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Everything posted by iryna10

  1. Hi ladies I have booked my wedding at Riu Palace Mexico for December 2014 and I also did a site visit last year. I have lots of info and pictures unfortunately I can't post on the site, I would be more than happy to send it by email. Little about what planing has been done and the issues I am having We are planing on having 30 to 35 guests about 18 ppl have booked. In my previous post on page 3 I believe I have the total I was quoted for capris package and privet dinner with open bar (yes you do have to pay extra to have open bar, crazy) I would be more than happy to give breakdown if anyone is interested. Because we are having a privet reception we can have music and dancing so I am working with PSV (Dj services from Riu Palace) I was quoted $1300 but this includes the coast of illuminating the reception area (just Dj for 4 hrs =$645). Also because I am doing privet reception I need to pay for setup$150. It seems like I am getting charge for absolutely every move I make. It's little frustrating that the wedding package includes very little but still charging us over $2000. I know I should not complain about the price because we are having privet dinner. I have lots more info so let me know ladies if you have questions.
  2. Hi Ladies My name is Iryna and I am getting married at RPM December 17 2014. My fiancé and I did a site visit this past December and we loved the resort. I have royal package and the privet dinner reception for 35 guest with open bar the quote I got was $4045.00 The problem I am running into is that they charge for absolutely everything. On top of above price I need to pay for table and chair rental, currently in process of negotiating the additional coast for reception decor ( because its not included in the wedding package) among other things. Also I have photographer Del Sol and hair and makeup from Styling Trio. The problem with outside vender, the hotel is charging a fee for them to come. So that is something to consider. Currently working on that. I would love to hear from you ladies, any advice or suggestion. Thanks
  3. Hi Ladies My name is Iryna and I am getting married at RPM December 17 2014. My fiancé and I did a site visit this past December and we loved the resort. I have royal package and the privet dinner reception for 35 guest with open bar the quote I got was $4045.00 The problem I am running into is that they charge for absolutely everything. On top of above price I need to pay for table and chair rental, currently in process of negotiating the additional coast for reception decor ( because its not included in the wedding package) among other things. Also I have photographer Del Sol and hair and makeup from Styling Trio. The problem with outside vender, the hotel is charging a fee for them to come. So that is something to consider. Currently working on that. I would love to hear from you ladies, any advice or suggestion. Thanks
  4. Hi ladies I am still looking for a Dj for my wedding. I have hard time getting in touch with any of them. I was wondering if any of you have contact information for Dj Doremixx. Please let me know if you know of any other Dj and their contact
  5. What got $3000 and up (depending on the photographer you go with) for 5 hrs. It sounds like a lot but at the end of the day you get what you pay for.
  6. Hello ladies I am going for a site visit on December 9 th 2013 at Riu palace mexico. Please let me know if there are any questions that you would like answered
  7. Hi ladies, I am thinking of having my wedding at excellence but I am worried about the price per person for flight and hotel. I was hopping to stay around $1650 per person for 7 days. I have group of 35 ppl but if the cost is higher I don't know how many people will be able to come. I hope that with large group i would get somekind of discount. If any of you can share their prices per person I would appreciate it. Thanks
  8. Thank you for info. Does any one have pictures of the banquet hall and other reception areas. Please message me.
  9. Hello ladies just joined this site. My wedding is not till November 2014 so the WC little slow with answering my questions, any help would be great still working on my budget. 1. We will most likely have 25 to 30 ppl max so mint package is great bc more ppl included, but we want to have the reception outside. I am wondering if its possible to move the reception but keep the mint package, if so what's the cost? 2. Also if I upgrade to strawberry package ppl said that there is a fee $65. Is this fee for any additional person about the 15 that are included in the package Thanks
  10. Hello ladies just joined this site. My wedding is not till November 2014 but I am starting to work on budget and other things. I have been in touch with WC but bc my wedding not till nov they are not to fast with answers. 1. We are having 25 to 30 ppl max. I think mint packages works the best bc of the price and the amount of ppl. But I would love to have the wedding outside, is it possible to keep the package but move the wedding location.? If so what is the additional coast if any 2. If I end up getting strawberry package I know ppl said there is a fee$65, is this fee for any additional person after the 15 ppl that are included in the package? Thanks
  11. Hello ladies just joined this site. I am planning my wedding for November 2014. I know I have time but its never to early to start. I have been in touch with WC but bc my wedding is in nov its taking them longer to answer my questions. i am just truing to set my budget. 1. I am planing on 25 to 30 ppl so mint package is ideal for us, but I want my reception to be outside. Is it possible to have it moved. If so what is the additional cost? 2. If I end up getting strawberry package, ppl have been saying there is additional fee of $65, If so is the fee for any additional person after 15 people that package covers? 3. Also how hard is it to coordinate hair/ makeup and photographers on the same day as wedding? Did you ladies book the wedding date first than the vendors or found out when the photographer is available then got the date ? Thanks
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