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About happywife

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  1. Same here, I think I am going to get my OOT bags from there
  2. I already ordered them, I will not get them until the ending of September, so I am guessing mid October.
  3. I tried Insanity and I COULD NOT do it.. LOL I am just doing one I found in pinterest they have lots on there! check it out, I am starting it today.
  4. I totally agree, I think that is the beauty of destination weddings you know that the people that DID come, really want to share the day with you and the hubby. Most of our 25 guests will be family which is cool, they are going to complain because my cousin just had her DW in Punta Cana and they all said it was too much $$ blah blah but hey they went LOL. This is our 3rd attempt to plan a wedding and I got so much SH** the last couple times that no one even knows we are planning, they will know when they get the STD in the mail, I dont want to hear anyone's negativity.
  5. Me too!!! Wow that's pretty big for a DW, I am inviting about 65 and expecting about 25 ( and that may be over doing it) LOL
  6. WOW you're doing great!! I just got confirmation on my venue that it's available for my date, let the planning begin!!!! Speaking of bikini I am starting a 30 day challenge today, even though I have a year I figured I get the hang of it now
  7. HELLLO I am here, I am aiming for August waiting to hear back if the date is available ( fingers crossed). I am looking all over for reasonable resorts let's see what I find, how many guests are you expecting?
  8. Yes Playa del carmen, I am coming to the BV thread!
  9. Hey ladies, I finally made up my mind on the venue Blue Venado waiting to hear if it will be available for our date and then we will take it from there... I was going back and forth on this because I could not find enough pics on it but I finally found the perfect thread on it and I am convinced!!!! Now on to finding a not too big All inclusive resort for our guests... something where we will not get lost, LOL and its family friendly ( and of course not too expensive) any suggestions???
  10. Does anyone know of a boutique feel all inclusive hotel?? I originally wanted a small boutique hotel, but I don't want all our guests to have to pay for food and drinks, however, I don't want the huge resort feel either.. Any suggestions?? I will not have the wedding there, I will still hold the wedding At a beach club or something (which I can't decide on either)
  11. Wow you ladies are on a roll!!! Only thing I have done is order my std's I can't decide on venue, hotel, nothing HELP !!
  12. anyone here thinking of Ceiba Del Mar for their 2014 wedding? I just contacted them for more information, their hotel looks really beautiful!
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