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Posts posted by vas2014

  1. I really can't stress how important it is to use a destination wedding specialist.  There are so many more facets to destination weddings than regular individual travel.  I know some very experienced agents that won't do destination weddings because of the extra work involved.


    Have you tried one of the BDW Travel Agents?  We Specialize in Destination weddings.  TA Patty above is a Dominican Republic Expert.


    You can contact us:  Contact a Destination Wedding Specialist HERE and I will direct you to the best agent that fits your needs.


    You can read some of our reviews here: Wright Travel Agency ~ Destination Wedding Specialist Reviews HERE

    Thank you Tammy, I did reach out to Patty from and we're set for a phone meeting today..
  2. When are you Brides sending out your invitations and how? Our std when out with a link to our wedding website, and guest have started RSVP on the website already. But with family and friends, spread out around the world I am considering using electronic invitations. My mom wants to died. She think it's rude that all info in online.. PLEASE HELP!

  3. How have to brides book you Wedding packages?

    We have  contacted 2 TA they say itâ€s too early to book or get rates.


    Iâ€m having a June 2014.

    Please feel free to share your TA info most of my guest will be flying out of NYC, BWI or PHL. 


  4. Originally Posted by DeeP10 View Post


    Hey ladies


    I'm here for some " don't give a shit what anyone thinks and says pep talk". Lol


    I'm really kinda down tonight.


    We just came back from my FI sisters house where some of his family were gathered . For shits and giggles I informally handed his sister and dad the STD I just got done.


    And so it begins...this is what I got


    Odd look from his sister and 17 yr old niece . " Halloween ? Your wedding is gonna be on Halloween ? Really? " arched eye brows!


    From niece " great guess I can't come ill just have started college"


    From sister and niece - it's a Friday?


    From his father- why can't you just do it in Miami ? If its the money ill give you money.


    Are you inviting so and so and so and so and sound so?


    " you know we are. Tight family why would you do it in YOUR country?


    From his father - well at least we can book your uncles time share and we can all stay there and just go to your wedding.



    I was getting so pissed and its only the first STD


    Ohhhh and I said to his sister. Please it's not like anyone actually considers Halloween a pagan holiday. To which she raised her hand as in to say " I do"



    Now add to that


    None of my so called best friends have even called me to ask about the wedding since I told them I was engaged over a month ago.

    My fathers " how much is this shindig gonna cost comment"

    My moms " your not wearing white re you?" Comment


    And the fact that I'd rather elope As it is , I feel totally deflated.


    This is supposed to be a happy time in my life and instead I just wanna cry. Mainly because I always see in the movies and on tv all these people with tons of support.


    Let me clarify that everyone Is happy for us and want us to get married. I just feel super lonely in the process.


    I totally relate with you. It seems our FI families  are the same. LOL  I bite my tongue to avoid conflict.  I really don't  want to put my FI in the middle. but I've decided  not sharing anything with them until its ready would be in my best interest.   If I say purple they say lavender.

    Learning to let go


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