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Posts posted by DeeP10

  1. Whew ladies busy little bees.. Do we now need a thread AA for early brides of 2014? Hahaha First welcome to michellec24, recy,& lukyj.. Missjali is your name jalisa or jalitza ? I also would love to do boudoir pics..my stomach is such a problem area for me but trying to work on it. Hclibby you are so rightseem as though once 30 hits everything starts to stick and not go away.. Moody congrats 20lbs that's wonderful. I agree your MIL should have to pay for any extras she wants to invite especially since you and FI want small and intimate.. enjoy lunch with your MOH. Denise ..Loooooove The letter so tempted to really send it out..hahaha. .enjoy your ride and yes don't get put out at gas station..thanks so much for the airline tip will have to get the form so I can include with invites and add to wedsite..oh also thanks for the acronym list. Rayne your welcome bags are going to be amazing! !! I want one too.. can I also have copy sent to me [email protected] no rush whenever you get a chance. Where did you purchase the actual bags.. Miss jali/Denise what's a fulana is it a Dominican term?
    Omg!!!! That was a great way to catch up and condense the last 3 days. Lololol welcome back! Yes, Ms Jali and I are both apparently gluttons for punishment. We are both Dominicans having our wedding in DR. Lol. Fulana is a term they use as a casual way of saying " that lady so and so I can't really remember her name that lives down the block and is always up in our business" hahaha.
  2. Hey g

    It should usually read both parents but my father passed away and his father is a useless drunk.....so we only listed our mothers. I haven't decided if I want to reword that page or not [/quote Hey girl: They look lovely! I can see what she means though. It's a little confusing the way it's written. I think instead of your moms names there it has to be you and your FI. Or Mrs & mrs so and so would like to request your presence at the wedding of ...
  3. Ladies For those of you that are new and are staring at our acronyms with a perplexed look on your face. Thought I'd help out with a little list I found on here. No worries I too am like WTH is that. :0) I thought it would be nice if we could put all our abbreviations into one thread, especially for the new members (okay and for those of us who sometimes have no idea what others are talking about-like me with the DH thing) so here is what I know so far AHR - At home reception AI - All Inclusive BD Pics - boudoir pictures BDW - best destination wedding (our forum & the website) BM - Bridesmaid OR Best Man BRB - be right back BTW - By the Way DD - Dear daughter DF - dear fiance DH - dear hubby DS - dear son DIY - Do it yourself DW - destination wedding EP - European Plan E-pics - engagement pictures E-ring - Engagement ring ETA - estimated time of arrival, edited to add ETD - esitmated time of departure FI - Fiance FBIL - Future Brother-in-law FFIL - Future Father-in-law FMIL - Future Mother-in-law FSIL - Future Sister-in-law FG - Flower girl FX - fingers crossed GF - Girlfriend GM - Groomsmen HM - Honeymoon HTH - hope this helps IMO - in my opinion IMHO - in my honest/humble option JOP - Justice of the Peace KWIM - Know what I Mean LOL - laugh on line OR laugh out loud MIB - message in a bottle (invites) MIL - mother in law MOD - Moderator (of this forum) MOH - maid of honor MOTM - member of the month MTOH - matron of honor NWT - new with tags OBO - or best offer OMG - oh my god / gosh / goodness OOT- Out Of Town (usually referring to OOT bags, or welcome bags, for guests) OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit PITA - Pain in the ASS POAS - Pee on a stick (pregnancy test) PM - private message PSA - Public Service Announement RB - Ring bearer ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing ROR - Riu Ocho Rios (Jamaica) ROTFLAO - Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off SAHM - Stay at home mom STD - Save The Date SO - Significant other TA - travel agent TCOYF - Taking Care of Your Fertility (a book) TIA - Thanks in advance TTA - trying to avoid (pregnancy) TTC - trying to conceive TTD - Trash the Dress TTYL - Talk to ya later TY - Thank you WB - Wedding band WC - wedding coordinator WP - Wedding party WTF - What the F$%(! WW - Weight watchers

  4. Buenos Dias So in case some of you were not aware. You can go on to American Airlines website and contact their group rates department for a 5% discount for your guests. It will actually say weddings . You fill out the form with all your info and after a coiple of days they send you a agreement. Your not legally bound to anything but the cool thing is after about 10 ppl book you can get a free ticket for yourself . They also send you inserts to put in your invitations with the discount code. Thought I'd share

  5. after all this shit... I may not even do a welcome letter, after buying all this if your ass don't know you're welcome by then, oh freakin well. lol
    Keep it simple Dear guest Here's all your shit, now stop whining that you had to come to my DW. Hahahah Dude you guys are my stress release. We are going on a 5 hour car ride at 5 am to Ameila island near Jacksonville . FI has a seminar for the weekend. Ill be laying on beach while he hangs with the stuffy ties. He's so trapped. I have him for 5 hours in the car to get him to commit to wedding stuff. Wooohooooo. Lol. No sports to distract him either.
  6. My mom doesn't care, neither does my dad. It's his side! Like they just have to invite everyone to make the numbers even. Sorry, my family is big but not a lot of invites went out to them. I'm not even inviting all of my family from DR!!! LOL my friend did the worst thing possible...decide to have her wedding in Jamaica! and her list is at like 200!!!! No way, I hope everyone says DR in March is too expensive and If I have between 30-50, honestly I will be happy!
    My parents don't get involved. Actually it would be nice if they got a little more involved. It's bad enough my girlfriends are pretending that " another one didn't bite the dust" . My dad makes little comments like " so how much is this shindig gonna cost" ? I know you wouldn't spend too much on something like a wedding. My mom? Aughhhh she's like" your not going to wear white right? I mean you Have been LIVING" with him. Smh! It's no wonder I have to pep myself to do this and that I drink. Lol My parents won't care who I invite . His dad on the other hand will probably want to invite all of Trinidad. He's very much a proper protocol type of person. Thankfully my FI will put him in check. I do have a bit of family in DR . I feel bad but am inviting some cousins and not others. Although when people tell me no I can't go , I'll have what we call the " 2nd cut list. Lol
  7. I think the parents traditionally host an engagement party, not the couple themselves.  I think it doesn't happen anymore because parents are already paying for the wedding, if that.  In that case anyone can host the party so your thought of responding "when are you hosting one?" is right on!  Like most of us you aren't bothered if you don't have one so if no one hosts, it doesn't happen.  Just like you wouldn't host your own wedding shower.
    It's all so much " tradition hoopla" I'm 34 he's going to be 40. Between the both of us we had so much home crap when we moved in together that we can supply a shelter . 2 of EVERYTHING . And because we aren't college age anymore it's all pretty nice stuff. So what the heck do I register for ? A bridal shower to get what? Nighties? Lol. I guess I prefer a jack and Jill one , but I dunno it seems almost insulting to ask my friends to buy me a gift a month before they're spending a couple grand to go to my wedding. Ohhhh and I do expect an envelope at my wedding. ;). :D How come my smileys suck compared to u guys?
  8. Speaking of engagement parties. I have a ???????? Is everyone having one or has had one already? Everyone keeps asking me. When's the engagement party ? and I keep thinking when the hell are you throwing me one. WTH? Did everyone pay for their own engagement party on top of the wedding? It seems one of my already married with 10 kids that I have to buy gifts for every Xmas and birthday should be volunteering. Heheheheh. Or am I off here? Who generally hosts this shindig ?

  9. Totally feel you Hi....my name is Cindy and I might be a alcoholic.....I deal with stupid ppl in healthcare and Doctors who think they are gods and a bunch of whiney old hags in the dept as well as future inlaws from HELL. I love big glasses of wine, usually I forgo the glass and just use the bottle....and pitchers of Sangria....
    Lmaoooooo the seat! What the hell did I start? :confused:
  10. Girls always get the short end of the stick in that department! Men seem to keep their bodies easily and lose weight easily while we have to work REALLY hard.  I'm not sure how old you girls are (I'm 31) but around 30 it gets much harder, people say it gets worse at 40, if that's the case I'm very scared! Men don't help the cause either when they want us to cook for them, have dessert, drink beers with them, etc. Starting to spin again is a great start, better than eating bon bons on your couch, but it definitely is a shock to the bum at first.  We'll all support each other to get our best bodies before our big day!
    I'm 34 so I feel u. I'm gonna be honest. Bon bons are not the problem. Lol I get home from work after a crap day of dealing with whiny passengers , their kids, the pilots, my crazy coworkers, delays, all I want to do is down a bottle of wine. Lol. They say a glass is good for you but I like big glasses. LmAo Now with this wedding stress (where the hell is all this money going to come from) I might move on to scotch
  11. 65 invites went out to families. But I doubt "Fulana and her 10 kids are making the trip" LMFAO THAT WAS SO WRONG!
    U wanna hear wrong ? I'm telling parents that although their children are welcome to come on vacation and stay at the resort. No kiddies under 16 can come to the reception. :eek: The restaurant is off property and only holds 100 ppl. So "Dona Fulana " will have to leave her kids at the resort or home. That's gonna go over really well. Lol
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