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  1. Quote:Originally Posted by Backy i agree too. I give my guest 1 year notice and ask them to save up monthly putting $100 away. that's would be a lot less burden for them Thanks ladies for your input! I think I'll keep my offer about paying for hotels quiet until I found out people are struggling to pay for the trip. All of my siblings are college students, so they can't really put away money over the next year, but they graduate 6 months before my wedding and hopefully will be able to save up in that time. If not, I'll help.
  2. Have any recent brides that had an outside photographer had to pay the one night charge for them? How does that work - do you book with the hotel and they actually give you a room for the photographer or do you pay a standard night rate and the photographer doesn't actually get a room? Thanks!
  3. I'm just curious if anyone else has encountered a similar situation as mine. I have 6 siblings and a few have significant others. As they are all younger than me a lot of them don't have jobs. I'd like to take the pressure off my parents who also don't have much money to spend by possibly paying for hotel rooms for all of the siblings. They would have had to travel across the country for my wedding regardless as they live in TX and I live in PA. When I think about the details of offering to pay for their all-inclusive hotel rooms it gets a little confusing. Originally I was thinking of getting the siblings that are couples their own hotel rooms and pairing up the single ones. They will all have the option of bringing a +1, so the pairing up singles might not work in the end. Also, a couple of my siblings have had a past childish tendency to destroy hotel rooms. How would I go about telling them to use their own credit cards for the deposit so I can avoid any damages to the room put on my card? Then I was thinking of offering to pay for their flights instead, but that would be a lot more expensive to do than paying for hotel rooms. Plus, my parents usually have frequent flyer miles to spare, so they could help out with the flights. Ah, good intentions lead to more stress and over-thinking. Any ideas or suggestions?
  4. Yeah Pennsylvanians represent! I see yours is in January - I was originally thinking January 2015, but with tax savings and the poor weather conditions at the time for our family in Northern PA the fall seemed better. I hear Jamaica is wonderful in January! October/November wedding hopefully won't have any early snow storms, but you never know! As for Loreto... still waiting on a confirmation but it's only been 4 days. Wedding season is probably in full swing for them.
  5. Pennsylvania. And I do hope they respond soon since I have such a small timeframe. Do you use the general weddings email or have you used the emails specific to the Suites and Beach? I had originally emailed the Suites - not realizing it was the wrong email so I'm sure that's why I haven't heard a response yet. Are you coming from the U.S. as well?
  6. That's great, I can get all the nitty gritty pros and cons from you:) well if the WC emails you back before me with available November dates let me know and I'll do the same. Are you looking at the Beach or Suites?
  7. Hoping for November 28-30 (right after US Thanksgiving) as we are both masters/med students who don't get summers off. Hopefully it's not booked yet! When were you thinking?
  8. Hi! Newbie here posting on the thread. I sent in my wedding form to the WC last week and am hoping to hear about my date so I can start booking with my TA (November 2014). In the meantime I am enjoying looking at all the previous photos posted and advice given. Happy planning!
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