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Everything posted by krisdaversa

  1. I haven't ordered from them yet but that is where I am ordering mine from and the person who owns it is very easy and friendly to deal with. I have talked to a few other brides who have used them and LOVE them!
  2. After many months of picking a colour and then changing it we have offical picked our colours! The main colour will be purple with accents of lime green and hot pink. I do know those colours wouldn't be someones first choice but I love colour and being different and we tired going the 'traditional' way with colours but it just wasn't working for us. So hopefully I can get this all to work out like I have in my head! I just ordered samples of chair sashes and table runners
  3. Not sure if this question was directed at me but here is the link http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Lot-50-Vertical-Business-ID-Card-Badge-Holder-w-Zipper-/130489885394?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e61cda2d2
  4. . I totally agree with Ginger! I know a few people who have invited some others but they aren't attending the wedding and if they did I wouldn't care, my resorts is free for wedding dinners It doesn't bother me, I don't want to hang out 24/7 with all my guest anyways. I want them to feel free to have fun and do their own thing since they are paying big bucks to come. Plus the extra people add up with count so I get more free travelers in my party (every 15th person is free) I could just talk to the person who has the extra people coming and clear the air on if they ask them to attend the wedding or not?
  5. We are going through a travel agent. I thought it would be the easiest to put out an fires from people since its hard enough to plan a trip with just my FI! and having questions coming at me I didn't know the answer to it is just easier to give them her phone number and email address. Plus it gave our group the chance to pay off the trip over a few months. My FI and I went to more then a dozen places and emailed more then 2 dozen places to look at prices plus looked online for a few weeks, the travel agent gave us the cheapest price and is actually the same price a few brides paid 3 years ago. If you need a good travel agent I would be more then happy to give you her info
  6. I am getting married January 2015. I started looking for quotes in July 2013 and sent out save the dates in December (at the start before Christmas shopping started) letting them know the details and that if they couldn't go we totally understood. We set up a wedding website so people could RSVP or send either of us a message and to just keep everyone in the loop We also put in the save the dates that January 2014 we were putting down a deposit and if they wanted to come they had 90 days to put their deposit down and then had 9 months to pay it off. We just ordered samples of formal wedding invites that we will send out in July (6 months till departure) A year and half may be a little too much time to get real numbers BUT letting people know yours plans so they can save is always great!
  7. I thought $1,100 was a mistake when they told me because you get two of them plus they pay their own way and you get trash the dress the next day. I hear you on the $3,000 the whole point on this destination wedding was to save money or at least for my FI and I. We starting planning here but it got out of control fast between what we wanted and what his mother wanted.
  8. I thought that price was great too! $990 tax include out of Toronto people really can't complain about that! I am super picky about pictures because that's something that last forever and i love photography so everyone I was picking were $8,000+ and Greg said I was drunk to pay that plus there flight so I looked around and found this husband and wife team(they are currently living in Toronto till February) and they are about $1,100 and they pay their own way there. Plus as a gift for my parents we are giving them an hour photo shoot for $150. here is their website http://kevinandchristinephotography.com/
  9. We got $990 for departing January 13th 2015..can't complain about that! Our photographers are from Halifax still waiting on their quote but I was told it can be any where from $100-300 cheaper, they pay their own way so I am glad these will be cheaper. I would have to agree about the beaches and people!
  10. Thanks! I know a lot of people who have gone and gone again to MLD and all loved it! Most have been to Cuba so we didn't have to worry too much about them wanting to travel to other places but a few said they have rented a taxi for next to nothing and gone on day tours (that last 12+ hours)
  11. Congratulations! and welcome of course I'm from Ontario as well we were looking at DR but decided on Cuba purely for cost of our guest. I'm getting married January 2015
  12. Hi Do you have any left? and are you willing to send some to Toronto, Canada?
  13. So I know I am an early bird BUT I haven't really seen any 2015 brides...yet! So I am starting this thread to see who is out there I am departing January 13th 2015 to Melia Las Dunas Cayo Santa Maria Cuba!
  14. Sorry just saw this! Haven't really been on here in a while. We did pick a place. Melia Las Dunas, January 13th 2015 we depart :-)
  15. I'm getting married January 2015 at Melia Las Dunas
  16. I love http://www.bloombridal.com/ you can buy them on its own or you can have them make it for you
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Soon2BeMrsW I could really use some advice from you girls. The resort where I am getting married only offers packages in certain, pre-determined colours. I have fallen in love with the pink package, like in the picture below. However, it will be set up on the beach. Although I love this colour, I'm having a hard time deciding what colour my bridesmaids should wear. Any suggestions? I love colour! I have seen some really neat weddings that were hot pinks, oranges and yellows
  18. Maybe you can include her in other ways so she feels part of the wedding and will feel special. Get her to do things she is capable of, from helping pick out items for an out of town bag? Colours? Flowers? Or help to decorate at the resort? Easy things
  19. We are still deciding between two hotels but the Melia chain, either the Buenavista (5 star) or Las Dunas (4 star) but they are very much the same in Cuba and the quote we got was Buenavista just over $1,000 and the Las Dunas just under $1,000. Leaving January 2015 from Toronto
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by chirobride I don't think she would do anything at the wedding and she would know far enough in advance either way, but she would probably pout But she does that all the time when she doesn't get her way. It is such a strange situation especially when dealing with a special needs person. Her sense of reality is based on what she sees on facebook everyday and what "other" people do... that's part of why this is a tough scenerio. Well happy to hear you don't think she would do anything at the wedding. I actually volunteer for a special needs youth group we have here in Toronto and I have a 'friend' from high school that messages me everyday on FB! It's really annoying but I understand with having to handle things differently, it can get tricky and hard. Since it seems like it wont cause any bad blood between you and FI family and that his sister really wouldn't cause a fit at the wedding the only thing really is if not including her in the wedding would be something you or FI would regret? Is there something other then bridesmaid you can do to make her included somehow? Not that you can do this but I didn't want to hurt one of my friends feelings because I only wanted a small bridal party so I ask her to help plan the wedding for the most part I just fill her in on whats going on or will run things by her like a sound board she really doesn't do anything but it makes her feel included, if that makes sense?
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by chirobride You didn't offend me at all and I appreciate your inputand your perspective! I don't think that NOT having her would cause any family issues since her mother already told me that I don't have to and that it is completely up to me, however I know she would throw an absolute fit! Which is all honesty is part of the reason why I would prefer not to have her because everything is about her 24/7 and in my opinion a bridesmaid is there to help the bride and be supportive which is why you usually choose your closest friends and/or family. I never am one to be the center of attention or to ask for help or inconvenience anyone but this is the one time that it would be nice to have things be about my FI and I and not others. I just don't want to look back and regret any of my decisions I totally hear you on not wanting to regret any of your decisions. Its great your future MIL said it was up to you! Would his sister cause a fit at your wedding if she wasn't included?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by chirobride I think that making decisions involving family can be rough! I have a brother and my FI has a sister so you would think it would be a no brainer right? WRONG! My brother is a Marine and has no idea if he will be able to make my wedding next year in Mexico so I thought that we would do all or nothing..aka... if my brother can't make it then we wont have siblings in it at all. Now to make things a bit more complicated my FI sister is mentally disabled and has then mental capacity and emotional maturity of a 12 year old. We are not close as we live far away from his family and honestly she is very difficult to talk to for both my FI and I. My FI agrees that this would be the best approach however I still feel bad. She is supposedly getting married to this guy she met only once in June 2015 and I have a feeling she is going to want me to be one of her bridesmaids but when we got engaged she was pissed because we will be getting married before her and because my ring is nicer than hers. I know I need to consider her mental state but it kind of hurt my feelings especially when we planned our wedding so that it would be 8 months before hers so as to not take any attention away from her. Its hard to include someone that isnt even happy for you just because they are family but I just want to make sure I am doing the right thing by excluding her if my brother can't come. My FI's sister and I didn't/don't get along. She is 25 and HATES change! She also loved my FI's ex and is still friends with her. FI's sister had no problem talking ugly behind my back to their mom or even my FI. When we got engaged my FI and I weren't talking to anyone in his family because of something his mom/sister did and that went on for a few months and then it was all about them and how mean FI and I were that we didn't include them in the engagement, it turned my/our engagement into a nightmare because it wasn't about us rather then them. I had told FI that I didn't want his sister as a bridesmaid and I was dead serious and he had had no issue with that because not only are they not close he also didn't agree with what she had been doing. A few months past with me dragging my heels feeling good about myself not adding her to the wedding party because she didn't like me and I sure didn't like her. Then I started thinking about it and I finally ask her to be a bridesmaid. I realized that it is not only my day but his (FI) and our families as well. Regardless of how I feel about his sister or how close they aren't he loves her and they are siblings and he only has the 1. I could tell his mom was hurt/mad I wasn't asking her because these are both her babies and I know he wanted his sister in the wedding even though he kept saying he didn't. If I had a brother or sister and FI didn't want them in the wedding for what ever reason I would be really hurt, wouldn't matter if I was close to my sibling or not, I think family should always come first. I feel weddings are about family, friends and love and sharing that day with them. That being said, to answer your question. I think dealing with other families other then your own is hard! It's like walking on egg shells. I think life is too short to waste it on anger and small silly things that will stress you out or to make you unhappy. Life should be enjoyed with family and friends and there is no better time then a wedding to share that I think it sounds a little mean/selfish to exclude her because your bother can't come but if he does make it you will include her? This seems to only be based on you and your family rather then your FI and his family? I am not sure on your/your FI family situation but I can only assume yours is like most were not including her may cause stress and fighting and a lot of hurt feelings. Like I said before I think life is way too short to fight and be stressed and unhappy so this was one of the reasons I just said screw it I will include FI's sister. She still isn't my choice in a bridesmaid but I can tell she is happy as well is his family and because of that it made me happy and a lot less stressed all around with wedding planning. I still think you need to do what will make you happy and what you feel is right but make sure you do it for the right reasons and think of both you and FI's feelings and not just because she hurt your feelings. You can't undo what is done you can only move forward and grow. *** I wrote this like I was talking to myself, so if I offend you in anyway that is not my intention***
  23. We are flying out photographers down so we will be giving my parents a photo shoot, along with my grandparents who helped raise me. For his mom, we aren't too sure yet. She is a single mom, so that is still up in the air.
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