Hi Ladies, 1Pris I have all the same concerns you have, I have no idea if I should do a trial on my hair, do I really want to spend the extra money to do that? I didn't even think about a rehearsal dinner until now? My package that I choose comes with a free one hour welcome cocktail party per 10 guests that I am having, do you think it would be fine to use that as my rehearsal dinner? Are you using the in house decorations place? I got a quote of 85 plus tax(which their tax rate is crazy expensive, so it comes to 107 per centerpiece). It seems expensive for a centerpiece so basic. But is it worth all the extra headache of bringing down my own centerpieces? What have you decided on? Krissta, your photos are beautiful, did you use Arrefice? What month did you have your wedding in? Any advice for welcome bags do's and don'ts?