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Everything posted by shopnboard

  1. Congratulations and welcome!! It definitely can be overwhelming, so much great information on this site!
  2. Hm, not sure. I'm travelling from the US, the minimum for Delta and American group rates all said 10 people. It's on their website so that's the number I said when I called.
  3. Thanks for letting me know, I swear it wasn't changing the other night. Maybe I was just really tired.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ladyzr How are you able to track the number of posts you have. It should also say in the top right corner of your post along with your join date, at least it does for me. Each post shows everyone's post count/ join date and Wedding details if its in your profile
  5. Hehe, it's going!! I feel like I really need to get on it, I'm debating if I should use the resort decorations or try to DIY everything =x
  6. Really? My post counts don't seem to change when I post in the same thread =(
  7. I have, with all these DIY ideas, giving me a lot more to think about! It's 150 posts in unique threads right? So if you post 3x in the same time it only counts as 1? Sorry super multi-tasking today!
  8. Well there are a variety of reasons we would like to do the AHR before, mostly because our parents will not be there. So would like to do a small AHR for our parents and families first, and also give guests who can't attend the option of coming. It won't be a big thing, maybe just a banquet and small ceremony. However I'm not sure what we will say on invitations.. might just do 2
  9. Thanks for posting the dingbat font!! This thread will be great when I reach 150!
  10. Congratultions!!!! I love Cabo!!
  11. I posted this in another thread, but maybe it's more appropriate here. Have any of you ladies had the AHR before your wedding?
  12. Has anyone ever done the AHR before the destination wedding??
  13. Interesting, I did call American Airlines and I told them at least 10, the price they quoted me was more than what was showing up online. They said something similar that because it's more people the price is more... I was planning to go back to them later after getting more details. I'm really waiting for JetBlue flights to open up... Also I'm hoping my travel agent can do better.
  14. Wow you ladies racked up your posts quick! I need to get on that! =(
  15. Thanks for the response! I've sent an email with a bunch of questions to my WC, hopefully he'll get back to me soon. I don't mind having some people help out, I'm just wondering when they'll have time since after the ceremony we'll want to take pictures and my bridesmaids will be getting their hair and makeup done earlier in the day... not sure how far in advance they will allows us to set up the reception area.
  16. This looks really cute, not sure I'll have time for it, but something to keep in mind. thanks for sharing!
  17. thanks for sharing! I'm beginning to think I can save a lot with DIY decorations. The resort is charging me $60 for each additional guest on top of the 20 included in the package and I'm expecting a goo amount of guests so I'm really researching ideas now!
  18. That's a great idea! And those vases seem more manageable than the tall ones, thanks for sharing!!
  19. Great idea! This may be a silly question but after your bring this all down, does the resort set up your decoratoins or do you have to do it yourself? (or have guests help) Thanks ladies!
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