tables and chair dimensions. I'll let the group know what I find out. I'm assuming round tables hold 8-10 people but it would be great if one of the past brides can comment on that? @@meganwitt one more thing. There are really cute tumblers online at dollar tree ( for only $1!) they won't be personalized but you can always get a waterproof label or something with your logo,etc. They are great quality. I went with another mug from dollar tree but keep eyeing the tumblers with straws up and might just end up buying them since tha tis waht I really want!
  10. @@Wedding2014 I actually rented vases from my florist for my welcome reception. It ended up being same price as what I bought them for and then I didn't have to worry about shipping all that glass down to mexico. The resort and local florists have diff types of vases available to rent. Otherwise I would say to wrap them in bubble wrap and pack in a few duffle bags. If you send a picture toa local florist they can tell you if they have that type of vase( which they prob) do and if you do the math on it it prob comes out cheaper because you don't have to pay to check all those bags. Just a thought... I can give you the name of my florist if you want. She's great to work witha nd has accomodated all my requests within a graet price.
  11. I'm going to buy fabric and cut to size to wrap my chairs like this: I wanted to do something other than a bow but am using chair covers so had to figure out an alternative.
  12. Does anyonw know the size of the chairs with the white covers on them? I am trying to figure out fabric for my chair sashes/covers and need to know height of top of chair from where seat is and up. wasnt' sure if anyone knew these dimensions. Thanks
  13. @@meganator22 did you post a review of your wedding on the site? If so can you send me the link to it.
  14. @@GingerJ228 yes I am going to either add the spanish for dummies book or if I can't find them at target I will just create a pamphlet or something and make it like a mini book on my own. We aren't doing favors. I just really wanted to make the OOT bags nice and we are spending alot of money on the extras for the welcome reception and wedding( photoboth, cigar roller, calypso band at the beach bbq,etc.) I think the guests would enjoy that much more.
  15. @GingerJ228 What section of target did you find the spanish for dummies books? Is it in the fronts ection or somewhere else in teh store? I watn to look for them....
  16. @@GingerJ228 I got from oriental trading. They were $7/dozen ( so cheap) link is attached. They also have cards you can get personalized on oriental trading and prices weren't awful. I just felt like I"ll spend effort to personalize other things and the cards are just somethign fun so since these were cute and price was good I just got them. http://www.orientaltrading.com/api/search?Ntt=nautical+playing+cards I also made postcards from vistaprint so people can send us their favorite memories from the wedding ( we will use in scrapbook after we get home) I used amazon for all the medicine type stuff because it was the cheapest if you type in tylenol bulk, or pepto bulk you can buy a box of 96 or however many and it works out. Minimus biz.com is also a good site but I did find amazon to be just a bit cheaper.
  17. @GingerJ228- mine is on the beach as well. cocktail hour is at preffered pool then reception at beach terrace. I don't even wear heels on a normal day ( although I'm 4'11 so I should) My fiance is 6'1 so I think my mom just wants me to get some height for the photos
  18. @@GingerJ228 Glad to hear people are telling you theya re coming. The final deposit on room is on April 4th so we will know by then ( Our RSVP is on April 15th) how many people. We have 76 confirmed right now ( with room reservations) and I would say about 55 that already have flights booked so I do think we will end up right around 75 when it's all said and done. MY OOT bags have totally been stressing me out because I want them to be awesome and I'm getting a little overboard on putting things in them. We finally found the actual bags at the christmas tree shops in Union, NJ. They were a little more than I wanted to spend but the quality is so nice, it's something everyone can use again and I figure sicne I'm not doing favors I would spend a little more on the bags. So far here is waht I am putting in bags( if you wan tpics of anything let me know) - Travel Mug ( dollar tree) for the pool - Key Card Holder with coil wristband - Pepto, advil, emergen-c, colgate wisps, shout wipes - Welcome Packet - Facebook Who's who meet the guest book - sunglasses - Nautical themed Playing Cards I will probably get more stuff as well but this is what I'm doing for now.
  19. @@GingerJ228 I haven't found undergarments yet. I was going to look but then my friend said to wait until after my first fittin g( which should be early april) because depending on what the seamstress says I might not need to get a bra if they build cups into the dress,etc. I bought flat sandals and a pair of wedges and figure i"ll figure out which I'll wear for ceremony,etc. I really wanted to wear the sandals for ceremony but my mom is literally pitching a fit about it and I don't know how much energy I have to argue with her about it HA! So again I'll figure it out once I get dress fitted. My Fiance and I are going to look at wedding bands next weekend ( it's on the calendar ) so hopefully we will both find something.
  20. @@niknic456 I was emailing with Ramon on Thursday of this week. Randomly he responded to email in less than an hour ( Which never happens)
  21. @@GingerJ228 did you say you got spanish for dummie books at target for $1? When did you get those? A long time ago? Where in teh store were they?
  22. @@DinaQtobe thanks for the info very helpful. One more question just to clarify: When you paid the bill the vedors you used through the resor ( Photo, florist,DJ,etc.) were also included? Or did you pay those separate? Thanks
  23. Can someone tell me how you paid the final bill at the resort? Can you use a credit card? Also if you used a vendor from teh resort ( dj, band,etc.) do you pay them separate or does the resort charge you for that in final bill? We are trying to figure out when we pay the final bill ( I'm assuming its'a fter we meet with Anel when we arrrive on the resort)
  24. @@acw271011 I just went online and found a few beachy photos. I've attached the one I used here. I went to vista print and went to premium business cards and clicked on upload your own template. It allows me to upload the photo and then I added a text box and picked my font to write "On Our Way To Paradise" You can then select the back and just create text boxes to add in the Name, Address, Phone component of the luggage tag. It literally took me 10 mins and I am NOT good with stuff like this. If you need help let me know.
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