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Everything posted by sharmer

  1. I don't think so... we're planning on doing the same thing! We are making it very casual though (bbq) and stressing, please no gifts - we just want an opportunity to celebrate with everyone!
  2. have you planned this with your resort? I'm vegetarian and even asking for mine and a few of the guest's meals to be vegetarian was like pulling teeth to them! But for your family - I'm sure they would be happy to try it! I know I'd love to go to a vegan wedding!!
  3. I think this is a great idea! I was thinking something similar for team bride vs. team groom if our numbers are close!
  4. I totally thought this would be a great idea since I love to read.. but knowing my family I'll be the only one using them ahah! thanks for sharing
  5. ours is in June 2014 and we have booked our resort. Mainly because our family and friends were asking for details so they could book!
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