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Everything posted by briandluna

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by af2492 Have you tried looking into changing the wedding to another Dreams or Now resort? My wedding was scheduled for June and I am changing to the Dreams Riviera Cancun. My travel agent said they are going to honor the original prices they quoted us for rooms. They are still working out the logistics of the room switch, but my date and time are confirmed. All of the other Dreams and Now resorts got back to my travel agent pretty quickly (the Riviera of course took the longest which is the one we wanted because it was closest to the airport) and they all pretty much had openings. My wedding is scheduled for a Monday though which I'm sure is a bit easier to reschedule than a weekend. But definitely look into it before canceling flights and such! sorry i meant to respond to your post
  2. we booked through apple vacations as well. if we decide not to keep our flight, & choose another resort in cancun, im told we will be penalized 200.00 dollars off of each of our plane tickets. have you heard anything about dreams reimbursing for plane tickets?
  3. OMG!! I am totally freaking out right now!! My wedding is May 2nd & I havent been notified about anything. I just found out about it on this thread!!! I dont know what I'm going to do!!
  4. Im going through a travel agent that a friend of mine used for her destination wedding... i dont have a wedding coordinator which is probably why i feel so lost... my travel agent is actually in another state from me as well so everything we do is through emails ugh. & im having a tough time figuring out wedding timelines, i just keep researching online. but i didnt hire a wedding planner because it really isnt in our budget which is why we chose to do a destination wedding in the first place to save money...
  5. Have you stayed in both the pyramid rooms & the tower? Im curious about the insides of the rooms. I want something big enough us that we can all get ready in, & something nice as well since it is our wedding. Are the pyramid rooms like basic hotel rooms? I know each room says that they are suites, but the pictures that i viewed look basically like a bed & 2 chairs by the windows... to me thats a basic hotel room... im sure the tower room are more upscale & larger, but also more expensive.... from what i could gather about the honeymoon suite in the pyramid is that the only difference in size from the other pyramid rooms is it has a few extra chairs for sitting... i just want to feel like im in a honeymoon suit & not a hotel room... (& i think im making myself crazy since i cant see them beforehand!)
  6. thank you so much!! your information really helped! I didnt think about the dolphin classes!! your wedding looked beautiful!! For the lighting, it looked like they had spotlights set up on buildings the provide light. did the lighting bother you at all? From that angle it looks like it could be bothersome, or blinding you....
  7. My wedding is set for Friday May 2nd!! I think we will be leaving on the 7th to go back home, that is unless we decide to stay longer Im having such a hard time trying to pick a room to book our stay. I love the idea of the dolphin front rooms just so i can watch them from my balcony (i also have a 2yr old who would love this) but then again its my honeymoon & i want something amazing... As far as trades, i have heard of lots of brides doing away with the cocktail hour & in turn applying the costs to dinner for 10 guests. I may do this as well because we are at an all inclusive resort, so why do we need it? Also there is a bar behind the gazebo, & guests can get food to hold them over anywhere as well...
  8. how big is your palm tree hole punch & where did you get it?? i have search high & low & cannot find one anywhere!! Please help
  9. thank you for your reply, unfortunately the ones they have are the mini ones, & I'm looking for one that's around the size of an inch give or take...
  10. @jennymay2013 thank you so much!! your info really helped. I do want something more private which is why i like the idea of that beach. i was told that the gazebo is very windy & since caribe beach is right next to it i just wanted to make sure it wasnt too bad. i dont mind a breeze but i dont want our decorations to be blowing away ya know? I cant see your pictures beacuse im fairly new & dont have enough posts for downloads. can u email them to me at [email protected]? Also you said you have been going there for years. can you reccomend any of the rooms? there are so many to choose from. We were thinking about getting the honeymoon suit, but i hear its about the same size as the dolphin front room so why not just get that? also they look kind of like basic hotel rooms to me, so i dont know if its worth it to spend the extra & just get a room in the tower instead...
  11. I am in desperate need of the palm tree hole punch. i have been to michaels & joannes with no luck. I have also search all over the internet & can only find the mini ones... Does anyone know where I can get one or is anyone willing to sell theirs??? Please let me know as soon as possible!!! I need to send my saves the dates out right away. Thanks in advance for any help. Brianna
  12. hi ladies! i am really trying to figure out which room to book for our stay, has anyone been to this resort & can comment on this?
  13. Hi!!! I am also a Dreams Bride. My wedding is for May/2014. Im so glad you created this thread because up until i started reading the posts i really hadn't researched too much. There are some great suggestions here that i will apply as well. I feel really overwhelmed with planning a whole wedding by myself so this is great to have some feedback from other brides who are to planning to or have wed in the same location!! thanks so much!! Brianna
  14. can you send me your template? these are beautiful. i dont have enough posts to download yet. [email protected] thank you so much in advance!!!
  15. what beach was your reception site? was it windy or cold? I have chosen caribe beach, for my reception next to the wedding gazebo, & am just concern about weather
  16. I love these!! Can you tell me what the name of the tools are that you used, & what paper? Also do you have a picture of the 2nd boarding pass? These are amazing!! Great job!
  17. these are awesome!! can you tell me what are name of the tools you used & what paper? Also do you have a picture of your 2nd boarding pass? I love this idea. So Cute!!
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