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Everything posted by sharmer

  1. Thanks for sharing !!
  2. So much great stuff on here, I really need to check out etsy more. Thanks for sharing
  3. Thanks for sharing I've been debating a veil but if I can find a nice cheap one ill just bring it and make it a game time decision
  4. Ah I just did my labels, they don't look this good though!! Wish I had found this earlier! Thanks for sharing
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ChelseaCat802 I ordered three or four books off of Amazon on destination weddings! They we'rent very! I would recommend them for sure - good place to start I beleive they all had checklists in them - the books are a few years old, but most of the information is still relevant! You could also try finding these books at half.com, they're usually used but not very expensive! Hope this helps! Xoxo http://www.amazon.com/The-Knot-Guide-Destination-Weddings/dp/0307341925/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1371648835&sr=8-2&keywords=destination+wedding http://www.amazon.com/Destination-Weddings-Dummies-Breslow-Sardone/dp/0470129956/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1371648835&sr=8-3&keywords=destination+wedding http://www.amazon.com/Destination-Wedding-Planner-Ultimate-Planning/dp/B008KWS4R6/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1371648835&sr=8-4&keywords=destination+wedding Oh great info!! thanks
  6. we used paperless post and sent out evites, but I know they also have print ones that are suprt cute!! A lot of my friends have also used vistaprint
  7. I like the knot.com.. really really easy to use and has a guestbook and rsvp section!
  8. I think that seems reasonable, you're obviously close enough if he's been doing your hair for 12+ years and he got a wedding invite! I would ask him directly if he would prefer to have his room covered or be paid for hair appointments?
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