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Everything posted by loveislove

  1. Hi My name is Maciel I got engaged to James 8/5/13. My love the love of my life, Propose to me in Montana del Sol in Machu Picchu Peru after a two hour journey to the top of the mountain. He asked me to pose for one more pictures on the top of Montana del Sol, over looking Machu Picchu. I pose for one last picture on the top of the mountain and he took out his iphone and focus the camera to my face while on one knee James asked me to marry him. Well actually he asked me if he could asked me a question and i said yea!! and he said I can ask you anything, I said yes! what,, whats wrong with my face, is it my hair? I had a bad hair day lol!! anyways he said will you marry me. ; ) I say YES!!! and then I asked me to ask me again because with the altitude I was feel loopy, he did and I said YES again. so thats my story
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