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Posts posted by DeeP10

  1. It's not necessarily less expensive. But you are getting alot more for your money. No nickel and diming like at the resort. Plus you get exclusivity for the most part. In the resort thou see multiple brides on your day. Jellyfish Lso does not cut you off at 10 pm. Most resorts do , and send you to the club. They can accommodate that amount of people but I wouldn't go bigger than that. But no worries, you'll figure out soon enough. If you invite 100 ( which I did ) everyone will say they are going until its actually time to pay . Lol

  2. I would love if you could tag along or ANYONE for that matter. I tried to get one of my gf's to come but apparently taking time off to go to the dessert in Aug isn't tops on people's my list. My FI didn't want to come because we were there in June for a bachelor/bachelorette party. There's open bar one or 2 nights too but I won't be taking advantage of it alone. 
    If I'd known a few days ago I would have picked up a layover over there. Love Vegas! Go see so e shows. I always buy them and go by myself.
  3. you are one lucky woman! my fiance is still in his own world of doing things a thing at a time and taking forever since he works so many hours.... multi tasking is a must when you are planning a wedding!!! I feel like I am the one doing everything for a wedding that he wanted. smh he is lucky i absolutely adore him lol
    Trust me Jes, I hear ya. I, it sure if you were Around a few weeks ago when I posted that he is so in denial about the cost and how much time we have . So many of e girls here know I am now in SHOCK. Ohhhh and yes ! He too is e one who wants the big wedding . My ass , wants to go to Tuscany for 2 months with the money on a HM. Lol
  4. Omg!!! I think I'm gonna have a heart attack. So I guess me coming back from my site visits and throwing concrete numbers at my FI has lit a fire under his ass. He came home from work like" I spent a few hours online looking at DW etiquette and AHR . Tell ,e what we should have in mind" . I almost burned myself cooking. Lol Now as I write this he is sitting on his laptop reading out loud from DW websites. Wooohoooo! Can it be? He just realized we are getting married and this is work!

  5. "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Starfish"
    Exactly how I feel , love it!
    AH-MAZING IDEA!! love the dinner idea and a beautiful poem! [/quote Might have to copy some of those words! Lovely
    Hmm IDK - from the 5 I posted - everyone that has replied likes the second one the best..... so it seems to me that we should do that one.   Everyone agree? Since we definitely need two - should we do two of the same? Also, (OF COURSE) since we all have amazing taste that is the most expensive one out of the ones I posted.....  I'd be happy to chip in on them since it isn't really fair to make the first two ladies buy them.  - I found it on Amazon - I forget exactly how much it is... I wasn't smart enough to save it to my wish list - so let me find it again -haha Also,  Once they go through all our weddings - what do we do with them??  haha [/quote Maybe we can send them out on people anniversaries. Phew ! Might be a lot . Lol
    I bought my dress this weekend!!!!! It was more than I wanted to spend (isn't it always?) but I love it so much! I can't stop thinking about it! :woot: woot.gif woot.gif  hotel group rates are confirmed, about to put down the deposit for the photographer and save the dates will be going out shortly! phew, progress finally!
    Has anyone tried reaching out to Jet Blue about their group travel program? If so what was their response to you. I contacted Jet Blue and they advised me that because my group is associated with a wedding (and not charity, sports team, or church) that I'm not eligible for the group travel program. I don't know why it makes a difference if I can guarantee them 50 people will place and deposit and purcahse a ticket??? Oh well. I guess I will sign the contract with United Airlines instead, they gave my group a guaranteeed rate of $441.00 roundtrip so that's a descent price.
    American Airlines does wedding group rates.
    Yes American gives 5%
    nobody wants a "Something Borrowed, Something Blue" starfish? i saw this from one of the threads. LL LL LL
    Love it!
    Ladies I don't know if I ever posted my wedding site! I told my FI that since we are both tech nerds that I would much rather have an awesome wedding website over flowers (I know I'm strange). So we both decided to put more work into our site! It's not completely to the point I want it to be but here it is! http://www.angelaplusbill.com
    I too don't care about flowers too much, or a big cake or any of those little details .
    love your site! i don't really care much about flowers either so don't feel bad you're not alone haha
    And pictures! I'm probably spending close to 1/3 of the budget on pictures, when I think it's supposed to be about 10 percent!
    I thought that would be the case, now I really don't want someone following me around all day. I cut my package in half. Lol
    I was kind of thinking the same thing!
    Oppps, forgot the code,  moonpalace
    Morning ladies. I am so thinking about buying small sample size burlap bags and filling them with Dominican coffee beans to throw in my welcome bags or to give as favors at the wedding. I wonder if it is easy to get their coffee beans? Any other favor suggestions?
    I'm planning on doing a starfish wine opener and wine stopper.
    Ladies......I was a complete bridezilla last night.....and I think it is spreading into today as well. I need to vent a bit.....My FI's father is a worthless drunk. In the 3.5yrs we've dated he has never been around and my FI doesn't have a relationship with him. When my FI graduated the police academy this scum didn't show up b/c my FI didn't call him on his birthday......oh I'm sorry, but it was 3days before he graduated and passing the academy was a little bit more important. Moving on......so that christmas he decided to take Roy and his brother out to dinner and gave him a check for like $200 for a "graduation present". OK.....so that was 2011......now we never have really had contact with him since. We got engaged March 16th, Roy called his father to tell him we are engaged.....his father decided he wanted to take us out to dinner to celebrate our engagement. Well, this was April 4th I believe that we went (first saturday in April) and we are sitting in the parking lot of the restaurant waiting for his worthless father when we suddenly get a call from him (mind you it's 5pm). He calls and says he's lost........we immediately knew he was drunk b/c we were at the restaurant they always go to for the last 30yrs.......well, Roy gives him directions. 10mins later his father calls again that he's been in an accident.....at this point he is SO intoxicated that he can't even tell us where he is. Well every min for 15mins this SOB kept calling us asking when we will get there.....well we tell him to put a cop on the phone and he does and we find out where he is (literally 5mins from the restaurant). We go and there's 3 cop cars and a motorcycle cop and the damn women he hit. Well get this, this SOB hit this women at a light, and than drove 5miles away trying to escape......Well, it would of helped if he didn't leave his damn liscence plate at the scene of the accident!!!!!!! So, all he keeps asking Roy is "what are you going to do for me". Well, he gets arrested after failing the test, IN FRONT OF US. We end up having to call his brother to go sign him out b/c Roy can't because of his job and I can't b/c I'm his future wife. Well, lets just say they did this man a HUGE favor as far as not throwing the book at him. 3hrs after they arrest him they made him blow.....he blew a .30........3hrs later!???!!!~?! So we have to drive him home b/c they impounded his car....so the whole ride home he acts like nothing is wrong....and that now we're going to have to be a taxi service to him........They take him to court on that Monday and he gets his lis. taken away for 7months and when he gets it back he has to have the machine put in his car to have it be able to start when he blows in it........WELL, the next day while he's at work his mother (roy's grandma) (96yrs old) falls down the stairs and breaks her hip, shoulder, and leg. So now this SOB expects us to drive him back and fourth to the hospital every single day (they're 40mins from us). This went on until she finally died on June 15th......Now on father's day Roy decided to be the bigger person and call him, well the father wants to go out to dinner......we go and this SOB has a siezure at the diner b/c he didn't drink for 8hrs.....we rush him to the hospital and he tells the doctors and everyone else he doesn't drink......seriously?! So I left the room, not sure what was said to him by Roy and his brother but I know whatever it was it was harsh. Well, he was released the next day and given detox drugs and asked for us to go to dinner.....do you see a patern here? I never actually get to eat the dinner I'm invited to.......well, he acts like NOTHING happened. Nothing.....the doctor told him he is dying b/c of the drinking and he pretends like nothing is wrong.......I have not seen the man since. And since March I said he was uninvited to the wedding, that I'm not babysitting him in another country and I'm not having my wedding day ruined. Well, yesterday my FI was with his mother (ugh another long story, MONSTER-in-law) and she tells him he's actually been sober and that maybe we should think about inviting him.....girls I lost it.....I mean absolutely lost it and flipped out and said I didn't care if he was the king of Prussia and had a check for $2million dollars that I did not want him there and if he wanted him there than we are calling off the destination wedding and we'll go get married in Vegas.....I just can't deal with him being at the wedding with the thought of unlimited alchol around and available 24/7.....am I being an ass?
    Addiction is horrible, although not an official alcoholic my brother drinks a lot so I'm always watching him at events and its exhausting. You shouldn't have to be subjected to that. I also don't think he'd have the willpower watching everyone get hammered. But... I don't think you should just put your foot Down or it might make your FI resentful. You really have to sit with him and make him understand, make it seem like it was his final decision .
    Money with these kinds of strings isn't even worth it. 
    Money can only resolve certain things but it can break a family apart too.
    DR is a HUMID country, so i advice against having your hair down! She is a beautiful bride but you can even see in the pictures her hair went totally flat by reception time. 
    I've been to DR a million times. This last weekend was awful. You could barely wear anything thin because it would be soaked and sticking to you. Very humid and uncomfy.
    Girls i am so sad. I just found out that the person responsible for bringing shemel and i together passed today. And here i was fighting over ceremony cards that now need to be changed. I never thanked him for introducing us. My heart is so heavy
    Jali , lo siento por tu perdida! Mi mas sentido pesame chica!
    Thanks girls. It's been a rough night and day. Since our highschool was so small and our friends crossed over into college, i've been getting a lot of texts from people trying to break the news before I went on fb. He passed away from a heart attack at 28. It's so shocking because this guy was so healthy and athletic, he trained and did marathons. Smhcrybaby2.gif I'll be ok soon
    How awful! So young ! Another reason to live every day as if it could be your last.
    Maybe we should start an FB group!!!
    I really think this is an awesome idea, would be soooooo much easier to catch up and post stuff. This site is exhausting sometimes. Lol
    brownsugar said yes to the dress and it is really pretty!!! Yay !!' Sending you a request! I just turn 34 (on monday) and I'll be 35 by the time I get married. . .  I haven't had that feeling yet either! hahaha
    Don't worry me neither. I often wish I were " normal" my FI would love one. But I'm not there yet, it's like everything will be so different . Getting married is huge enough , I can't deal with being preggers too.
  6. Ok ladies ! I'm back, got home from DR last night. Got soooooooooo much accomplished. My girlfriend and I went together and had a blast but we really did move around a lot . 4 resorts in one day. Too many drinks to count (lol) and visited the restaurant we plan on having it at ( off property) I wanted to confirm that was the right decision , and I am now sure it is ! It's going to be great to take the guests off property for an " adventure " and I love the exclusivity of it all. My GF loved Punta Cana and loved it all so it was also exciting showing someone who has never been there. We selected the resort NoW Larimar . Now let me tell you that I went I've there thinking that was the last place if choose. Mainly because the name annoys the F out of me. Lol! But... We loved it. Miss Jali , your resort Barcelo is awesome , very pretty. We just felt that the best thing for our group was something smaller, where you didn't need a train, trolley, or golf carts to get to everything. I can see me now. Taking 20 minutes to get to the beach to have forgotten my book or sunscreen and starting all over again . Lol Meeting with the coordinator at the restaurant was great. She's like an Urban Legend. She's so damn busy all the times that she can't get to Brides in a timely fashion so everyone is out of their minds . So it was good to talk to her in person and clarify a lot . She really is a genius , yet she is overworked so I can only hope she will stick around until my wedding late next year. :0/ IBM going to respond to a bunch of the posts I've missed out on so let's see,,

  7. I'm in Punta Cana . I'm hammered. I can't even catch up ladies . But don't leave me out of the starfish thing. . It's soooo sisterhood of the traveling pants ish . . Lololol. Miss y'all . Hello to all the new gals I see on here. hIiiii!!! Ok I'm done! Wish me luck tomorrow 4 resorts in 6 hours. Rayn !!!!! I'm going in for the 99 Freeee Miss y'all

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