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Everything posted by DeeP10

  1. My FI will be home soon, I gotta put this down and look like I e been productive today . On that note ... Although Jalimel sent lovely save the date boarding passes to me so I can use the template , I think I'm gonna do shutterfly std. There are some for as little as 33 cents and they have coupons. I'm just not ready for printing and cutting . Lol.
  2. Welcome!!!!!!! Start posting Now to get your 150 quickly
  3. Depends on the day. 2 or 3. . Some people do 4'or 5 flights a day. I'm pretty senior so Im a bit lazier at this point . Lmao
  4. At the start I spent too much time " lurking" on here. No posting just reading. So jump right in. Comment or ask questions on anything. It's taken me over a month and I have about 30 posts to go but I wasted a lot of time
  5. Help me, I feel like I don't really know how to use this site. Is the Only way to catch up on posts I've missed backtracking to the page numbers, and see where I left off?
  6. No! In the next day or two, Maybe I should call out sick from work. Lololol Wait! What! There's pictures on here? Lol
  7. Nah girl. We fly space available. I'd never take that chance on anything important. Can't " maybe, maybe not" make it to my own wedding. Lol! But it is cool to o or site visits. I've threatened my coordinator to not ignore my emails too much , cuz ill fly my ass right down there and be at her door. Hahahaga
  8. It definitely has its perks. But like with any other job that deals with people... Smh! I've seen and heard so much crazy ish. I swear people lose their minds when the cabin becomes pressurized. Also , days like today Shen I wake up at noon like a college girl ( lol) I feel like crap. 9 years of erratic schedules. :0/ Yet, the health insurance is great and I fly relatively free. That will always trump all. It feeds my wanderlust . Lol
  9. Good Morning ladies!!! I'm finally up! What have I missed?
  10. Ok! It's 6am , I just got in from a red eye. While u ladies talked without me I flew to Niagara Falls and back . Lol I'm about to crawl in the sack. since you normal folk are sleeping ill talk to u when I wake. Hahahahhaha J/K Nite nite Gonna have a vodka orange juice for my vitamins and antioxidants/ sleep aid
  11. Than you ! Ummm,. Was your wedding last month or next year. It says JUNE 25 2013. Lol
  12. I called last night and the manager said she was super busy with a wedding. She has like 28 this month. Be patient. I know it's driving people nuts. Yest she promises when it's due time she will give u 150% . About once every few weeks she stays up late and responds to everyone. Sometimes I get her mail at 2 or 3 a.m . It seems she never sleeps. If it makes you feel better I've heard that once she says " that date is available and it's yours" she means it. Deposit or not. I haven't left a deposit but I'm confident it will be fine. I've spoken with quite a few brides who have said they've made it to the wedding date and had never left a deposit. Just their word. I know it seems crazy but it seems to work for them , cuz people are still banging down their doors. Lol. If that really does not work for you, you might want to skip talking to her for now, and ask to speak to the manager. He seems to be the one to do the paperwork and accounting anyway. I have a feeling it was he who I was talking to last night because he insisted he could help me. I was trying to setup an appt with her next month since ill be in PC so he really couldn't in this case. She also sent a note on Facebook saying to please be patient with her and that everyone who emailed her first about a date would get it in priority order. Deposit or not. Hope it helps, D
  13. I'm an ass, sat here responding forever then realized all of you are offline. . Hahahahah. Coooome baccckkkkkkk. :cool:
  14. [VIDEO][/VIDEO] He's watching soccer. So I have a few hours. Lol
  15. I don't know I'm weird like that . I'd invest more in 20 minutes of entertainment and possibly a cigar bar than I would on my flowers or stuff like that. It's just me... I think stuff like that people will be like. " hat was off the hook" we don't see that back home. As opposed to my bouquet wilting to death . I'm also gonna cut costs on my photos. So don't want anyone other than maybe my girlfriend taking shots of me putting on my garter and laying on the bed. Lolol. I'll do it with my girl and won't feel bad walking around in the buff. Hahahaha
  16. Dude. I ran some errands and now I need to backup like ten pages. Lol
  17. Don't even have to look at the link. So many of my passengers are always raving about it! I'd say great choice
  18. We are going to be frugal on this I think... I'm a flight attendant so although I fly relatively free I'm going to purchase our flights to DR. So we aren't standby. ( he's so spoiled now he was like " we are going to buy a flight? ) hahaha. I gave him " the look" no Hun , we are going to go Standby to our own wedding and Pray we get on . If not ! People can just party without us". Lol! But we will probably non rev back. Every dollar helps. He'll that can even pay for my fire show. :0) the room I have to decide on. Probably wont do much more than an upgraded room. On our honeymoon whenever that will be , I'll go big!
  19. I've decided today I'm gonna sit around and hit my 150 number count. Hahahaha. I have about 53 to go I think. Lmao! So be ready for random thoughts from me. Haaaaaaa:D
  20. [VIDEO][/VIDEO] And yes, those tips go a long way in DR. Hahaha
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