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Everything posted by shopnboard

  1. Congrats to all of you who reached it!
  2. Thanks kay2015, will definitely think about that. I should probably decide what kind of reception I'm having soon. That's a great idea, bon voyage party is cute!
  3. Quote:Originally Posted by Italy2013 That sounds fantastic I have to say the "Pre-Wedding Party" was a lot of fun but a lot of work too. The wedding is a lot less work because of the planner. I'm glad I had the party but glad it's over. We ended up with 60 people and my initial budget was $4k for 40 people and I was under that for 60!!! I ended up hiring a planner but still did a lot of the decor and cooking myself. Looking forward to showing up at my wedding and not having to do anything!!!! Good luck and have fun!!! Wow good job on budgeting! I'm having a similar issue, I'd like to have an at home ceremony first since our parents and family can't join us otherwise I'd make it a casual get together too. Need to think this through but I'm glad everything worked out for you. Enjoy your wedding!!!
  4. Quote:Originally Posted by m8chow I'm aiming to hit 100 today maybe 150 by Wednesday!!! I'm going to aim to hit 150 this week too... I feel like I'm so behind on things
  5. Thank you for posting this! This will really help me check off all the things I haven't done yet! =x
  6. Yes it is... I'm giving myself a decent range but with all these ideas I'm hoping to save more with DIY projects!! It will be in May 2014 so I have some time...
  7. Quote:Originally Posted by rkwedding I have been searching everywhere for a blingy wedge heel so I can wear it all day comfortably, the above heel is the one I fell in love with, but for $500 I don't think that's practical...so I've found a website where try make customs shoes for a fair price shoesofprey.com and crafted the bottom shoe and I'm pretty sure I will be happier knowing I saved some money there Oo please post pictures when you receive them!!
  8. Quote:Originally Posted by agale86 Â We got married at The Royal Playa del Carmen! It was beautiful and perfect! OUr photographer was fabulous too.... Was it difficult to walk in the sand with those heels? I love pink too, I was definitely going to incorporate it that day, I was thinking maybe the sash... haven't thought about the shoes hehe
  9. Quote:Originally Posted by Tbasgall Here is a pic of my dress. I'm adding a different sash. That is beautiful!! I have yet to get my dress
  10. Quote:Originally Posted by TuffLuv I thought it was only appropriate I posted my 150th post here. Whoot whoot!!!!! Congratulations!! Working my way up there tooo
  11. That's a great idea! Especially since it will be outdoors and probably not enough lighting once it gets dark. Thanks for sharing!!
  12. I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to when to send invites, especially because it's a destination wedding. You know your guests best, and when you think it's appropriate should be fine. I've read on this forum that many ladies do send them early to give their guests enough time to book their rooms and travel arrangements. It did make me feel better because I wanted to send them out early too! I ended up paying the deposit for my room block, but I will get that back once the rooms have been filled, the reason is because the deposit was due 30 days after signing the contract and I didn't want to put that kind of pressure on my guests. I know the rooms will be filled so I'm not too worried. You still have plenty of time until December. What I did do recently was send an email to all the guests to ask them to pay the deposit if they know they're definitely going. I think people don't realize that only the deposit is due right now and they think they have to pay the total amount. That definitely help because I had people booking and asking questions. Hope that helps!
  13. I'm anticipating my group to be at least 80 maybe even up to 100... that's why I'm concerned about the music also
  14. Everything looked beautiful. I tried on the same dress at David's Bridal and I really liked it too!! It looked great on you! My BMs are also wearing royal blue! Wow, thank you for sharing!! I feel much better seeing the photos on the beach, I know they will look beautiful.
  15. Everything looks great! You're almost there!! Please let us know how it goes with the iPod. I'm considering the same thing, not having a DJ but I'm still debating because I have a rather large group. Would love to hear feedback!
  16. Quote:Originally Posted by lastminbride That's my wedding group size, too. What resorts are you thinking of? Lastminbride, we first decided where, Costa Rica, then we figured AI would be easier for guests. We ultimatley selected the Hilton Papgayo in Costa Rica =)
  17. This is great, thanks for sharing the photo of the brochure!
  18. Island festive, I like that! I haven't even figured out what the groomsmen will wear yet let alone the guests
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Carlota1981 Shopnboard, My wc offered herself to make everything,, also with all the decorations we brang. This was completely free. I know that is how the wedding department makes. I dont think is "fair" they charge you sth... We tipped our planner as she was great with us, very hard working person, the wedding was perfectly organized and she was amazing during all the months of planning with her mails answering me in the same day or the day after. That is why we tipped her with 200 usd. Wow, you had a great WC!! Do you mind if I ask how many guests you had attend?
  20. Whew, at least I know that's not a totally outrageous price, because the other AI I was looking at only charged $15 per additional guest. Have you decided what decorations you will be using? I'm going to try to think of something easy to transport for the centerpieces.
  21. I am definitely doing favors and I want to do OOT bags as well, we'll see what the budget will allow in the end..
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