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Everything posted by vanessav53

  1. @JaxBchKay- You mentioned they said we can do an appetizer instead of the soup option at dinner? Did they say what the appetizer choices were? Just to be clear the appetizer would be served at DINNER and NOT at cocktail hour right? My mom was on the webinar on my behalf because I was traveling yesterday but I asked her about the appetizer question and she wasn't sure. Thanks.
  2. @deedeelala That looks very nice. Great job. I am doing something similar for centerpieces for the welcome reception. I ordered the shells online ( $7.00/bag) and ordered the floating candles. I am going to fill up shells a bit higher than what's in the photo.
  3. @gannonham- I gave the guests the option of the salmon from eternity and the surf and turf from divine. I am paying for the divine package but need a nice fish option as I have quite a few non-meat eaters. I know they have vegetarian meals too but the salmon works for everyone who won't eat meat. Not sure about the chicken supreme. Where are you getting married? beach terrace or tequila terrace?
  4. For the ladies who had two dinner entree optinos did you order both from divine menu or eternity menu? I am hoping to mix 1 from divine and 1 from eternity. Id on't even care if I pay the higher price for the eternity ones. I already put it on my RSVP card two options I wanted so hoping they just accomodate it. I know they aren't making other changes but I think this one they will. If not I will have to just tell them my RSVPs alrady went out and people already placed their order. I'm spending so much darn $$ at the resort I'm hoping I'll get a break on SOMETHING!!
  5. @Melissa Erling or any of the other girls once you send in your planning form will they talk to you on the phone or are they more responsive once it gets closer to your date? I really don't want to wait until we get there to confirm certain things plus i have questions on some of the food options,etc.
  6. @gannonham- glad to hear it worked out. Can't believe your wedding is only a MONTH away!!! So exciting.
  7. @liz24 there is a $300 limit per family for "goods" that are in addition to your regular luggage. Basically they want to make sure you aren't bringing things into the country to sell. Since most of the stuff is o bviously wedding stuff you shouldn't have a problem. There is a whole forum on this topic. NONE of the brides had any issues checking bags with them with weddign stuff. Theya ll got through no problem but the ones who had receipts zipped right through. I'm traveling with my parents, aunt, grandma, sister,etc. so I'm just going to split upt eh duffle bags and make sure none has more than $300 worth of goods in it. Which belive it or not is easier than I though ti twould be bc most of teh stuff I"m taking down is alot of the little things not expensive things As for my dress I bought a garment bag online called the wally 66 it got graet reviews on this site adn it fits in teh overhead compartment. It has special foam rollers in it to prevent you rdress from wrinkling. Jet blue does not have a closet to hang anything so I had to figure out how to get the dress down there. I am NOT letting it out of my site!
  8. @liz24 it is reccomended NOT to ship anything to Mexico as it will probably not make it through customs. Most of the girls on forum are bringing both with them in suitcases. Checking extra luggage for OOT bags and bringing their wedding dress on the plane with them in a garment bag. I will be doing the same with my stuff. Bringing a bunch of duffle bags so that way when the bags are empty I can combine them all into one bag and only check one on the way home. My suggestion from everythign i read is DO NOT ship anything down if you want to see it again. if you serach on this site there is many many bits of info on how to go through customs, teh receipts you will need,etc. This is supser helpfu I would use the search function up top. Let me know if you have any other questions.
  9. My Brochure for my Pre-Travel Mailer just arrived from Vistaprint and they came out awesome! I'm so excited the big day is getting so close.
  10. @@JaxBchKay How many people are you planning on having? I think depending on that youc an figure out if hte divine package still pays out vs. the basic package. I am having 75 people so even if they don't allow me any flexibility It still pays out just for the cost of the per person cost for food/drink after the 25 people. It's not ideal and I wish they would allow some of the things they used to but from the research I've done even with their outside vendor fees they are still more reasonable than alot of resorst. For example azul does not allow any outside vendors at all and one of the other hotels charges an $800 outside vendor fee vs. the $300 one at NOW so after hte webinar sit down and go through ALL the math and see if it will pay out. I think in the big picture it might still work out finacially benefitical for you ( I hope it does!) Good Luck. My mom is dialing in on the webinar in my place because I will be on a flight at that time
  11. @brendab1797- I found a few images on pinterest on ways to wear them and I created a rack card ( front and back) on vistaprint that I will include with the wrap on ways to wear them. See attached. @@megthomson - Of the 40 that I ordered there was only 1 that I won't give to someone because it has words on it and is a little cheesy. Other than that they were all really nice. Flowery, beachy colors and designs. You won't be dissappointed.
  12. @@DinaQtobe - you are right about having to pack the linens and checking an extra bag,etc. Your pics looks so beautiful. I actually had saved a pic of one of your bouquets a while ago as inspiration for mine bc it was so nice. We are goign to have 8 round tables so for me I decided to get some linens to brighthen the tables up and because I am checking quite a few bags already the linens actually take up a small amount of rooom but eitehr way you are right it's the beach, it will be beautiful!
  13. @GingerJ228 I ordered linens ( napkins/chair sashes) online for MUCH cheaper ( $.49 vs. $5.00 per chair sash) than waht teh resort is going to charge you. All they give you is the plain white table cloth, linens and white chair covers. Anything above is additional and from the brides have said ALOT more expensive. I just got my napkins and chair sashes and they are very good quality and I will just bring them down with me. To pay $5.00/sash when I could pay $.49 online is absurd. I ordered from www.tablelinendirect.com but there is also www.tableclothsfactory.com let me know if you have any other questions. Just my two cents. I am arleady spending a small fortune all the upchargse at the resort so trying to save where I can. @@niknic456 glad it worked out for you. Such a bummer for me though because I received the 2014 guide but took reccos from brides on this site who were able to make changes,etc. which I will not be able to do. It is annoying but it's my own fault so at least I know now I can plan accordingly. Thanks for the information
  14. Does anyone have a map of the resort that they included in theri welcome book/brochure? THe one on teh website is interactive and so I can't use it as a map because it doesn't show the actual locations/landmarks at the hotel
  15. Hi Ladies! My invitations officially are going out today! I'm so excited because this is really happening! I've attached both the box we mailed it in and the invitations!
  16. They are not still available. I shipped them to one of the other brides last week. Sorry Ladies!
  17. @@liz24 It takes about 10 days from when you order it. You can track the progress of the package the entire way. It arrived right when it said it would.
  18. @Jennypert- That's a tough question to answer. I honestly don't know and I don't want you to order them and tell you the wrong thing. They are def a very good size to wrap around and tie around you BUT I'm not sure. Does the website have the dimensions the pashmina? Maybe I can measure for you if you want? Let me know. Happy to help however I can.
  19. @@GingerJ228! Thanks. I love them too. I'm so happy how they turned out. We just got back from getting our wedding rings. They will be ready in about a month! So exciting! Def getting close. We have a list of a bunch of things we are going to do tonight also so productive weekend which is good. Do you know how many people sit at each table for dinner? Did you everr find out from Ramon/Anel? Your wedding is on tequila terrace right?
  20. @kmanna- Unfortunatley my future father -in law told me this at our engagement celebration. It totally sucked and I left crying. My fiance and his siblings felt HORRIBLE about it as his dad is just old school and doesn't know why we don't just have a "traditional wedding" We went back and forth after this incident if we should just have it in the states,etc. and in the end we realized it was OUR day to be happy and we needed to do waht we wanted and if people couldn't make it we had to be ok with that since not everyone would be able toa ffodr to come. The way we looked at it was that most of our guests were coming from chicago and we lived in NYC so if we had a weddin gin NY they would have to pay for 2 nights hotel and a flight anyway. We ened up getting a GREaT rate for our guests that we felt was fair and we paid for some of my fiances family so that they couldn't ruin our moment. Looking back now after a few months I am SOOOOOOOOO glad we did what we wanted. When I tell you tha tI get emails eVERYday of people SO excited about our wedding I am not kidding. People can't stop talking about it and telling us how thrilled they are. Surround yourself with the people who are happy and excited for you and please ignore everyone else. I am the biggest people pleaser there is and I struggled iwth doing mexico after what happened with my future father in law and in the end I am so happy I did what I wanted for MY wedding that I am paying for! It's your time to be "selfish" you are the bride. We have paid fo rso much and are making this an amazing weekend for eveyrone attending. We will have plenty of entertainment, amazing food, dancing,etc. Please don't let ridiculous people ruin what YOU want.
  21. @@gannonham see link attached. NOW sapphire puts it on for the Best desination wedding subscribers. Details are below. You are getting married so soon! 6 weeks away? How exciting. http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/topic/75809-destination-wedding-webinars-schedule-2014/ Hi Ladies for those of you who got married on beach terrace was there enough space for a dance floor or for dancing? I'm haing 75 guests and the pictures on the resort website are hard to tell how the set up will be with all the tables plus dancefloor? I'm assuming it will work out but feeling weird because never saw the resort!
  22. So ladies, I have to share this with you because I am so so excited. I went back and forth with ordering pashminas for my OOT bags BUT the weddding is in june and it really will not get cooler tahn 75 degrees ( even at night) so I keep looking at found the most amazin sarongs ( coverups) online for about $3.00 a piece. They arrived today and they are gorgeous! They come assorted so they are all different and for the price they are such an amazing quality. I really reccomend these if you are looking for something extra special. I am going to include a little card in the welcome bag with a few pics on diff ways to wear the sarong! Here is the website where I ordered them. LIke i said quality is amazing-- like something you would buy in a store and really reasonable price ( $3.00 each!) Let me know if you have any questions! http://www.dhgate.co.../158937975.html
  23. @pjain- I just bought mine at christmast tree shop two weeks ago for $4.99 each ( which is on teh high side of price) you can get nice bags online from various different website for about $2.00 or so. I fyou search the forums and type in OOT bags there will be various threads that have info on where people got their bags. I'vea ttached a pic of my OOT bags.
  24. So ladies, I have to share this with you because I am so so excited. I went back and forth with ordering pashminas for my OOT bags BUT the weddding is in june and it really will not get cooler tahn 75 degrees ( even at night) so I keep looking at found the most amazin sarongs ( coverups) online for about $3.00 a piece. They arrived today and they are gorgeous! They come assorted so they are all different and for the price they are such an amazing quality. I really reccomend these if you are looking for something extra special. I am going to include a little card in the welcome bag with a few pics on diff ways to wear the sarong! Here is the website where I ordered them. LIke i said quality is amazing-- like something you would buy in a store and really reasonable price ( $3.00 each!) Let me know if you have any questions! http://www.dhgate.com/product/women-s-sarong-cover-up-miss-swimwear-beach/158937975.html @curlykristen- Unfortunatley they aren't in a rush to respond to you because your wedding is not until 2015. A few months ago I was getting so frustrated and I kept calling and telling them I needed answers they would answer but basically the feeling I got was that my wedding was too far away for them to keep talking to me. They said once I sent in my planning form 30 days before wedding theyw oudl set up a call with me to discuss and then again when I got to the resort. I know it's annoying ( i feel the same way) but I don't think they will consistently respond to you the way you want them to. Try not to get upset because if will ruin the rest of hte planning experience for you. Janders is right. YOu should just honestly write all of your questions on here because I bet that all the of the past brides and current brides can answer about 85% of your questions. Also they are having a webinar on March 22nd so Iw ould sign up for that as well to get some basic questions answered. I am sorry you are feeling stressed about it. I got myself worked up the first month or so and then I just read everything on this website and realized everyone went throuigh this and ALL of the brides have only WONDERFUL things to say about their specail day so I just gave up on worrying and now I am trying to leverage the info on this site and just wait for 30 days before to get what i need. The good thing is that you have plenty of time and I am getting married in June so i Promise I will tell you EVERYTHING you want to know. youc an even call me if you want to talk over hte phone. Whatever makes you feel better but you need to try to relax and ENJOY!!!
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