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Everything posted by deinasm

  1. Hi all, Does anyone have any information on Paradise Village Resort? There is surprisingly very little information out there that I can find that isn't theirs, and I am curious if anyone knows why? Any help is appreciated!
  2. Hi Ladies! Based on all the talk on here I contacted my coordinator at the resort and asked her if they were taking wedding reservations for 2014/2015. She told me that they have a stop sell as of April 20, 2014 and are booking no weddings past that date until they find out from the new owners how to proceed. From what I have read there will be a major remodel and they may close during but they won't give any other details. I had a site visit planned for Feb 2014 and will be canceling and choosing a new resort for the wedding....I am super bummed as I really loved the look of this resort! Hope this helps...
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Tbasgall Driving in PV is something I would never Be brave enough to do. It's crazy!! Transportation from the airport is about 30$ to the resort via cab and is very easy. Our guests purchased round trip transfers thru our travel agent. Yeah I don't know that I love the idea, but I think we are going to do it for our visit in Feb. Can you tell me how much your transfer was that your guests all got? Maybe I should find something like that, although I am not going through a travel agent currently, just working direct with the hotel.
  4. Ok everyone, I have a question about transportation in PV....Has anyone looked into renting cars? I have never been to PV before and when we go for our site visit in Feb we were thinking this would be a cheaper way to go than using a cab, and we could try it our and let our guests know if it is a good idea or not....Any thoughts on this? I would love to hear what some of you are doing for transportation from the airport to the hotel. Thanks!!!
  5. Ok everyone, I have a question about transportation in PV....Has anyone looked into renting cars? I have never been to PV before and when we go for our site visit in Feb we were thinking this would be a cheaper way to go than using a cab, and we could try it our and let our guests know if it is a good idea or not....Any thoughts on this? I would love to hear what some of you are doing for transportation from the airport to the hotel. Thanks!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by danasb788 Hi Kate, congrats! We got married there in March, so I can help to answer a few questions. 1st, we used DJ Staci (DJ Reventon??) I think? She did a good job for us! She can also perform your ceremony and she speaks English...she is American. We had a legal ceremony performed by a judge and she spoke English....pretty much everyone there does. 2nd, the hair and makeup they did at the salon at Dreams was fantastic! I also do not wear a lot of makeup and I have freckles so I was nervous about that...I have had my makeup done for other weddings and hated it since I always looked washed out. Eduardo did my hair and makeup and I loved it! My whole wedding party was pretty much like me...doesnt wear a lot of makeup and everyone looked beautiful! Good luck with your planning! Dana Quote: Originally Posted by Kate G Thank you so much Dana! That was all very helpful info danasb788 this is very helpful! I haven't done much research on DJ's yet, is DJ Staci one of the DJ's the resort offers or did you have to pay the vendor fee to bring her to the resort? Do you have contact info for her? These were very good questions! Thanks Kate G!
  7. Hi Brides to be! I will be doing a site visit in Feb 2014, anyone having their wedding the weekend of the 7th-9th? I can't wait to see the wedding set-ups and options available. It will really help me decide how I want things to look! If anyone has any requests for photos just let me know I will do my best to get them for you! Or questions for Eleane, that is who I will be meeting with. I know it is a while away, but we aren't getting married until Feb 2015, so I have time I say that now and I know it will fly by! Let me know if any of you will be there!
  8. Hi ladies! I am trying to decide between BP and MP but the costs for the per person nightly rates are seeming very high to me. We you able to negotiate this rate at all? What are you all getting for rates for a double room? I was quoted $250/person/night, is that similar to you? I know it is all inclusive but that still seems high? I am happy to hear if this is normal and I am over reacting! I actually hope that is the case Thanks!
  9. Hi everyone! Just curious what everyone has been quoted for room rates? Or the per person rate? We are thinking of having our wedding here but are very concerned about the room/person charges, help!! Thanks!!!
  10. I was recently told by my WC that to get the free events there had to be a minimum of 20 people, there was no maximum, only a minimum of 20. Hopefully you can fight them on it and win, good luck!
  11. Hi everyone, this is my first post and I am loving all the information about the Palace Resorts that I am reading on here, very helpful!! We aren't actually getting married until Feb 2015, but I have been in contact with our wedding coordinator and just got our group room pricing and I feel like it is outrageous. I have seen other brides complain about it but this is the highest I have seen yet. They are quoting me $250/person/day for a double occupancy room. She quoted my sister's family of 5 (2 adults/3 kids) $836/night. Is this what you all are being quoted as well? I would love to see what other brides have contracted for their group rates. If this is the going rate then I will stop complaining, but I just don't think so. I know it is top shelf liquor and all the food we can drink but I still feel like this is a very high per person rate. Please help with what you all are agreeing to pay, maybe I am just on my own here? Thank you for your help!
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