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Everything posted by stefadile

  1. We decided not to have a video, its a big cost, for something we'll probably only watch a few times... I'm more of a photo person, I hate seeing and hearing myself played back on video!!!
  2. I've got a similar problem, my family wouldn't be big drinkers, but some of the guests are. We've decided to just buy a set amount of alcohol, and once its gone, people are on their own.... I know it seems cheap, but we just can't afford to do an open bar.
  3. We are having a very simple reception at home, its going to cost us about 1900 € ( 2500) with alcohol, food , DJ, and linen rental
  4. Bird cage veils are gorgeous, you can totally wear it with long hair. I think it'd look really beachy!!!
  5. I think we'll probably go with white and a deep purple for the arch, still have loads of time... so I might change my mind again... Lol :-)
  6. Thanks for all the tips!! I'll see if I can get the hotel to provide citronella candles, don't really want to drag them over from Ireland with me.
  7. Hey Ladies, I was wondering if any of you had some tips on preventing mosquito bites? Whenever I go to Jamaica, I get eaten alive!!!!!! Last year was really bad...I get a reaction every time I get bitten, and the bite swells up, and starts to weep. I've used creams, but they don't make the bites disappear, they just relieve the itchiness. My big concern is, that my Wedding dress is tea-length and my legs will be showing, don't really want to have big red swollen legs. I'd really appreciate any advice on preventing mosquito bites, or how you can make them disappear fast!!! Thanks :-) :-) :-)
  8. I know sunbeds are so bad, but they really do help get your since ready. Also I'd recommend using a SPF 50 if you burn easily... its usually sold as the kids sunblock... I find it works the best.
  9. We hope to party until at least 11, although, I've heard that weddings end earlier in Jamaica from my Fiancé ( he's Jamaican). My Irish guests will definitely be up for a party.... :-D so we'll see how it pans out on the day..... :-)
  10. Oh these are all super ideas.... we just went traditional wording.... if only I'd seen this first!!!!!
  11. Lol I can't imagine my FI warming to the idea of shoe jewellery either!! :-D
  12. I can totally relate, its all so overwhelming in the start. But I found that looking throughforums hhere, I wasn't alone, and things started to get easier. Our guest list jumped from 40 to 75..... mainly due to my Fiancés huge family, who are all super close.... still, we've managed to tweek the budget... and things are coming together!!! Happy planning :-) :-)
  13. Love the Toms idea, my FI was thinking about getting Toms for the reception ( he'll probably wear flip flops on the beach)
  14. I've heard if you hang the dress up in the bathroom a turn on the hot shower, the steam that builds up in the room, will help the creases drop out of the dress. Hope this helps! :-) :-)
  15. Wow, some really good tips... I go to the gym 4 times a week for 30-60mins, I generally do cardio for 30 mins, then a combination of resistance machines, kettlebells and hula hoops for the other 30 mins, this way I get a full body workout. I also just did a half marathon training programme with a friend, it was pretty intense, but I can feel the difference, not just weight loss/inches but my fitness levels are much better. I have also adopted a mainly vegan diet, which wasn't a huge change for me and my fi as we were veggie before that.
  16. This is a very too idea, I have found a dressmaker that lives locally, who altered my Sisters dress for her wedding. It works out much cheaper than getting the store to alter them. I'd say budget between 100-250 € ( 350 USD) for alterations.
  17. Thanks for the wording, I think we'll send out an e-invite, it'll be the quickest and ,most cost effective option!! :-) :-)
  18. We're having a blessing in the Church for all of my family who aren't coming ( which is a lot) then a buffet dinner and a DJ in a local hotel!! We'll definitely wear our wedding clothes again... any excuse to get dressed up!!! :-) :-)
  19. Hi Debbiesmith, I take a supplement called the source of life gold, its made by Nature's source, it's amazing, it gives me energy for the whole day! http://www.naturesplus.com/products/productdetail.php?productNumber=30711
  20. I'm having my hair up, my hair is so fine, and can't hold a curl... also is its windy my hair will be tangled mess in a matter of minutes!
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