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Everything posted by Jennkn87

  1. I didn't read all the way through all the posts...did anyone ever get the planner to open up? I'm also a jamaica bride!
  2. He usually is pretty much on board with anything!! Since it would be helping us out financially he wouldn't mind at all.
  3. You are definitely right about the secret special day! I know I wouldn't be able to keep it a secret to my mom either. She would probably be like..what is the point of doing it both places? But she would def understand once I told her about saving the money! I'll probably wait to make that decision until I see how much everything else is going to end up costing me. My other predicament is...I lose my insurance through my parents at the end of December. With all of the new healthcare laws and such my job changed alot of their policies. I work in healthcare and in my field (Radiology) the field is VERY tight right now, there are NO jobs available, especially when you live in a smaller town. I work "part-time" at one hospital and PRN(as needed) at another. I was hoping to get more hours at the one and get insurance. Now that isn't going to happen. So it looks like I can either pay for my own which from what I hear and have read about is SUPER expensive, or I can go on my fiancees...which would be mean we would need to be married legally. Confusing. I don't think we could get married that soon and keep it a secret till next September! LOL. But it's crossed my mind also for that reason..that way I maybe wouldn't have to pay for my own insurance for as long. It's a predicament!!
  4. I know. I originally thought, since there are no blood tests/translations it would be just as easy and you wouldn't have two dates, plus we are having an at home reception. (not that you have a special date for that). At the resort we chose...it is $300 for the legal ceremony, and $150 for the symbolic ceremony. I figure...thats $150 more that I can use torwards decor or something else. I'm on the fence still...but the more I read about it the more I'm thinking it would be just as easy to get married here first. I'm afraid if we told anyone, however, his parents would throw a fit. They are already causing drama about this whole wedding and the fact that we are leaving the country for it. I'm trying not to let them stress me out!!
  5. I'm bringing up the subject of...Legal vs. Symbolic ceremony. Who is doing what? Is it easier do the legal thing before you head down for your DW? It seems to me with the little research and threads that I have read it would be ALOT cheaper. I would worry what day we should celebrate our actual anniversay on? If we decide to do it this way (which I'm leaning torwards the more I read) I would do the legal part HUSH HUSH, where only the FI and I were there. No one needs to know the ceremony on the beach is "pretend"! What is everyone elses thoughts?
  6. I'm bringing up the subject of...Legal vs. Symbolic ceremony. Who is doing what? Is it easier do the legal thing before you head down for your DW? It seems to me with the little research and threads that I have read it would be ALOT cheaper. I would worry what day we should celebrate our actual anniversay on? If we decide to do it this way (which I'm leaning torwards the more I read) I would do the legal part HUSH HUSH, where only the FI and I were there. No one needs to know the ceremony on the beach is "pretend"! What is everyone elses thoughts?
  7. I'm bringing up the subject of...Legal vs. Symbolic ceremony. Who is doing what? Is it easier do the legal thing before you head down for your DW? It seems to me with the little research and threads that I have read it would be ALOT cheaper. I would worry what day we should celebrate our actual anniversay on? If we decide to do it this way (which I'm leaning torwards the more I read) I would do the legal part HUSH HUSH, where only the FI and I were there. No one needs to know the ceremony on the beach is "pretend"! What is everyone elses thoughts?
  8. I'm bringing up the subject of...Legal vs. Symbolic ceremony. Who is doing what? Is it easier do the legal thing before you head down for your DW? It seems to me with the little research and threads that I have read it would be ALOT cheaper. I would worry what day we should celebrate our actual anniversay on? If we decide to do it this way (which I'm leaning torwards the more I read) I would do the legal part HUSH HUSH, where only the FI and I were there. No one needs to know the ceremony on the beach is "pretend"! What is everyone elses thoughts?
  9. I'm getting them done tonight!! I am putting my foot down!! LOL
  10. I'm bringing up the subject of...Legal vs. Symbolic ceremony. Who is doing what? Is it easier do the legal thing before you head down for your DW? It seems to me with the little research and threads that I have read it would be ALOT cheaper. I would worry what day we should celebrate our actual anniversay on? If we decide to do it this way (which I'm leaning torwards the more I read) I would do the legal part HUSH HUSH, where only the FI and I were there. No one needs to know the ceremony on the beach is "pretend"! What is everyone elses thoughts?
  11. I have been going back and forth with this decision as well. Mine is a little more complex as well. I have read good and bad things about the legal ceremony in Jamaica. My TA says it's all fine and dandy and easy...except you pay sooo much extra!! If I can get married at the courthouse here in the states and no one has to know about it..for less than $50 or whatever it is now..I think that sounds like a GREAT idea!! Who wants to pay $300+ for a legal ceremony down in Jamaica!! My other issue is...I work in the healthcare field, in Radiology, which the field is VERY tight right now, no jobs available in or around the small town we live in. I currently work part-time at one hospital and PRN at another....with all of these new changes in healthcare reform and whatnot...they raised the bar on me getting insurance anytime in the near future at my part-time job. I get kicked off my parents insurance this coming December! BLAH! My FI has insurance through the family business....so if we were to get married beforehand, I could get insurance through him. The only problem is...I don't want to get married THAT much before the ceremony in Jamaica...I would like it to be TOTALLY secret, not even letting our parents know we were doing it (His family would only cause THAT much more drama with this whole wedding planning process, I'm afraid). I'm kind of at a loss for what decision to make. As I was reading through all of the older posts, you don't realize what all the legal issues could be if you get married in another country. Jamaica doesn't make you do blood tests and such, but it still seems that the legal thing at home is the way to go!!
  12. I agree with both the girls....I would just ask him! My problem is...one of my friends (who doesn't do hair for a living, but is REALLY good at it) will be attending my ceremony. Getting my hair done at the salon is included in my wedding package....do I have them do my hair, or my friend? I kind of feel like I'm paying the spa to do my hair..so I should let them...and that way my friend doesn't have to take the time to do mine? She can just touch it up if need be? Hmmm....
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by muneera0302 i'm in december also. i just got back from secrets (i went to get some planning done) and i was reminded again how beautiful it is there! i'm def so anxious! it's almost here for us both!!!! So glad to hear I made a good decision on switching from Iberostar to Secrets!! I'm super excited to get more planning underway!! When is your big day? Are you bringing in any outside vendors? I'd love to hear more about your wedding!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by sharmer You're so close!!! I've been posting like crazy hoping to get my numbers up there too! I know! I feel like I'm probably annoying people by posting little comments that I'm sure no one cares to read...but I'll feel SOOO much better when I get to my 150...like I've accomplished something! LOL
  15. NJBride--- Thanks for the positive thoughts! I'm really glad to have people, (even ones I don't know!!) keep me thinking positive while others are trying to bring me down! I was originally worried about getting off on the wrong foot with his family..but now I'm not going to worry about it. They will most likely go and have an absolute blast. Considering they have never done anything like this, they are very pessimistic about it....If they don't...Oh well! We will have a blast, if they don't, I guess thats their fault! LoL! Going to try my best to not let anyone elses comments bring me down and just enjoy the planning!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by jandl2013 Cost wise...my stamps weren't the cheapest due to the postage amount i needed. My save the dates were $.66 and my invites were $.86. I didn't pick the most expensive options. When i get home ill post my costs. So do they just charge a flat rate for the stamp, or do they also charge you for the personalization as well? What error did you catch?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by shasmith82 I agree my wedding is in June 2015 I just got started I Want to give my guest plenty of time to plan and give myself time to do everything I want engagement party etc. Congrats and Happy Planning!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by renatakramarz We are planning to do one at Secrets in November - my concern is not so much the bugs but the sand. If it happens to be a windy day im afraid sand will get into everyones food. The good thing about secrets is they do have a back up banquet hall incase the weather is bad. i would check and see if your resort has that as well. I would imagine most would. Hello! I'm planning our wedding at Wild Orchid! I'm also wanting to do a beach reception...I haven't gotten to talk to the WC about this yet. How many people are you having? Do you mind telling me how much extra you were charged to do the reception on the beach? I'm trying to save as much money as possible but still do what I envisioned! THanks so much! Your day is almost here!
  19. We are getting married in September of next year...the weather...mainly the fact that it will be hurricane season really worries me! Would love to know if anyone had any weather related issues while they were there!
  20. Hello All!! Username: jennkn87 Name: Jenna & Jordan From: Saint Henry, OH Location: Secrets Wild Orchid - Montego Bay, Jamaica Date: September 19, 2014 (Hopefully!) Happy Planning to all!
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