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Everything posted by nicolesal

  1. @@HannahMarie They have those tents up all the time for any resort people to use. There is one at tulum as well. Don't know if they can make it private for you (probably for a fee)
  2. Ok another question. Is there a limit on number of people for the semi-private dinner? Ive never heard/read of this in any of my package info but another bride mentioned it on facebook. I certainly hope not!
  3. @@Maggietron I haven't heard from my coordinator yet. Paulina told me I would be assigned one after the 15th of this month so i will ask her for one next week. I have talked to Paulina a few times. She seems really nice and can speak very good English which helps. She has confirmed my wedding wishes and such. I still have minor questions but I'm saving those for the coordinator. Are you having a poolside reception? The $450 cost Scarlett is stating above is news to me and I'm going to freak out if they charge me that. I'm asking Paulina to confirm my costs today.
  4. @@Scarlett123 I've never heard of this and I'm 3 months away. Maybe it's something new they've added. I'm not paying it either way! They've never mentioned it to me and it doesn't say anything on my wedding wishes @@Scarlett123 what do you mean your wedding wish list? And when is your wedding?
  5. I just read on a Facebook group that some resorts require a copy of a marriage certificate for a symbolic wedding. I've never heard of this and I'm 3 months out and kinda panicking. Does this resort require anything ?!
  6. I have some questions about the payment. @ maybe you know some of these answers? Coming from Canada the exchange is terrible right now and it's probably only going to get worse. I noticed on there it says you can pay cash up to $1500 per person per room. What does per person per room mean? If my bill is $2400 could I put down $1500 and could my parents put the rest since they are in a different room? Also I thought I read somewhere that you need to pay the dj in cash but it doesn't say that anywhere on the resort paperwork? Last question: does the resort add any type of gratuity to the bill? I'd like to pay cash as much as possible so I can take out the right amount now so I don't have to pay more later.
  7. @@Maggietron I would email them as I don't even know what's going on with my wedding anymore lol Does anyone know if it's possible to pay cash for the wedding? The exchange from Canada is terrible right now
  8. Gosh! I am getting so frustrated. Apparently Linda Roman is no longer with the company. I have been planning our wedding with her for almost a year now (it's 4 months away). I sent my wedding wishes file to Charlotte, who confirmed receipt of them. Now Paulina has asked me for the same thing. No wonder I am having nightmares about showing up there and them not having any of my wedding booked. Anyone else dealing with this? Does anyone know when I will actually get a coordinator? Thanks, Nicole
  9. Has anyone had any luck with videographers? I really want a video but the ones Ive seen from TropicOne I'm not impressed with at all. Has anyone paid a vendor fee to allow another videographer in? My last resort is bringing a GoPro and getting someone to edit it at home.
  10. Update: I have changed my location to the Tulum Gazebo. I really don't like what they have done with the AKUMAL one. Does anyone have any experience with the resorts videography? Honestly from what Ive seen on facebook I'm not really impressed. I wish we could bring outside videographers in. I'm thinking of just bringing a GoPro with us and editing it when we get back.
  11. How does everyone feel about the new gazebo? I'm a bit worried about it creating weird lines for pictures. I also feel like it looks really dark..
  12. @ Thank you so much!! I have 5 bridesmaids and we all need to get our hair done. I know they only have 3 chairs so I asked for 3 of us to go at 9 and the other 3 at 10am. I am going to ask all the girls to have their dresses in my room and makeup done by the time they get to the salon and my MOH is going to do mine after back in my room. I am bringing my own photographer but I am still thinking about possibly getting the resort for videography. Just worried there wont be enough time and my photographer will have a hard time getting the shots she needs and coordinating with the resort videographer.
  13. @ Can you please help me with my timeline? I am ok for the ceremony onwards but I'm not sure about before the ceremony. My ceremony is at 2pm. I've requested hair 9am so hoping to have all my girls done by 11am.
  14. I have to say I love this resort but I almost wish I had chosen to have my wedding somewhere else. Getting responses from Linda is the most frustrating thing Ive ever had to deal with. The other day she sent me the packages again like it was the first time I was contacting her and my wedding has been booked for 6 months! Now I am trying to get the resort salon booked. What a nightmare. My worst fear is that nothing will be organized or ready when I get there. Linda reply's from multiple email addresses so I dont even know anymore!! Can anyone confirm what the ceremony is like for a symbolic wedding? I still get someone to read the vows and everything correct?
  15. Thank you! That helps a lot! You wouldn't happen to have a picture of some of the cakes you've had/seen would you?
  16. Just got the menu for my reception dinner. I want to choose the filet mignon but I know I have a couple of guests that can't eat that (my fiancé included) they should accommodate that right? Did most people forgo the desert for a larger cake? Also, for my bridesmaids hair charge does that get charged to me or them?
  17. For brides who have been married here already can you please tell me how the spa works? Can my bridesmaids pay there? Or does it get charged to me or my room? Thanks so much !
  18. @@DonnaandDaz congrats!! you looked stunning! did they include the flowers and the white covers on the chairs at the ceremony? I have a little rant. I am getting very annoyed working with Linda. My wedding is in November, does anyone know when I will be assigned a wedding coordinator? I am just having a very hard time getting questions answered and the language barrier is killing me. In the mean time I have a few questions I would appreciate anybody's input in. I have requested Arlequin restaurant for the reception dinner, does anyone know what the shape of the tables are and how many people sit/table? Do you get a sweetheart table? The ceremony is scheduled for 2pm, what time do you suggest I book in for my and my 5 brides hair? I would like to do the hair at the salon and then have time to go back to my room and get ready with my girls. I also would like some time for a few pictures before the ceremony. Should I be putting in a request with the salon now? Did everyone email the salon or book this through their WC. I want to bring my iphone to play music at the ceremony. Do they have the proper hookups for this? How many songs do I need? How are guests supposed to get to the wedding site? @@DonnaandDaz you said they give you an itinerary? That"s perfect! Did it say what time to be at the dinner? I wanted to get some pictures done seperate from my guests but not leave them stranded without a plan. I want to rent the speakers to play my own music for the poolside reception. I have all my music on my iphone, will that work? Anyones input is appreciated!!
  19. Thanks Trisha. I'm going to hold off on the fabric in the meantime as they might be replacing the gazebo with another one similar to Tulum. I have a question about decor and flowers. Did anyone bring extra decor with them. I want everything to look nice, but I don't know if it is worth buying extra stuff. Our dinner is going to be at Arlequin. I was thinking about bringing candles and small things like that. I just want to spend wisely. Also does anyone have pics of their flowers? And bridesmaid flowers?
  20. Thank you! I think I'm going to ask everyone to meet us at the lobby bar for a welcome drink and then dinner and then possibly see who would like to go to the show. Do you remember the time or hrs? Is dinner served there? Also how much is it to get it? Ps I asked the group rep and she said you need 6m of fabric for around the alter..... She also said they might be changing it so I'm going to hold off for now.
  21. I have a question for brides or people that have already been to the resort. I am working on a small itinerary for our group. We arrive on a Thursday and I remember that is the night of the mexican party. I would like to put something on there such as meet us in the lobby for a welcome drink or the buffet, but I don't know if I should put something in about the mexican party at the hacienda. Is there still another show in the theatres that day? Is the mexican party worth paying to get into? Is there food there?
  22. @ I'm thinking about adding the flowers. I think they are charging $125 a piece. How much fabric did you bring with you? I need to get some but I don't know how much. Did it add a lot of weight/space to the luggage ?
  23. I think I'm just going to wait and see what happens. I'm not opposed to the white. I think it could be really pretty with a bit better paint job. Is anyone putting out for the flowers for the posts? OR what kind of decor were you thinking or adding?
  24. @@Maggietron I'm so lost. Now they are tearing the Akumal beach location down? I think I'm ok with it being white. I was going to ask for white fabric to go around the posts anyways and I want to bring pink fabric to go across the top. @@Maggietron When is your wedding? I'm not until November
  25. Oh my god. I can't believe they changed it. I originally wanted the Tulum gazebo and then changed to the AKUMAL beach on their reccomendation. Now I don't know....
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