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Everything posted by smithandsweet

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by dpalomino I dont even have 20 posts (( lol keep at it... you will get there!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Ywilliams315 I only eat fruit that have the lowest natural sugar content, but I do it as it's better than a bar of chocolate, crisps, cakes and cheese & crackers lol I know what you mean about that one. Sweeties are my weak spot!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by amarie4713 Sounds very similar to us..we have about 20-25 that I'm sure will be there. So I don't have to do many invites or anything which is nice. I can pay more attention to details that way because we don't have to do everything in massive quantities. We are going to do an AHR thought, which, I personally could do without, but his parents are really pushing it and it's their money at that point, so it's ok. we were going to do a AHR but decided not to. I figured that if it is that important to who ever they will be there.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by amarie4713 Do you have a lot of people you're inviting? we have about 22 people that I know are coming. About 4 to 7 that are maybes. so I would say no more then 30. I think I have 10 to 15 STD's and Invited that I am sending out. We are only inviting parents, grandparents, and siblings. One or two close friends. Then we will send out announcements when we get home.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Ywilliams315 I'm going carb free for 7 days to detox along with no alcohol, no sweets or chocolate etc. Just protein, veg, salad, fruit and low fat dairy. And after 5 days I'm feeling great 😄 I have heard that you should cut out the fruit too due to the fact of the sugar in it, natural or not.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by amarie4713 Yeah, I was going to do the boarding passes, but then I am going to messages in a bottle for our invites, and I think passports for our travel info, and I didn't want to go too overboard with the travel theme. because our wedding isn't actually beachy themed at all... I am do boarding passes for the STD's, MIB for invites and all the info will be on the website. Ours really isn't beachy themed either, other then it will be on the beach with the sand between your toes.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Ywilliams315 Well done I have aggggeeesssssssss to go 😔 you will get there before you know it.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by amarie4713 I designed a magnet. Nothing really fancy. I originally planned to do a cute luggage tag-but then decided to take the easy way out! The magnets are cute though! Haha I am going to do the boarding passes, but waiting till I have 150 posts so I can check out some of the other templates.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by amarie4713 November 21, 2014 here!! At the NOW Jade. We're basically as far as choosing a location and booking it. We tried to plan a wedding a year ago, so I have a dress already that I plan on wearing. No bridal party so we don't have to mess with that. I do have Save the Dates going out this week because my guests are stating to get anxious and want our website info and stuff!! what are you doing for STD's?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by amarie4713 Rich and famous. Would you rather age from only the neck up or age from only the neck down? I would say neck down. I could handle my body being old, but would never want to lose my mind to age. Work in long term care and see it every day. Would you rather not be able to use a car, or not have electricity in your home?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 Well I have two options. My sister in law told me about one offered by her chiropractor, that they are pills you take to help remove the toxins and stuff from your body, but still eat healthy. And then my other friend told me about this other one she is doing. Which is a grapefruit in the Am then you can drink mint, cucumber, lemon and water thrugouht the day, with water based veggies (through out the day) and boiled protein (eggs, chicken, etc) what would be considered water based veggies??
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JenniferM I was so excited that I'm almost at 100...then I realized I need 150...Whah whah whaaaahhhh I think that when I first got on here it was 100... Don't know when it changed!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by amarie4713 I feel like I'll never make it to 150 posts. Clearly I just do not have enough to say! I started finding DIY projects other shared and wrote little "thank you for sharing" or "good idea" on them. It got me posts and it was a way to book mark them.
  14. This is going to be my first DIY project and I am going to the store to get the stuff today (I hope) I will post pictures when I am done!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by lastminbride smithandsweet - Hopefully you won't have too many problems! I am sure I will have some. It wouldn't be a wedding without! :-)
  16. Did you have a problem with the blue die from the orchids getting onto the other flowers?? I am going to get the same flowers, but I was worried about the die in the orchids bleeding onto my white flowers. I know that on save-on-crafts website it said they are preserved then died to keep a better color.
  17. I have about 40 more posts to go until I can see the goods!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by tricia-m A wonderful article. Just thought I'd share http://sethadamsmith.com/2013/11/02/marriage-isnt-for-you/ That is great!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by shugapop1 I'm close to ordering them Lol Let me know how they turn out. I just got back from our site tour / vacation. It was hot and I don't know how many cans of warm soda I tossed. Got so frustrating.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by lastminbride Lol Flo! I want to see those t-shirts! Maybe a message on the website under a 'concerns' tab. You click on it, and the message comes out! Ha ha ha Love the concerns tab idea. I am not having much problems with the fam not liking anything, but I really haven't told them much either, do I am sure I will.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by flo628 Thanks "Don't like it, don't come." They should sell t-shirts that say that. Or put it on the 1st page of my wedding site. Too much? On my wedding site I am spelling it all out. This is were we are staying, but if it isn't for you or too expensive here is a list of others close. This is what we are doing on this day as a wedding party if you want to come let me know, if not your loss. I figure it is my wedding and my party and my vacation, if you want to have fun with me then let's go, if not then you figure it out on your own it isn't my job to be a babysitter or entertain.
  22. Sounds like everyone had a busy week. Back from vacation now and ready to start. I will post my measurements later today.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 That does sound awesome! Well I didnt get to do my work out yesterday, My dad had surgery so I was there wi th him late, so I will have to do a double workout tonight to make up for yesterday, and tomorrow ill have to do a double to make up for Friday! lol Hope everyone elses workouts are going good I would say surgery would be a good reason to skip a day. Hope he is doing good!
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