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Everything posted by Jennkn87

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SWOK i just got mine. 4 pm ceremony 430-530 cocktail hr 530-830 reception How many people do you have attending your ceremony and reception? How much extra did you pay for the 3 hour reception?? I am now looking at possibly having more guests at the ceremony than I had originally planned. I see they charge an extra $80 per person you have over the 20 included in the wedding package. I was just looking for some more details on how to approach having the extra people, and approximately how much more it could end up costing. Thanks and sorry if I've already asked you these questions! I can't remember who all I've previously talked to on here these last few months!
  2. Does anyone know where the thread is located on here about the families fighting? I can't seem to find it.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by EVKnowsitall Oh lord have mercy lol. We dealt with our share of issues. At our wedding my MIL talked so much trash about me to our guests, eventually at our AHR her own family came to my mother and I and told her the same thing my guests were saying. She literally "mourned" our wedding lol. She wore all black, I got my hair done first but couldn't stick around to monitor while the girls got ready...she copied my hairstyle, she would not dance AT ALL, she barely took photos with us. But I don't really care. She has issues because my husband is her only son and she doesn't want to accept that I'm his wife. When I smashed cake in his face during our cake cutting she ran to grab a napkin and was saying "oh my poor son, I can't believe she did that come here let me clean your face" and one of my guests said "that's not your job anymore, that's his wife's job" LOL She mentions that comment till this day. And she calls me "princess" and no its not a compliment. LOL OMG! I really hope mine doesn't get that bad! She must just be one RUDE person!!!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by m8chow What?! Down to the bandaids on your arm? That's amazing!!! We're going to do the legal wedding in Mexico (although I don't like the idea of the blood test or another country having my blood by any means cuz I watch too much CSI and Criminal Minds). I know how you feel about families making a stink though. My MIL keeps trying to pressure/guilt FI into having a big Hindu ceremony when we come back because a lot of his family doesn't want to come out to Mexico. We declined because it's not our belief and it would have very little meaning for us. Couldn't your sister-in-law just come to the paper signing in CA if that's what you guys wanted? What's the biggie, it's really your decision as a couple. Just my two cents (which in Canada is rounded down to nothing now since our pennies are almost worthless). I am going to have to check that thread out! I'm currently having ALL kinds of issues with the MIL and SIL. They are trying their hardest to change my mind on having a destination wedding I think. I'm over it already She is very, very pushy and manipulative. I'm standing my ground. Now they are saying they aren't even coming to the wedding, which I think is horrible they wouldn't be there for him...but at the same time I'm getting ready to say SO BE IT!!! We are also thinking of doing the legal part here to save some money and not have to worry about any issues with paperwork and all that jazz. I'm not EVEN going to mention that part to them!! That will just be ONE more thing they will cause drama about!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by itswrightsc Super sorry for the late reply I've been sick with the Flu now the other half has it... I will post this weekend a picture with all the cost and items of what I used and where I got everything from. I am more then willing to help.. Anyone who needs it.. Thanks!! I've been searching everywhere for the plastic more durable luggage tags, but I don't want to buy 100. I'm hoping to only make like 35-40 tags and want to keep the cost down as much as possible since I also will be printing regular STDs for the reception, and then printing invitations on top of that!! Probably going to be alot more expensive than I was hoping for it to be!
  6. Any recently married brides or anyone previously married still trying to sell items:: I am interested in finding some decor at a cheaper rate to take with me! My colors are Coral and Blue/Teal.....Please let me know if you have anything available! Thanks!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by jandl2013 There is a base rate depending on the stamp that you choose that usually equates to base rate per sheet. Then you figure in which postage you need ($.46, $.66, etc.) then choose which size stamp (small, medium, or large). I also used retailmenot.com to look-up discounts so I was able to find a 20% code. In all honesty, this postage business was more expensive that I had realized. I didn't give postage much thought, and I assumed that the post office had better options for stamps. The only stamp that I purchased from the US Postal service was for my reply card envelopes. The magnet save the date also included a paper insert letter and legal size envelope so that affected my cost too. The save the date red and purple stamp was $27.15 for each sheet of 20 $.66 stamps. The invitation red orchid stamp was $33.15 for each sheet of 20 $.86 stamps. For the int'l stamps, it was $48.35 per sheet of 20 $1.32 stamps. My invitation stamp would have been $.66, but the ribbon caused the envelope to bulge so the post office made me go up in the type of stamp that I needed. All in all, I love my save the dates and invites, but I wasn't expecting it to cost as much as it did once I figured in the postage. Plan a head in regards to postage and that will save you a bit. Thanks for the heads up! Makes me definitely not want to send RSVP cards!
  8. I'm looking for anyone that has aroune 30-40 plastic luggage tag holders of good quality for sale!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by bride473473 PynkLemonade I cannot tell you how much I love your save the dates! I had to steal your idea! I'm still working on finishing them but I absolutely love them so far! Thank you for sharing your work with us! Here's a preview of my save the dates inspired by your work! Happy Planning Brides! <3 Love your tags!!!! where did you get all of your items???
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by SWOK Jen & Angel, We are going to get married in the states before and keep it hush hush. I think either route is fine. The only difference I see at Secrets is $300 for a wedding fee vs $150 for vow renewal. We just werent comfortable sending our birth certificates and other personal information via courrier to another country. All we are instructed to bring down is the marriage certificate when we come. I think each way has pros and cons -- bc we were just discussing the anniversary thing yesterday and haven't decided!! I will say that my cousin got married in Jamaica in 2007 and is divorced now and the US said that their marriage wasn't even legal in the first place bc something was wrong with the documents. lol Guess it doesn't matter now!! Im so excited to get there!!! Trying to organize 65 people people coming in less than 41 days!!!! GOOO BUCKS! ( we are going to be there for the OSU vs Michigan game and are setting up a provate screening!) Thats soooo crazy that they said it wasn't legal!!!! That definitely makes me sway towards just getting it done here first, lots less stress, less money spent, and you don't have to worry about wondering if you could run into problems in the long run! My dad is a HUGE OSU fan! Someone just said the other day..."your going to play your wedding during football season???" Hmm....because thats the FIRST thing I'm worried about! LOVE your idea of having a private screening! My family/fiancee would LOVE that! Send me the details of how you are doing that if you can!! Thanks!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by asu10 We were originally considering getting legally married before we left for the DW. After seeing some posts and more information about getting legally married in Jamaica I think we are doing that now. It seems like with Iberostar, most of the costs are included in the wedding packages and you just send the WC your documents and they take care of it. At least that is how I understand the process. Seems pretty simple. . Since we are also doing an AHR, my FI wasn't too keen on having 3 wedding events. So getting legally married in Jamaica seems like a good option for us. I totally understand your fiances thinking on having the 3 ceremonies. We, too, are having an at home reception. It's a little more expensive to do the civil ceremony at Secrets, but my mom is thinking int he long run I would be better off..I guess thats a decision I have time to think about. Hopefully I'll hear enough feedback from past/future brides that will help me make my decision! Thanks guys!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by smithandsweet I know what you are talking about. there is so much on here I want to get my hands on!!! I made it!! Good luck! Your getting closer!
  13. I also thought about trying wix.com.....I haven't seen many reviews yet on their wedding templates.....
  14. Has anyone used appycouple.com? Your thoughts?
  15. Alexis- Your wedding was BEAUTIFUL! Congrats!!! I am soo excited to get married at Secrets! I also would like to have my ceremony and reception on the beach!
  16. Alexisinjamaica - Did you use the resort photographer? I am trying to find some more information on them. I really like Misha Earles work...but am trying to deicde if I want to have them both there for the ceremony. Were they easy to work with? Was it expensive if you wanted to add to your already included photos? Do they do TTD sessions? How long was it till you got your pics back? I'm wanting to have mine for the AHR a month later.
  17. I'm looking for information on the resort photgraphers if anyone can help me out with that! I really like Misha Earles work as well...trying to decide if I should just have both!!
  18. Any other future Secrets bride on here? September 2014 for me!!
  19. Does anyone know the resort photographers names so that I can look more info up on them?! Thanks!
  20. Nicole -your pictures from your wedding are amazing! Looks like everyone had a great time and everything turned out beautifully! Did you only use the resort photographer? I'm still waiting to secure my date but am trying to get some more details while I wait on the WC to get back with me. Did you have a private reception? How much did they charge you to bring deocr and set up? I'm kind of nervous about the food choices, as I have some pretty picky eaters in my group, as well as one with a gluten allergy. Do they accomodate food allergies? Any extra information you could give me would be SOOOO much appreciated! Thanks...and CONGRATS on your marriage!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by JeanaBeena You should just create your own on your own domain. I did mine! I posted the wrong one! I love your site! I saw at the bottom you would be willing to make other sites? What would you charge?! Also...wedding party app--is it free?? My sister-in-law did this for their wedding and it was such a great idea!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by deedeelala I used wix! It was very easy, simple, and FREE! You can arrange anything the way you want to and choose your own colours. There is different widgets so you can put a countdown clock etc. I love it! What is your site? Is wix easy to use? I hadn't ever heard of it before.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by lorcas I'm going for a clean look like yours. Who are you hosting through? I love your site!! You did it all on your own? How much do you charge to set one up?
  24. Has anyone else used appycouple.com? Is it user-friendly? I really love the idea of having the app as well..people can post pictures of the trip and everything! Before I make the purchase I wanted to make sure no one has had any problems with is!! Thanks!
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