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Everything posted by MickeyMouse

  1. I can imagine this is hard for you to understand, but I would say stop talking to the spouse and go straight to the horse.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by STemple I remember this story, turned out not to be his. Unfortunately there were a few other young boys that were potential fathers... The question is where are her parents! You said a mouthful then, He parents need some parenting classes
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by AishaB I just found another website, that is really great and has tons of templates. Bride on a Budget: Free Wedding Templates Thanks for sharing. I bookmarked the site
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by BeachBound2011 I found this great link and wanted to share it with everyone http://veiltales.wordpress.com/2009/02/10/diy-project-wedding-binder/ For someone clueless about what I should be adding to my binder, this really helped - especially since she added links to a place to download free wedding templates and an excel free calendar download. Hope this helps anyone that's trying to get organized like me, but needs a little guidance! Thanks for sharing
  5. Are there any new contest out there?
  6. it is horrible, but the parents have a greater role in this misfortune
  7. That is good to know. The show makes it look like all they have are designer over priced dresses...I just may check them out after all. THANKS
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Virg I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!! Baby-faced Alfie, who is 13 but looks more like eight, became a father four days ago when his girlfriend Chantelle Steadman gave birth to 7lb 3oz Maisie Roxanne. Dad at 13 | Boy Alfie Patten, 13, becomes father of baby girl Maisie with girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, 15 | The Sun |News Quote: Originally Posted by Virg I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!! Baby-faced Alfie, who is 13 but looks more like eight, became a father four days ago when his girlfriend Chantelle Steadman gave birth to 7lb 3oz Maisie Roxanne. Dad at 13 | Boy Alfie Patten, 13, becomes father of baby girl Maisie with girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, 15 | The Sun |Newse Where are these kids parents?
  9. Has anyone actually eaten at this bakery?
  10. This was terrible, but that is how it happens
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by june92012 I love this show! I am with you on that
  12. I so love that show. I even thought about trying to get on it, but then I realized with the prices of those dresses I can pay for my entire wedding
  13. I feel the same. I have seen some really great ideas and would love to see if there are any that I can use, but getting to 150 is a long way away.
  14. I was considering the same but believe I will just wait and do it one real time, no hurry.
  15. CONGRATS!!! I am tryin to get there myself
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by skp1 I saw this in a restaurant last summer and loved the idea – instead of a book of matches advertising the restaurant they had what looked like matches, but inside were toothpicks. I knew right away I wanted these for my wedding. Problem is the idea has no caught on. I could find plenty of wedding vendors selling matchbooks, but none sold toothpicks. The only ones I found on-line were geared toward restaurants with the lowest minimum quantity being 4,000! I was going to go ahead and purchase them anyway because I really wanted them, but seriously, what am I going to do with 4,000 of these? So I decided to make it into a DIY project. Using the tattered sample from last summer I made a template in Word and printed it on white cardstock. I neglected to try one out beforehand and after getting carpel tunnel from cutting and folding, I realized I was 1/8 inch short. Ugh! I adjusted the template and started over. Due to all the angles, it’s easier to cut with scissors as opposed to the rotary cutter so I can’t make too many in one sitting. I cut the inserts using a craft knife left over from my STDs. Then folded the flaps and along the dotted lines. The “book†is made to hold 7 toothpicks – the fancy style ones with rounded tops. I got a box of 250 for a little over $2.00 at my local supermarket. So not counting my time, it’s a pretty cheap project. I’m putting one book in each OOT bag and then a few in the bathroom amenity baskets. I’d love to have some more, but they are time consuming to make so I’m not sure I’ll be able to do it. I have a few more projects to do, so we’ll see. I'm attaching pictures and template in case anyone else wants to do it too. That is neat & very creative. toothpicks.docx
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by MrsTobeD Haha! I printed my entire passport invitations at work... Saved $200 Way to go, I am excited for you
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