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Everything posted by niknic456

  1. I I love eBay!!! I purchased all my wedding supplies from eBay and I've spent less than $200....I even found my wedding dress on eBay for $226, new never worn and tags attached (orig price $1,600), the same exact dress I tried on in a top bridal shop..... there is a seller on eBay who's a nonprofit and top bridal salons donate discontinued dresses to them and the process go to help women with breast cancer. So I get a new designer dress for cheap while helping an awesome cause!!!
  2. I made one with seashells and I bought the seashells from eBay for $5 and I received about 100 shells. The remaining shells I'm using as fillers in my centerpieces!
  3. I suggest you wait to send her any pics until 2-3 months before your wedding date otherwise you will end up sending it again. My wedding is in April 2014 and I wanted to get everything confirmed relating to decor by July 2013 but Anel suggested to me that I wait until January 2014 before I start sending them pics. So I have all of my pics stored away until Jan!!! LoL...
  4. I would suggest gong to AC Moore and finding a paint that will adhere to plastic. AC Moore has a large selection of specialty craft paints.
  5. Quote:Originally Posted by moodyc82 Same exact boat here.....my father is deceased and my mother is very poor, and his mother just wants the big high end NJ wedding and expects us to go in debt for it...not happening Awww,no high end Jersey wedding!!!! lol...my girlfriend just spent over $60k on her wedding and she was heartbroken, disappointed, and broke in the end... not only did alot of people not show up (and she still had to pay the venue for their plates)but she had an all night free open bar which turned out to be not such a great idea, but of course her mother had to invite the world and the groom's mother thought 2 hours of open bar was not enough so in the end she went against her gut to please the MOMS, but she regrets it terribly. And now I feel so bad because she's always telling me how simple and beautiful my wedding is going to be and she should have done what I'm doing BTW I'm in Clifton, NJ...
  6. I tota I totally understand and was in the same boat...but at the end if the day it was my wedding and my decision to make and my mom got over it and realized that seeing me happy was far more important that seeing me stressed out and broke. I even cancelled my stateside reception because we get so caught up in what tradition says or what our moms want that we loose focus on the main goal and that is marrying the love of our lives and living as happily ever after (as possible). Having a bug family is a blessing, but the family is not there when the bill is due...just my personal thought/experience.
  7. What type of challenge are you doing? Maybe we can all do it!!! I started insanity last week and its hard but I'm already noticing a difference in my clothes. But I think it's a given that wedding stress equals pounds lost!
  8. I've always wanted a twin!!!! LoL....I did all my deposits...my FI proposed Mar 8th and I had the hotel and everything including guests deposits booked May 1st. I was not playing around!!! What are your colors?
  9. I don't post much in this thread but u girls help get me thru my work day and wedding stress with your hilarious post. I'm Nikki from Jersey and I'm getting married April 26,2014 @ Now Sapphire, approx 40 guests...90% completed with planning....I want to get the planning out the way and focus on things like getting in a 2 piece bikini...lol
  10. I heart you for the pics! Very elegant. One queston..I'm also having my ceremony on the Tequila Terrace b/c my FI refuses to walk on the sand! Anyway, did you pay additional for the arrangements by the chuppah?
  11. Quote:Originally Posted by DinaQtobe I also wanted to mention that I am not doing OOT bags. Instead, I am giving out tumbler mugs/cups. I found awesome ones at Sam's Club for a very reasonable price. Six cost $20 + tax. They are super cute and each box has 6 different colours (I thought less of a chance for guests cups to get mixed up with 6 different colours). It was a great option for us, as I wanted to give our guests something nice, but OOT bags seemed like a lot of work and a lot of extra money. If anyone is interested, here's the link: http://www.samsclub.com/sams/double-walled-tumber/prod8210138.ip That's a great idea, especially having the different color tumblers so no one get confused!!! I hope the brides that have had summer 2013 weddings will come back to the forums and post pics of their weddings!!!
  12. Quote:Originally Posted by cmoreno   I honestly do not think it's worth it! $250 each! I mean, give me a break! I am from Mexico, but live in NY now, and I know what the prices in pesos are! As a matter of fact, if you look online, some Cancun Flower shops offer beautiful arrangement for around MXN500 (USD$43). It is clear to me the wedding industry takes advantage of the supply/demand and hikes up prices in a ridiculous way.  For our wedding, I am making some paper crepe flowers wreath centerpieces and adding a lantern; I will have 8 tables, and in total, I am paying less than $100 for all the centerpieces (each lantern costed me less than $6). It's a lot of work, but I am really loving these!  That's a really crafty idea and it looks awesome. I actually have the same white latern in my home ....I or should I say we will only have 30 guests so I was thinking of doing 1 long table and moving the centerpiece from the ceremony to the reception and adding floating candles or submersible lights. Is anyone doing OOT bags? Again, is it worth the money and hauling all the bags to MX? I guess I think like this becasue when I attend weddings I don't use any of the favors or anything. So I'm just trying to think of something that my guests can actually use or enjoy which is why I'm leaning towards an excursion (i.e. booz cruise, atv tour, etc.) as the wedding favor.
  13. I'm getting married April 26, 2014 at Now Sapphire! I've noticed the thread is slow but I would assume its b/c all of the summer weddings are underway and those brides are too busy for the newbies, I totally get it!!!!! Just pls come back and post pics. I'm struggling with paying for all the extras, is it really worth it??? I've noticed whether you go above and beyond or if you keep it simple by sticking to the package ALL the weddings are beautiful and the guests seem happy as well....I'm so cheap so I don't know if I should do all of the extras like cemterpieces for $250 each....I'd rather use the money to take all my guests on an excursion, something they will remember.
  14. The calendar is updated. I also used the calendar as a guide to know when my booking was secured, which it took about 2 weeks for Anel to confirm my date.
  15. It took about 2 weeks before I received a confirmation for my wedding which is April 2014!!! They do get busy and eventually respond. I haven't had any issues as of yet.
  16. I'm getting married April 26,2014 at Now Sapphire and I'm 90% done with planning!!! I suggest getting as much out of the way as possible so you can truly relax and enjoy your engagement period! The only thing I have to do is print wedding signage, menus, and escort cards. I'm not mailing invitations because all 50 of my guests have booked their rooms so no need to waste money or allocate it towards a photo booth! I must admit I may have an unfair advantage because I'm a wedding planner!!!
  17. This is so helpful!!! I'm getting married April 26,2014.....can't wait!!!!
  18. I wanted to know if any bride of color has had their makeup down at Now Sapphire. It's funny because this is my only worry with my April 2014 wedding. I have fair skin, makeup artist never know how to pick the right foundation and was wondering if I should bring my own makeup artis.t I'm a wedding planner so I will be doing my own setup the morning of my wedding (yes I'm anal & controlling:) )
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