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Everything posted by RachelHolmes21

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by TuffLuv Quote: Originally Posted by RachelHolmes21 Omg I am only 15 away! So close yet so far! Yay!!! My goal is to hit 150 by the end of the week You can do it! The end is near!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by VanessaBB Just placing my 1.7 CT in it lol so nonchalant about it
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by vas2014 I am 1 post away to making my 150. I have most templates done (just need to print) as my FI has been great in helping create or by other brides on here. feel free to ask of templates needed i'm here to help and share. Best of luck with you planning This is probably a dumb question, but what will you be using the premium bus. cards for?
  4. I'm so not sappy or sentimental....I'm not ever going to be able to find the right song... any suggestions for R&B/soul songs?
  5. I'm not requesting a RSVP to the STD. It's basically just a formality for me. Everyone I sent one to already knew of the wedding. The formal invite will have the RSVP response card. I just did a general room block with the TA on who I think will be joining and cushionedit some. I have no idea when my formal invites are going out?! How About you?
  6. The first pic is my ring as it is now. The second pic is the wedding band and setting I'm getting prior to the wedding, just placing my 1.7 CT in it.
  7. I have people coming from multiple states, so a website/fb event page is really the only way I can reach so many people (50ish) easily. Each time I update the fb page the guests receive a notification, so for those that are computer literate, they gain info quickly.
  8. Me me too!! So thankful for all of the great advice and tips.
  9. Thanks ladies! I am so not crafty or creative, so I am pretty proud of what little I did contribute lol
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by tricia-m OoOo! What style of STDs did you do??? I did a postcard. I found the design thru Etsy and printed them on cardstock myself. Each had a label on the backside (pictured first).
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