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Everything posted by Jennkn87

  1. Hello All! I too am almost 100% sure I am going to pick the Grand for our wedding as well! I haven't booked a date yet. I was thinking closer to October 2014, but am unsure if I should have it then. Does anyone know how busy of a time this is for them? I am aware it is hurricane season, but I don't want to get married on the beach in the middle of the summer....I don't think a sweaty bride would be very attractive!...I don't want to have to rush to plan everything to do it in the spring though. I'd appreciate any feedback any of you have on things that made you pick your date! Also- Has anyone been in touch with the wedding coordinator there? I have read reviews about how long it takes them to get back to you. I don't want to freak when I contact them! How much extra are you paying for your reception? I would like to get the Gold Star package, but don't want to pay a whole bunch more for the reception. I'm overwhelmed already!!
  2. For the girls going the route of no wedding party- Have you thought about things like speeches? Will you still have anyone speak at your dinner? Who will bring the rings? I am still undecided if I want our family (brothers and sisters) to stand up or not. I want to save them money as well...so I'm thinking I wold purchase the attire for them since they are already paying for the trip. Any suggestions on this? I sort of just want to say oh well and just the two of us stand up front, no speeches, totally untraditional, which is fine by me!!
  3. I think I have finally made my decision to pick Iberostar Grand for our wedding. I feel like if I keep reading reviews and checking out other resorts I will NEVER get a decision made!! I have spoken to the TA from Wright Travel Agency on the phone once. Thus far, she has been pretty quick to get back with me. I have never booked anything through a travel agent before so I'm not sure exactly what to be asking, types of deals I may get. I'm hoping that I can continue to use her and that she does an awesome job! Makes the planning a WHOLE lot let stressful!! Now to pick a date!! How did everyone decide on their date? I was thinking October, however, while reading some other reviews on one of the Grands sister sites they said that due May being a less busy time for the resort, they shut down some of the restaurants. I don't want to run into this when we are there, but I also don't want to have to RUSH to get everything planned to have it in six months, as well as pay even more for high season rooms. I am trying to keep the costs as low as possible. Hopefully this happens!! Any of your thoughts and/or opinions are GREATLY appreciated!! Thanks so much everyone!
  4. asu10- Thanks! May I ask what travel agent you used? I have contacted Wright Travel Agency through the BDW website after reading many great reviews on their agents. I however haven't read any reviews on the lady that contacted me back. I'm hoping she is good.
  5. Hello All! My name is Jenna! I just recently got engaged. We have known for some time that we would like to have a destination wedding. I started some subtle research before we officially became engaged, but the farthest I got was to make the decision on a Jamaica DW...(I HOPE! ) I am currently waiting on a travel agent to get back with me with some advice on resorts! Is this the best place to start? Whats the next best step after picking the resort, booking your date? I feel like I have sooo many questions, that hopefully the TA will be able to help me with! I went ahead and contacted Wright travel agency thru this website instead of a local agent, mainly because I have read TONS and TONS and TONS of good reviews on here about them and how great they are at planning destination weddings! If anyone has any tips, insights, or any type of info that might be pertinent to me, I would GREATLY appreciate your feedback! Congrats to all other new brides-to-be!!! Happy planning!
  6. Welcome and Congrats!! I too am pretty new to this site. I am also trying to narrow down resorts. I have decided on Jamaica. But thats IT! There is SOOOOOO much information on this site. I have felt overwhelmed ever since I joined! I don't know where to start!! Does anyone have a planner so that I could get more organized on what to worry about, and when?! I go through threads and threads and threads! Halfway through I realize I am probably reading into something I don't need to be worrying about just yet!! There is just so much to look at!! I'm at the same spot as you WHERE TO BEGIN?!!
  7. Congratulations! I too am leaning towards booking at the Iberostar Grand for a projected fall 2014 wedding. We are thinking October. I am waiting on a travel agent to get back with me before booking! Did you book through a TA? Have you only booked your wedding date or have you booked rooms as well? I just feel like I'm skipping steps! My head is all over the place when I'm looking through this site! I am already overwhelmed with all the different things there are to plan and look at. I feel like I spend hours upon hours on this site as well as others and I really never get anywhere with anything!! I have found SOOOOO many ideas and helpful threads on here already. I wish I could find more recent ones, however. I'd love to hear some of your ideas, insights! It's too exciting!
  8. Beautiful wedding! You seemed to have everything perfectly planned! Congrats! I am currently trying to narrow down resorts in Jamaica and am really leaning towards Iberostar. Really hoping we can find some deals so that everyone coming can afford it!!
  9. BurnsBride- That is exactly what I'm planning on doing...except my two brothers with me..and his two sisters and one brother with him. I'm debating on my sister-in-law as well with me. I am not going to stress about trying to pick bridesmaids and then expect them all to come and pay! Let me know if you have ran into any issues planning this way!!
  10. I am currently starting the process of trying to determine where our DW will be. I have been wanting to go to Jamaica for my next vacation. I started looking into the US Virgin Islands after I decided I did not want to get married in the "states"....I thought that would be a good way to "get away" but not everyone would need a passport. I then decided I was leaning a little more towards jamaica...being its a little cheaper to fly to. Now I'm at a loss for which resort i would like to choose. At first I was thinking Negril.....I read they have the best beaches...however I'm not a fan of the hour and a half drive from the airport. I am trying to keep costs down, for my guests , as well as us. I definitely want an all inclusive resort, and i would prefer an adults only resort. Right now there is only a possibility of 1-2 teenagers that may attend. I have not contacted anyone on prices. Is there anyone that would be willing to share what their total was that they paid for the wedding? What was your strategy on picking a resort? Everytime I think I have found one that i really like I end up reading a bad review, realizing its not on the beach, or something else negative. Then i feel like I'm back at square one!!! This is stressful already!
  11. Hello! I am new to the planning of the destination wedding. I've always known I've wanted a destination wedding on a beach. I have recently been trying to narrow down locations. I decided first on Florida or South Carolina, then decided I would rather go farther south. I then turned towards the US Virgin Islands (mainly so my guests would not HAVE to have a passport). I now am leaning towards having our wedding in Jamaica. I then started looking through different resorts and their package deals. I thought at first I would love to go through Sandals for the wedding and honeymoon, then of course read a few bad reviews. I originally was thinking Negril, due to all reviews saying they have the best beaches. However, I didn't know that it was an hour and a half from the airport. From previous vacation experiences, I hate a long drive to get to your destination after all the plane traveling, so I'm thinking I would make it better on myself, as well as all of the guests and have it closer to the airport. Montego bay is the only airports correct? I feel like I've been researching for hours and hours and hours already, and keep changing my mind. I would GREATLY appreciate anyones suggestions on how to decide on the destination and resort. I am hoping to keep the costs down for my guests, and I also do not want to spend TONS of money for the wedding due to we will also be having a reception when we return home. This is Stressful already! Your opinions and help are GREATLY appreciated!! Thanks in advance!
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