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Posts posted by DeeP10

  1. Hi pookies Sorry I've been gone. Was crazy week. Had my first wedding dress try on today. Like everything in my life it's not Gonna b that easy. Lol! Def no first dress was the winner thing here . On another note. Heading to Punta Cana tomorrow with my girlfriend . Fi is staying home. :0( So she and I have 4 appts booked on Monday. 10am Barcelo Bavaro Palace Deluxe ( in honor of Missjali) 12. Dreams palm beach 2pm Now Larimar 4 pm. Melia Caribe Phew, I'm beat already Tuesday I hope to meet with the lady from the reception restaurant ( off property) and some photographers. With me luck . If anyone is considering one of these and had questions , ask away...

  2. Ok never mind the quotes didn't come out! welcome CoColuv Thanks for all the vistaprint and bB& b advice Jali, stop stressing you know Hispanic families and their opinions. Yes you can have ANY party you want and eat your cake too. I too don't like to be told what to do. My FI says "I know if I need you to do something I tell you not to. " lol Brownsugar I had something to tell you but can't remember. Lol Moody your on the ball. Gonna need advice on your passports later on...

  3. Lmao! So here's a funny for ya'll . I've been sitting at the hotel all day waiting to go to work and I realized that A. They put little burlap bags in the room for their coffee. It's the ones with the drawstrings that I want for my favors B. they put little packets in the room with a nail file . Cotton balls , ear cleaners , mouthwash and a little sewing kit etc. I'm like.... Omg I'm gonna ask the cleaning lady to give me more and if I do that on every layover for the next year ill have enough stuff for my OOT bags . Lmao. Hahahahaha I swear I'm gonna write a book on saving a buck. Lol

  4. Ok ladies . Here's a touchy subject I think many of you will have a comment about. It seems we all have a lot in common about the problems of planning a wedding. My FI and I are pretty much paying for our own wedding. I assume our parents will contribute something or another eventually but I don't know a number and don't want to assume. My parents paying for everything is never going to happen nor would I want It to. My dads always complaining about not ever being able to retire and my mom doesn't work. So here's my question. My FI and I don't have a bank account yet together and although we plan on splitting the costs of the wedding I'm the one doing all this preliminary stuff. sTD's , stamps, little trips to Michaels blah blah, and I've just started. Te reality is that as women we are always just picking p little things that they would never think of . So after your 25th trip to the dollar stores and Michaels and charming Charlie's and all that stuff starts adding up. Since my FI isn't really " there yet" how do you keep track of the expenses . I mean obviously you write it down and save receipts , but how do you make the expenses even. You ask him for money every couple of days? Cuz I'm still not the type to do that ( wifey to be or not, I'm too proud. Lol) but I'm working on it. Do you guys get my question. Yes we will split photographers , videographers all that big stuff but how about all these other little things that add up to hundreds of dollars? Especially when he isn't even thinking wedding yet. I hate finance talk but it has to be done. He would never deny me anything but he's kind of weird it doesn't seem to occur to him to be like " how much do I owe u for half the STD?) Please don't think I'm cheap but shit! The reality is he wanted the big wedding when I wanted to run away get hitched and spend a month traveling with the money. Lol

  5. Here's another great reason to have a TA. She just set up my appointments for my site visits next week. It's impossible to reach ppl at the resorts and since she has a relationship with many of them she's setting up my walk thru's. Leaving to Punta Cana next week Sunday the 10th to finally get an idea of what I want to do and to visit the Jellyfish restaurant . Our off property wedding place. Yippee. TA is Patty from Wright travel.

  6. I haven't exactly decided if I'm taking on the name, I like my Hispanic last name!! LOL maybe on the important things, like the bank accounts! lol
    Me neither, must be that stubborn Dominican thing Jali. Lol I also like my last name I've lived with it for 34 yrs. my last name is Pool, and I always have to say " like swimming" . His is Bryan and people are always so perplexed that he has a first name as a last. Lololol Denise Pool-Bryan , Ummmmm :rolleyes:
  7. Denise!!! HOLLA!! Lol, if you come to NY let me know so we can link up! My sister (age 23) is my MOH by default. It's just the right thing to do. One of the bm is my college friend (age 29) of 10 yrs. I think i just gave away my age (but my college friend is a bit older than me LOL) and the other 3 (ranging between 25, 23, and 21) are my godsisters. They seem disinterested since i put my foot down, I want no freaking stippers! Please let's think outside the box! LOL. You know you're not that far from Miami, maybe we can switch. What part of NY are you originally from?
    Grew up in Jamaica Queens, Went to 217 jhs And Newtown for HS
  8. Jali: I want to go to NY. Lets swap houses. Hahahaha! I don't think my MOH which is my step sister is a " bachelorette party type" but I knew that when I chose her. I was ok with that because I know she's good and supportive about other things that are more Important. I haven't decided on any other BM , but I'm leaning towards ny niece who will be 17 by then and his niece who will be 18. I'm doing this to kind of keep it in the family so I don't have to pick between my GF's . Most seem disinterested anyway so why bother. That being said both are so young that my bachelorette party might be at chunky cheese. Lol. Some other friends brought it up and if it does happen I'd probably go to Ny. It's not that expensive to fly there and since I'm originally from there I thought it would be good cuz my other GF's from Ny can join in the fun. We shall see. Your resort might have a FB page that's like Riu punta cana Brides, or something.
    shhhh! she isss planning it after me lol. she's been having a shitload of changes with dates. she's getting married in Jamaica. lol my sister wanted to do a party bus but im like "ok... where's the bus taking us?" Lol I priced it out $850 for 18 girls isn't bad, comes out to $45-$48 a girl. well see. I'm doing the research and giving my sister a list of what i'd like to do, no strippers please. the male ones are so tacky lol
    I LOVE mail strippers. OMG they work so hard for their money. I'm always amazed, how much they have to do for a DOLLAR. Push-ups , flips, rain falling from the sky! Dressing up in all types of shit and women are like .... U want my DOLLAR? Like its a 100 dollar bill. Lol Women strippers stand there are rub their boob and get a 20. Hahahah
    You do united airlines?? I'm flying united to West Palm Oct 5th lol
    No! I fly for Spirit. Don't judge me if we have scorned you. I've heard it all.
    Hahah I really do... I always look to see if there is one that makes sense with what I said If someone doesn't show me where to find these smileys I'm gonna flip :drum:  (not sure I will ever say something for this one so Here you go - just for fun!)
    I have something for that one.... Why the hell can I NOT find a steel drum band in DR? Lol
  9. ugh!I want to go to.miami! but I secretly think my bm sucks (I.know that's mean) lol my sister is my moh and she's kinda a ditz, not the best planner, one bm is now planning a wedding even tho she's already married, one is prego and the other 2...are. like lost in the wind! if you want to come to nyc for yours, I'll be here, I'll probably have to settle on nyc even tho id like to do miami. my fi and I joked about going to miami and having our own bachelor/bachelorette with each other lol
    Jali: I want to go to NY. Lets swap houses. Hahahaha!
    I might be the only one who doesn't really care if my guests stay as long as me. I can't exactly ask people to pay to go, take time off of their job and say "umm hey so you know...it's also our honeymoon" my Hispanic family would be deeply offended. But again, maybe it doesn't bother me as much because we've already planned for a delayed honeymoon later on and I sold this DW as a huge family vacation anyway.
    Anyone else feel like they're going to be cheated out of a great bachelorette? My mom keeps reminding me that the BM have to pay for this and that but come on! a bachelorette is part of it right??
    I don't think my MOH which is my step sister is a " bachelorette party type" but I knew that when I chose her. I was ok with that because I know she's good and supportive about other things that are more Important. I haven't decided on any other BM , but I'm leaning towards ny niece who will be 17 by then and his niece who will be 18. I'm doing this to kind of keep it in the family so I don't have to pick between my GF's . Most seem disinterested anyway so why bother. That being said both are so young that my bachelorette party might be at chunky cheese. Lol. Some other friends brought it up and if it does happen I'd probably go to Ny. It's not that expensive to fly there and since I'm originally from there I thought it would be good cuz my other GF's from Ny can join in the fun. We shall see.
    Has anyone heard of or used a good videographer in Punta Cana? I am not sure about Antillana which is the company for RIU Palace Punta Cana since they have no examples for me to see before hand.  I just don't want to end up with a bad video of my wedding day, I am willing to pay a little more to get a nice and professional looking video NOT a slideshow of pictures.  Any help would be great! 
    Your resort might have a FB page that's like Riu punta cana Brides, or something.
  10. For those of you who are still getting out save the dates and invites (like me!), here's a neat little service that I've been using: https://www.postable.com.  You just send your friends a personalized link and they fill in all of the information (address, spouse name, etc.)  It's so easy, and one of my friends said it was very straightforward, easy to read and very cool.  (And the best part is that it's free.99!! LOL)
    Omg! I love you... This has been such an annoying process for me. Lol
    Good news all around! Glad things are working out for you! We are at the beginning of planning and it seems a little overwhelming....I thought this would be much easier than planning an at home wedding, but now I realize a DW has it's own challenges! Oh, well, I guess nothing good is easy!
    welcome girl! You have no idea! But feel free to use all of us as a testing/ sounding board
    I'm jealous! We wont be having an engagement party haha :)
    Me neither!
  11. Yep! If they don't feel comfortable with computers, they can call.  I'm using this website/app that allows you to RSVP: I agree. I want to use online RSVP as well. I find that the mail back ones are so annoying. Most people don't use snail mail anymore . Besides think of the money you will save. !!!! I really want passport invites but we shall see. http://www.appycouple.com/
    I though the same thing about lace until I found a very light laced dress. I feel in love immediately.  It looks great! LL LL
    We already booked the wedding and the bride and groom's hotel through our TA. Most guests will be traveling from St. Louis and we already have a PIN # for a group discount. Bride and groom will be traveling from Oklahoma City and there are no charters from OKC so we just booked the room and will add air in Dec. when it becomes available in Dec. Guest's packages ( thru Apple vacations) are already available ( including air) according to our TA.
    I'm using Patty at Wright Travel and my wedding isn't until Oct 2014. Yet she already got me rates, so no it's not too early
    HAha well you're one of the few!!!     I don't know why people do this with Kimberly - names like Jessica and Jennifer are the same type of name and I never hear people automatically call them Jess and Jen ....  I just like Kimberly better - why is that so hard doh.gif  HAHA
    Too funny! If we were closer I'd start doing it just to annoy you. Lol. Maybe in a month or two. Hahaha
    I love non-white dresses! I'm leaning towards ivory but I've seen some champage and blush pink dresses that are cute. 
    I'm dead set against wearing white. I loooove the champagne look for me, plus people would expect me to not be traditional. Don't wanna disappoint . Lol
    How is everyone handling how long people stay? I love that people are willing to come so far to my wedding and make a vacation out of it but how do I politely tell them that this is still our honeymoon too?   I feel like my sisters are more excited about going to Jamaica than the actual wedding! They are talking about buying an extra suitcase when they already each have 2 huge ones! I'm like 'really?? I don't want you hanging around my entire wedding-moon!!!"
    We are ok with people staying however long they'd like. Remember you want them to consider it a vacation so you really can't impose on them a time limit if they are spending all that money. Might be better if you change hotels. We plan on actually going to another part of DR for a few days. They have nice resorts in Puerto Plata too, but we also don't care if some friends go with us. As far as I'm concerned ill have plenty of lonely romantic time in the future. Besides all the ALONE time you need is in your room . Lol. Otherwise we don't mind spending time on the vacation with friends and certain family. When you need " alone time" for like a romantic dinner or something we will just tell them. I'm sure they'd understand. One of my best friends has been married for over 30 yrs. Shes like " ohhhh don't honeymoon alone , that's so boring " lololol. Ill take any advice from a couple that's been together that long.
    No problem for me that people are staying, because I fully intend to move to another resort! LOL
    Question: Is anyone skipping mailed-in paper RSVPs?  I think I am! I never remember to send those things back. Lol I'm doing online RSVP only, and I was told "that is SO improper." TO me: it saves trees, and both FI and I are tech nerds, so online is best for us. Our STD even has a QR code to scan that takes you to our website..lol
    Improper blah, only people not up on technology will be older family, they'll tell you verbally yay or nay
  12. Omg I had such a long shifty work day yesterday. We had a mechanical after doing 3 flights , and our Ac was down on the plane . fML 145 pax stuffed into a 88 degree tube. It wasn't pretty. I tried and tried to catch up between flights but u ladies talk too much. Lol . STOP TYPING!!! I'm at the hotel on my layover so I have the next few hrs sooooooo ill BRB! :D

  13. shots.gif After the day I've had I wish that were me!!!!!! Please excuse my rant but I've gotta talk to someone. I got a text from one of my BM early this AM saying she got bad news about her camp she's selling and she needed to talk to me but couldn't because she was crying too much. I wait ALL day for her to call me. Apparently when they did the inspection there's something wrong with the roof and in order to sell it she needs to fix it and it's going to deplete her savings.  Although I feel bad for her it's their summer camp not your permanent home and apparently she just found out today but it's also two days before the BM dress order goes through. I have no idea if she's going to come at all but regardless she's not a BM anymore.crybaby2.gif I had two dresses, 3 one style and 3 in another so I need to re-do the order because I want them to come out every other, not a problem but I also wanted an even number of BM (even in number and even to my FI).  On top of that I was talking to my Mom today and she let it slip that my sister is planning to come alone. Not the end of the world except for the fact that I already paid for her and her family entire stay at the resort. My sister and BIL have plenty of money but she was acting like this would be a financial burden so I paid for them to help and because I love them and her. Now she's coming alone??? I paid for 2 adults and 2 kids!!!!!! My mom said she's still not sure though. Um, well make up your mind so I can see if maybe I can get some money back. She didn't really want to bring my niece to Mexico because she'll only be 20 months and she thinks it'd be a pain to travel with her, what if she gets sick, blah blah. She also doesn't trust anyone (but the people that will be at the wedding to watch her). Therefore my BIL will be home with both kids, possibly anyway. I emailed her today to ask and got nothing back. mad.gif By the time the day was done I wanted to elope!!!!!!!!!!
    Chica: Chant the Mantra F$@& em all! Call your Dear sister and ask her the deal. It's your right to know. Give her a deadline or you get your money back. You BM is being selfish as well ( shocking) because I'm sorry a BM dress isn't going to break anyone's bank and she should have had that money allotted already. I know it won't be " picture perfect" but better to have an uneven lineup than a drag. I don't understand ppl. I've made sure all my life to be considerate of people and I try my hardest to not screw ppl, but I've had to drill it in my head ( after a lot of therapy ) that my biggest mistake is expecting ppl to be like me. I feel you... My MOH came over last night to vent and get things off her chest. She's upset because she is purchasing the home of her dreams ALONE, mind you she can afford it plus some. While she vented I sat at the table decorating my STD envelopes and stuffing them. Not once did she offer to help . Nor have we discussed one thing of her role as MOH. She did mention that she has plenty of dresses in her closet that will work for MOH . Lololol. Sigh Woooosaaaaa
  14. Took me forever to catch up again haha. Glad to see people finalizing dates and paying those deposits!! SO EXCITING! I have been working on my STDs and I am almost done designing them. In the meantime, I am waiting for my magnetic sheets, custom stamps, and pretty yellow envelopes to arrive. I am including save the date magnets, but making them myself because it's ridiculous that most places charge like $2 a magnet! :) Here is a picture of what the magnet will look like:  * I can't wait to put it all together!
    Very cute!
  15. I wasn't around last night and I see you got plenty of pep talks and I agree with all of the other girls.  I am sorry you had to endure all that crap, because that's what it is. This is YOUR wedding (well and your FI).  Whatever happend to "if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all".  Halloween isn't a real Holiday anyway, it's not like Christmas.  Also, a Friday works well for DW because if you do it Saturday and people are hungover they're probably hopping on a plane Sunday hungover. Regardless it's a vacation where they get to see someone they love get married, what could be bad about that?!?!?! Moral of the story, no matter what you do you won't please everyone so just make sure you guys are pleasing yourselves!
    You guys are all awesome. :0) I'm up! Heading to Michaels to figure out how I can liven up my STD envelopes. Plus I need to add magnetic tape to the back of the cards so ppl can tick them to fridge. Gotta keep it moving! May I suggest everyone that doesn't have a picture attached to their names perhaps put one up if they're comfortable soon. It's nice to have a face to the new friends/ therapists/ wedding advisors. Lol


    Ok, I sent you pricing info for Photophil, HDC and Caribbean Emotions.  there is a recent post with a bunch of other photog suggestions, too.  Here are some: A Capture by Karina Charity Swords Photography www.jamiedimitry.com http://weddingphotographypuntacana.wordpress.com/2013/07/03/lediana-david-sanctuary-cap-cana/ asiapimentel.com www.bluelagoonstudio.com http://www.photosouvenirpuntacana.com/# And someone in the group said that they told Katya what their budget was and how many hours they wanted and she worked with them, but I will say that she is probably over the $2k budget even at her shortest package.
    Thanks I'm on that page , I had copied those names last week . I do appreciate the price list though. I spoke to Katya as well and they will be in India or a few months during my wedding . So I guess that's out. Have you picked yet? Denise
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