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Everything posted by Raquelita0715

  1. Some pics are a little dark but they look great!!! Ok i will google it
  2. The ring is def very pretty. Such a romantic story. Congrats!
  3. I am trying to find good envelopes. Where do u suggest I look? Preferrably not online lol
  4. You'll start to see all of the posts of those who recenthky were trying or like me are still trying to get tk 150. Check out the newbies or ladies corner for other posts
  5. Yay!!!! Im already testing out colors for my STd's. They look great!
  6. You will get there soon. I am at almost 130 and I was at 30 like sat
  7. Whoo cant wait until my says junior member next to my name lol
  8. I was just told about honey fund. I havent decided if it is too new school for my family lol
  9. Yes I wanted an addtl week but we also need to save for a home. So I am even more in a budget that I need to save for a wedding and save for a big down payment. And planning for a baby lol. I am also baptising two babies next year. Omg so many things coming up but I am so happy that they are all good things!
  10. Congratulations girls!!!! Woot woot. Hopefully by tonight!! For me
  11. Wow awesome thanks for the info. Will be discussing this with FH tonight!
  12. What are you most looking forward to downloading?
  13. Omg ur status is offficially changed!!! I can see it!!! Now need 32
  14. Soontobewalsh I am not there yet and totally forgot to subscribe to this post! I am in need of 34 now!!!! We can do this? Where are u in the process???
  15. I am close that I can feel it lol
  16. Hahaha yes my work scheduule is crazy as well. I am hoping to stay an extra 3 or 4 days. What number post r u on now?
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