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Everything posted by DeeP10

  1. Well don't I feel like a turd. Hahahah. I dunno what happened. Overnight my whole page changed. I must have hit a viewing setting or something.
  2. Chica! No worries. I think someone else sent it to me. Hahaha. Things move found quick. Lol. Very cute. Nice website tool. Lol
  3. I believe you need to get to DR at least 72 hrs before the wedding and have... Birth Certificate of the bride and groom Document of single unmarried status (divorce or widow(er) certificate. Ten months must have elapsed since the date of the last divorce. A photocopy of the passport of the bride and groom (or other document used to enter the Dominican Republic. Photocopies of the passports of the witnesses who are not family members. Certificate of Single Status for each of the parties. All documents must be authenticated by the couples’ nearest Dominican Consulate before they arrive in the country. All documents must be legally translated into Spanish in such consulate or by a legal interpreter in the Dominican Republic. No I don't thin Mayte can do any of this for you, except maybe advise you. I could be wrong tho, she seems to do everything else. Lol
  4. And now... All the info that I had asked you guys to post about yourselves is written on the side of your boxes. Could you see all this before Rayn as a Junior member? And just play along with us? Lol
  5. Good morning ladies! My BDW page looks different. And now I have smiley faces and emoticons. Did I get some type of promotion overnight?
  6. Can I just hire you ? You'd make a great organizer. Lol. I'm just gonna copy cat everyone on here, lol. The google calendar might be a good idea.
  7. I'm using them as well. Patty got me all the info I needed within 48 hrs. Info and prices on 4 resorts. I don't want to deal with my guests calling me about travel stuff on top of everything else
  8. I did that a few times. Said you know... This was your idea. Listen to meeeeee. Then I feel like crap cuz he looks a little hurt that I'm not all psyched to declare my undying devotion in front of the world. Lol. I'm such a B sometimes .lol. We are trying to squeeze in a trip to see some of the resorts next month. Plus we have a loooooong time planned trip to New Zealand and Australia in October. Been planning and saving for a year . It's MY DREAM trip! Also why I haven't thrown in the wedding towel. He's sucking it up for me and spending a mini fortune to go. :0/
  9. Rayn! Did you just get upgrades on here or just change your picture?
  10. He's in bed showing me houses , I'm in bed showing him linen colors . Haaaa
  11. Problem is we are house hunting too. So he's all about that right now.
  12. He's actually waaaaaaay more involved than that. Remember he wants to have the wedding I want to elope. Hahaha. He's super picky on photography and is all like " I need to read and look up all the djs" . Blah blah. " I like those passport invites" . Probably wants to be more involved than I'd like... But, everything is for the future. I'm like.. hELLOOO. We need to give ppl the heads up. Especially with a 110 person invite list. :0(
  13. Is anyone else slightly frustrated with their FI lack of sense of urgency . Mine wants to be let in on everything but I feel like he's mentally Pinteresting everything. 1 yr and 3 monthsnisnan eternity away so he's like yeah yeah " save the dates " those are nice for when we are ready to send them . Aughhhhhh
  14. My dad sells fancy schmancy watches via net. I'll ask him to take a look
  15. That being said . Denise .... October 31, 2014 Punta Cana . @ the Jellyfish . Resort to be determined
  16. Ok! I'd Ike to propose something. We obviously are becoming a little group here and I'm embarrassed to say I can't remember everyone's dates and locations. Now that I'm getting to know u guys. Could you all post your wedding date and location. And what city u live in? That way ill take a pic of it on my iPad . I'm too lazy to keep referring to everyone's profiles. Lol
  17. Go to YouTube . Type in pastor York Punta cana
  18. My FI just asked me... If I pay your $30 to get the attachments will u stop being so fixated on that site. Lolol. Nah! I'm good
  19. I went on to youtube and just typed in Pastor York Punta Cana and some videos came up!
  20. U crack me up!! When he proposes officially you can hand him a Save the date. Hahaha!
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