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Everything posted by nicolesu

  1. Hey all! just wondering about music for the ceremony? What are your plans. My WC sent me a list off options such as live Caribbean trio, classical music duo etc. or are people just having their own music ? Also we are coming from Canada so trying to go light on decorations... Are people bringing down centerpieces?
  2. DannaeS1...oh good! glad that's figured out cause when I asked guillaramo (our coordinator) he said not to worry so you are in the Rivera gazebo. Wow that's awesome, We are doing the chill out beach party
  3. Hi DannaeS1, I was just reading your post and am confused cause we have also confirmed the 4pm at the sunset gazebo on May 3rd, and then scheduled for the 6pm at the private cll out beach party. Huh? Now I'm worried. We booked it in May.
  4. Hey there, I am planning a similar wedding to your with the private beach party. Can you let me know how it turned out.? Congrats on your marriage
  5. H Hey there I used a plane ticket invitation and they turned out great. Check out zazzle.com, great prices too
  6. Hi brides to be!!!! I am getting married at GSP on May 3,2014 and I'm sooo excited. Just a few questions, does anyone know about having an outside photo booth at your wedding and if so what's the extra costs. We are choosing the private beach party for $85 a person but can't decide if we should purchase the dance floor, seems quite expensive. What are your thoughts?
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