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Posts posted by TuffLuv

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tinkerbell82 View Post

    I just made it too!  WOO HOO!  I wonder how long it will be before I can see the templates!


    I'm happy and jealous at the samd dang time. LOL. I'm almost there. I thought I was going to be there by last weekend but my internet (at home) has been down since Friday. So I was only able to get on via my phone (over the weekend), which kind of sucked and work. I'm determined to reach 150 by this weekend.
  2. I know!!!  It's so strange.... you would think that all of our friends would be happy that they didn't have the added expense. Which is one of the reasons we decided not to have a bridal party.  
    it just goes to show there is no pleasing people. The same people complaining now are the same ones who would be complaining about the extra cost if you would've decided to have a bridal party. Just remember it Your day. Real friends will respect, understand and accept that.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GingerJ228 View Post

    We just got engaged about 3 weeks ago and decided not to have a bridal party either. I have been getting a lot of backlash regarding this and I am standing firm.


    Really? I would think people would be relieved. I didn't want anyone feeling pressured to attend my wedding or feel like it was too much to attend as well as be a part of it. I got lucky, none of my friends or my FI's friends have complained. Good luck with everything.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by megssweet1 View Post






    OMG!!!! I thought I was the only one experiecing this. My FI's mother has not reserved her room and she just keeps saying she's coming. I'm soooooo frustrated b/c we both want her there and we also can't move forward with our plans for my stepson without knowing if she's really coming b/c he will fly out and stay with her. I'm trying not to stress or nag him or her but I'm secrectly losing my mind. I like the idea of a DIY party. Good idea.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ucfjennifer View Post

    I feel the same way! It's going to be here before we know it! As for my dress fittings, I'm also getting started on a workout schedule. I'm super short so my dress will definitely need to be hemmed, I'm just hoping to need some work done in the middle section too! Haha!


    IKR ;-)
  6. I wad I was in the sand boat I stressed about my guest count but as long as my fiancé gets on that plane I'm good. Lol yes it's important that our parents are there and special ppl in our lives but anyone else they wedding will go on regardless I had to keep telling me self that And not worry bout the little things
  7. Has one thought of the idea of Having a meeting with the people who are attending (if possible) the day before you leave an hand the welcome bags out then? I'm just thinking of ways that will cut back on bring soo much down if possibe
    Yes ma'am but I kind if want it to be a nice surprise for them when they get there. However, I'm not ruling it out.
  8. Wow, you ladies sound super organized! Yes 7 months feels like tomorrow to me too. Although I feel like I'm not doing much at the moment. Still haven't decided on my dress although I am givingyself till the end of this week to make a decision. I sent out invitations a while back as we live in London and needed to give quite abit of notice to our friends and family to get to Cancun. I haven't sorted bridesmaids as some of those I would like till haven't confirmed whether they're coming yet. Which is a pain! But hey! Are you guys traveling with guests? And how many do you have confirmed? I feel like it's so close, and only a few of mine have confirmed, getting quite worried that we'll have no guests! Lol xx
    I have decided I am no longer going to worry about who's coming and who's not as long as my parents, his mother, & my brother are there. Initially I stressed over guest but I can't. If it's just me and my FI then so be it. Right now we have about 20 confirmed. I think more will confirm but like I said I'm not going to stress about it. Those who can't attend can celebrate with us at our AHR and see pics then. I would say try not to worry about your guest count (if you can).
  9. Another natural bride here! I was super worried about my hair, because I have long dreadlocs, but luckily, my wedding planner has a stylist who can do my hair. :thewave: There are some great natural wedding styles on Pinterest, but another great option is Offbeat bride. They have two posts covering natural hairstyles for black brides. Munaluchi bride is also fantastic for inspiration. There's also a fantastic FB group called Black Women with Real Hair that posts many different natural styles daily, as well as hair care tips. Thank you so much to the OP for starting this thread! While I certainly am a big supporter of brides however they wear their hair, it's nice to see other AA celebrating their natural curls.
    Thanks brownsugarbride I will definitely check out the sites you mentioned. Honestly, my biggest worry is finding someone to do my hair beautifully and how I want it more than how I want to wear my hair.
  10. I put my dresses in the overhead bin, yes I said dresses. I had two dresses which were perfectly fine by the time I arrived in Cabo. The closests are usually filled with the flight crew's bags or other equipment. 
    Did you use one of those zip n seal like bags, the ones you suck all the air out? Or did you just out it up there in its garment bag? I'm trying to decide which method I'm going to use since my airline said there is no closet to store it in.
  11. Hi TuffLuv & Tantan!! It's great to see more April brides! We are at the 7 month mark! My dress came in already...2 months early! I'm working on the invitations and plan to send them by the end of Oct. My niece (age 9) is very excited to be my junior bridesmaid instead of a flower girl. My younger nephews (ages 2/3) are my Ring Security. My older nephews (ages 8/10) are very shy and I knew they wouldn't do anything on their own, so they will be Ring Security as well, escorting the little guys down. They were very excited about this idea! My sisters will be my bridesmaids and his brother/cousin are groomsmen. We are thinking of adding a third to each side, but both are unsure if they can make the trip at this point. As of today, we have a total of 35 people booked for the cruise! What is everyone else working on?
    Seven months seem like 2mrw to me. Do you feel that way as well? My dress is suppose to be here in December. I'm nervous and very excited about that at the same time. I ordered my dress in the size I am now but I want to Need alterations. So I need to start working out. I also need to decide on a reception venue for our AHR. I sent out informational STD a while ago. I'm not sending formal invitations b/c those who plan to attend have reserved their rooms and we're working on flights now. Besides, any areas we can save money I'm down. I created programs on zazzle and once my brother makes the final decision regarding my niece (attending or not) I'll order them and the fans. I have a few "to do list". Just trying to slowly knock things off while paying off this wedding.
  12. you are doing great. i have most of deposits out of the way. just paying down things and have to pay reception as well. I've got quite a bit of my things done, heres my list of completed things dress shoes/accessories girls dresses/accessories oot bags for my wedding party(only) gift bags for guests and most items passport disposable custom wedding cameras items for my oot bags for my wedding party std(mailed out) wedding invitations door hangers for gift bags feather fan bouquets for girls probably a few things i've forgotten, lo did you have any ideas that you needed help with(not that i'm a wedding guru) but i am the queen of frugality, lmao
    Good stuff shugapop1. I definitely appreciate any and all help I can get. When I think of things I need help with I will definitely let you know. Thank you again. I truly would be lost without this site.
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