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Everything posted by Jennkn87

  1. Were you still going to post about your save the dates?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsbono Hi guys! I inquired about the photography included in the package and here is their response... Photography How long does the photographer shoot for? The photographer’s time is complimentary for 1 hour. Please that you also receive bonus time for in room and spa shots at no additional cost based on the photo package selected. What company do you use? The name of the company is Aquasun Images and Videos. I found their website. They seem to be pretty generic. They don't have many shoots on their site to look at. One hour really isn't that much time. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with an outside photogapher or see if my fiancees aunt would be willing to shoot some.
  3. Question - I am looking at chair sashes. I'm wondering how many I will need to buy. Do they use the same ones that are on the chairs for the ceremony for the reception as well? I don't want to have to buy extras when they can just be moved over? Does anyone know how this works?
  4. Will any secrets resorts be included? I would love to attend one for Secrets Wild Orchid/St. James in Montego Bay!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by krisf1986 Ya me either. I dont think anything we are doing is traditional! You'll figure it out just make sure to research before you buy invites cause theres alot of good places! I know!! What were the top sites you looked at? I really want to include one of our engagement pics on the STDs and Invites. I really love the idea of the luggage tags for the ceremony. We would only need 20-30 of them since they would be going to the couples. I want to somehow include a picture tho! I'm not sure what I want to do for our invites yet! I see soo many cute things but then I remember that they will eventually just get thrown away anyways, so it's not worth it to spend a whole bunch of money on them!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by krisf1986 Ya I am learning the do it yourself thing too but its worth it! And kind of fun! I am having a reception here after but im just going to do like a huge bbq reception I think. Since most people I really want there are coming. However for save the dates I just made one on my computer with pictures and info on the wedding and resort. I didnt want to spend alot on stds and invites. Then for the invitations I ordered mine from zazzle.com. they have really cute destination wedding invites! Not TOP quality however nice! I got passprt invites! But they have really cute boarding pass ones and 1000s of styles and are cheap. I paid like $60 or 70 for 40 I think. A good idea to save money on two sets for the wedding and at home reception is to include that info on the save the dates. Then have two rsvp cards for people to tell you of they will be attending just the wedding, reception, or both The only problem with doing that is we are only inviting certain people, close family and friends, to Jamaica. Then we are inviting everyone...extended family, aquaintences, work friends, parents friends ect. to the reception at home. I'm hoping everyone will RSVP on my wedding website for the ceremony. So thats why I was kind of thinking of spending a little extra and making the Jamaican ceremony ones double as a Save the Date/Invite. Dunno how I'm going to pull that off yet, but it was just a thought. I guess technically I could do the same thing for the at home reception. Nothing we are doing is traditional anyhow!! :-)
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by krisf1986 Also it really helps if you spread it out. I started getting things right away and slowly getting things I need so I can spread out my money. One week ill get one thing and the next week ill get something else so that I dont have to spend alot at once and it also helps to get things done early and not have to stress later! Sounds like you've got everything planned out well! Thats good to hear about the white covers. I wasn't sure if they included those or if that was something else you had to pay for. I have had one bride on here that just recently got married that is using one of my colors, so I may be buying some of her chair sashes. She also has the organza for the arch, but I haven't decided if it's the right one. We aren't getting married till September 19, 2014. So I still have quite some time. Right now I'm trying to get people to make the commitment so we can get the rooms blocked. Just got our engagement pics done, so when I get those done I can focus on STD's and Invites. If you don't mind me asking...how did you go about that? Are you having an at home reception? I'm trying to decide what to do for STDs and Invites and still keep it cheap. I thought about doing a save the date/invite to the people that are coming to the ceremony down there. They obviously already know they are invited. I don't want to have to send double of everything since we are having the at home reception a month after we get back, so I will have to send save the dates and Invites for that out to everyone..which will end up being 250-300. My main goal is to save money and not get myself too deep into spending extra. I am not a do-it-yourself-er..but I'm going to become one!! I have a friend that is really good at this stuff so she will be around to help me thankfully!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennkn87 I think the $500 bonfire only includes the bonfire and bar setup. It doesn't include the DJ or any entertainment/music. Quote: Originally Posted by SWOK $500 is bonfire only. No dj no bar. $1500 for first 20 people then $25 per person after that. Since we had 60 people They gave us a discount to $20 per person...I think that applies if u have 50+ So....if you go with the $500 bonfire, how close to one of the bars would you be? Considering all of the guests are already paying for the all-inclusive package and can drink whatever, whenever..I can't get over that you would pay that much extra for them to drink. I know this would mean you would have a private bar right there at the bonfire, but I just don't know if it seems worth it. It's like the resort is getting paid twice for the drinks and such....
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by krisf1986 Ya im not too sure if you have to use a certain dj. I was originally going to just use the sound system and just have someone pay attention but I just found out my friends boyfriend is a dj so I was thinking about just using the sound system and having him bring his equipment and being our dj. Good idea. My one friend, who hasn't booked yet, but says she is coming..her husband is a DJ. She wasn't sure if he was going to be able to make it yet tho. I just hate to think of having to pay a BUNCH of $$ on all the extras when We are already paying so much for the Ultimate package, and most likely will have quite a few extra people over the included 20 people to pay for. I am going to bring chair sashes I think. I really don't want to spend $8 per chair for different ones, however, I don't know what they would look like without covers on them. All the little things are going to end up adding up! It's hard to figure out what to budget for! When is your wedding Kris?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by krisf1986 The $80 pp is total not per hour. Sound system is $540 for 3 hours and a DJ is $750 for 3 hours. Other charges is up to you. There are other things such as decor but nothing major unless you get extra decor. Im bringing alot of my own tho. On the website they have a "wedding guide" which includes pricing for EVERYTHING! You can print it. It alao tells you food options too! Do you have to use a certain DJ? I am kind of on the fence about just bringing our ipod and using it for the music. You would still need someone to run the ipod. Blah!!
  11. I think the $500 bonfire only includes the bonfire and bar setup. It doesn't include the DJ or any entertainment/music.
  12. I decided to wait about 4 or so weeks after the date of our ceremony. It gives us time to get home and get back into the swing of things before having to rush and get everything ready for the reception as well.
  13. If I have the three hour reception included, how much am I going to be charged for entertainment? DJ or Band? is the 80/person also per hour? There are just alot of small things that aren't clear in the wedding package. We will probably have 30-40 people attending but I don't have a certain number yet. I just want to come up with somewhat of a number to expect to pay for all the extras on top of the $3,000.00 we are already paying for the ceremony. I don't want to spend a WHOLE bunch of extra money since I will already be paying a photographer from outside as well. I am going to bring down my decor and flowers most likely. What other charges am I going to be looking at?
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by alexisinjamaica Yes, we did have glass items-- bowls that we used as vases for the centerpieces. I wrapped everything in bubble wrap and placed them carefully, but in the end one of them broke. We had an extra so it turned out fine, but just be warned there is definitely a strong possibility that could happen! Be prepared with extras or a backup plan if necessary. Good luck!! Thanks!! Mine would be small so hopefully that would help!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by alexisinjamaica We took three large plastic Rubbermaid bins that we taped up really well and checked in as extra luggage. They were only $8 or $9 each so we left them (and some of the wedding items we didn't care about keeping) behind. As for the dress, we flew American and had to take two flights-- one to Miami and then a connecting flight to Jamaica. On both flights the flight attendants let me hang my dress in the closet. So nice! Having the big bag definitely helps. I'm sure you won't even have to ask-- they are just so happy to help a bride and they offer. I remember on our flight to Jamaica there were 2 or 3 other brides too and we were all able to hang our dresses! Did you take any glass items in your bins? I'm trying to decide on table decor and the one that I really like includes small glass vases. I'm not sure I'll be able to find them in plastic. I don't want them all to be broken when I get there!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by SWOK yes, mine doesnt include it. the 20pp - was that just at the airport? so i dont have to worry about purchasing before hand? I know you have been there before so you know the drill! the hotel can arrange a private transfer but is $112 which is a little too expensive for a 10 min car ride Mine is all included through my travel agent. Round-trip transfers to anyone that books through her, which I'm hoping all of our guests do!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by krisf1986 There is no extra cost for the reception. Its included! Thats why they charge 80 pp. 3 hours is included however if you want long there is an extra cost. so, if we have an extra 20 people, and pay the $80.00 per person, the reception will no matter what be 3 hours long? Thats awesome!!!!! Great news!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by flo628 Oh boy...isn't unbelievable that somehow you're being the selfish one when, um, it's your wedding day?! Wanting to bring your child should be your own opinion- not anyone else's. No one else knows the child's situation more than the parent- like you said, the mother would never allow it, so this shouldn't even be discussed. Have you considered doing a legal marriage in the states for just his kid and immediate family? That way, they don't need to go to the DW, and there will be no drama (unless he really wants them there, but really, to cause this much drama over one weekend, they should really be left at home with the 3yr old). I think your FI is going about it the right way. Just say "if they want to miss their son getting married over something as dumb as this, then that's fine". I mean, it will be her regret, and I truly believe that any amount of explaining on your part will not help. It needs to come from him, and it needs to be their decision. Or the whole time you are at the DW, they will be complaining about everything. Hang in there, and try to focus on the fun stuff! Also- I never thought about getting married with his daughter beforehand. We are still kind of undecided about whether we are going to do the legal or symbolic ceremony. They won't have her the weekend we will be gone. I've scheduled everything around when we do and do not have her to make it easier on everyone. But that really is a good idea...if we get married here to have her there with us. :-) Thanks!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by flo628 Oh boy...isn't unbelievable that somehow you're being the selfish one when, um, it's your wedding day?! Wanting to bring your child should be your own opinion- not anyone else's. No one else knows the child's situation more than the parent- like you said, the mother would never allow it, so this shouldn't even be discussed. Have you considered doing a legal marriage in the states for just his kid and immediate family? That way, they don't need to go to the DW, and there will be no drama (unless he really wants them there, but really, to cause this much drama over one weekend, they should really be left at home with the 3yr old). I think your FI is going about it the right way. Just say "if they want to miss their son getting married over something as dumb as this, then that's fine". I mean, it will be her regret, and I truly believe that any amount of explaining on your part will not help. It needs to come from him, and it needs to be their decision. Or the whole time you are at the DW, they will be complaining about everything. Hang in there, and try to focus on the fun stuff! Thanks so much for your positive thoughts. At this point, hearing these things from ANYONE else helps me that much more. I've talked to MANY people about the situation and everyone, even the people that I thought would think we are horrible for our decision has said it makes sense. It's point blank, not taking his daughter was the first thing, and they are worried and can't be AT ALL optimistic about it because they have never been on a vacation like this and have NO IDEA what all it entails..and how much FUN it is. So she is just doing EVERYTHING in her power to come up with excuse after excuse and trying to make us feel absolutely HORRIBLE about it. It just really doesn't make sense. I have totally avoided her...I tried to discuss things through text messages....which was the first time we had really talked about any of it..and yes..I know...texting doesn't make anything better, but it's easier for me to do that than to talk to her in person because she is SUPER pushy and will just try to walk all over me and beat me down. I hate to be the one talking bad but it's also a rant that needs to be said....she is the type of person that doesn't let you speak, doesn't let you finish a sentence, ESPECIALLY if she doesn't agree with what you said. So I decided it was better this way because at least I could tell her what the plans were. When she started going behind my FI back and trying to start an argument and fight between myself and my FI, that was it for me. I'm not meeting with her without him there. I'm not letting this get any worse than it already is. She seriously, every single time it comes up, does something to make it even worse than before. Her excuses are not even making sense anymore, and now she is having other family members texting him about how upset SHE is!!! His response.....How do you think JENNA and I feel???!? It's just ridiculous right now. Praying it all calms down soon!
  20. I'm using appycouple.com ...mainly because I like the idea of having the app and people being able to post pictures straight to our wedding website. I have found, that it is kind of difficult to TOTALLY customize certain things I would like to, but I am trying to make it work. It wasn't free, but it was only $28.00 so I din't feel that was TOO bad. That includes the website, the app, and if you want to do anything extra like send STDs or INVITES from their as well.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by flo628 I told everyone that it is absolutely fine if they can't come. And if we didn't ask you your opinion, we didn't want it. Family are a real pain sometimes. It's really better if hey don't come. They should see it as a vacation!!! Ugh. Totally agree with you! I would definitely see it as a reason for an awesome vacation! Why can't everyone else????!
  22. I'm very glad that I was told about this thread. To realize that I'm not the only one that is starting to get SUPER stressed about this whole situation. The only difference from all the posts I've read on here is....the guests that are giving me crap about the wedding are my FI parents and sisters. His mom has done nothing but make up excuses as to why they can't afford it or can't make it. I still don't know for sure if they are coming or not. She has now even gone to the point of telling me it is causing a fight in their family. This all started when we told her (before we even got engaged) that we would not be taking his 2 year old down to Jamaica with us. She knew ahead of time that we we planning a destination wedding, and seemed to be on board with it. When he informed her of our reasonings not to take his daughter, her response was always, "Thats your choice, not mine". We decided not to take his daughter for a few different reasons. First off, her mother lives to make his life a living hell. There is NO WAY IN HELL she would let that work out for us to take her. She would have to be there to sign the passport, she would have to allow us to have her longer than his normal weekends or for one of his "summer weeks" at a later date. Point blank, she would never let it happen. His family is WELL AWARE of how she is about everything, and knows just as well as we do that she would not allow this to happen. Second of all, financially it is just not feasible. I know we are already spending a lot of money on this wedding and everything that is tying into it...but to take a 3 year old to Jamaica..we would be paying for passports, plane tickets, lowered accommodations, among other things. She would be the ONLY child there, so she would have nothing to do, someone would have to be watching her at all times, AND we would have to switch resorts to a family-friendly one. When I go on vacation, I really don't want to pay all that money to be around kids all week, especially when it involves our honeymoon as well....Do we want to share OUR honeymoon with his 3 year old? I'm sure some people, and I've already gotten grief from a few others I work with about our decision, will think I'm horrible for this decision and saying these things, but in reality....does a 3 year old really need to be around that atmosphere? Everyone will no doubt be intoxicated most of the trip, (our family and friends are all pretty big drinkers) so someone would have to be watching her at ALL times. Anyways--- From the time we told his mother about our decision, (which was by the way not just MY decision, he was right on board and agreed with me about it.) she has treated this whole destination wedding thing totally different. When his sister found out about not taking his daughter, she threw an absolute fit, blaming me and bad mouthing me saying how selfish of a person I was being and this and that, which really got my FI blood boiling, which it was already starting to with his mother causing issues. She has went from we can't afford it, to his sister and brother will fail their classes if they miss one class, to they don't have passports, to his father will NOT leave the country, to anything else you can think of. His family has NEVER been out of the country, and has NEVER been to a beach. So they have NO IDEA what the ALL-INCLUSIVE part means. She recently told me, there was no way they could afford it unless all 4-7 of them could stay in one room. I'm like...oh boy...you don't understand. Even IF they allowed you to do that, the pricing wouldn't drop. I even went so far as to switching my resort at one point to accommodate them to stay at a family friendly one so it would be cheaper...once she started causing more and more drama my FI nixed that idea and said..."if they come they come, if they want to cause all of this drama, don't come. It's our wedding, they aren't planning this for us." So I made my final decision on resorts, which ended up being cheaper than the first. And have decided, if we end up having enough people for the free rooms (which I was originally going to give to them to help them out), WE are taking them. They have caused so much drama ALREADY and we've only been engaged just over a month. She is trying to even go behind his back now, and contact me about stuff, telling me he said this and that and I have a text to prove it, as if I don't know what he says to her and when. She's being borderline crazy and at this point, I think it's TOTALLY disrespectful of his OWN PARENTS to act like this about our choice, but if they are going to do nothing but cause us drama in this, when they are not paying for ANY OF IT, including a rehearsal dinner, dresses, tuxes, then DON'T COME! We don't need your drama anyways. I really think if they would just go and experience it, I know they would love it. But they are not willing to open up the possibility that they might! Grrrrrr! Hopefully everything settles down...but for now...it's stressing me out beyond belief. Sorry for such the LONG RANT!
  23. Sorry that did end up being a jumbled mess. I am only going to send one or the other to the guests for the ceremony in Jamaica. We aren't asking everyone to go to the ceremony, so I am not sending out the same save the dates to everyone. So I need different save the dates and different invites for the at home reception, which would also go to the ceremony guests.
  24. I'm trying to figure out what I should do about save the dates and invitations. I really like the luggage tag save the dates. I would be making around 30-40 of them most likely. If I go this route...I would also need to do a STD for the at home reception for EVERYONE we are inviting...which will be around 250-300 people. Do I also need to do an invite to the ceremony, or can I put these two together on one? What would the wording be? Then last but not least I would do regular invites for EVERYONE that would be coming to the reception at home. Is this going to be SUPER pricey or what? I guess the only addition to what it would normally cost would be the luggage tag STD's. I'm at a loss for what I should do, which templates and ideas to use for what. Any ideas, thoughts? I would GREATLY appreciate it! Thanks!
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