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About BecciBoo

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  1. Hi Charlene, I spoke to the wedding manager with the email address that's provided by Thomsons in your pack. I ask for the details for the cocktail hour and private receptions and the receptions in the a la carte. When I looked at the menus for a private reception I just didn't think they were worth 45 dollars per person and thought with us having a reception back at home then having it in one of a la carte restaurants would be perfect and celebrate upstairs in the infinity bar with drinks and socialising all together. I've booked the Asian restaurant as if you have more than I think 16 people you have 3 options the Asian, Mexican and Jamaican restaurant but you have to all have the same starter main dessert so the Asian was the best and it gets fab reviews for its food. We are going to have the steel band for our ceremony. I have my dress, and ordering my bridesmaid dresses next month, ive picked some dessy dresses for the bridesmaid and need one for my little girl who will be 3 years old. Going to take some silk flower arrangements out, as with the weather I think the fresh ones will just wilter. Going to take a few extras from home confetti, favour boxes with little pressies for people and decorate the table in the a la carte restaurant. Going to take some Chinese lanterns for the beach. How is your plans going? Xx
  2. Hi everyone, I'm from sheffield there is 23 of us flying out on the 11th April to the GP, my parents have been to these hotel 2 years ago and really enjoyed it. We are getting married on the 18th April at the garden gazebo at 2.00pm. We have the pearl island package.we have booked the cocktail hour party and then booked the Asian restaurant for our reception. Other members of the public can obviously come in to this, that is at 5.30pm and you can stay in there for up to two hours. We said we then wanted to have drinks at the infinity bar and listen to the live band later on or the bonfire beach party whatever is on. Can't wait now, not long at all. It's my partners 30th birthday the day we fly out to Jamaica so have a double celebration. Hope everyone's planning is going well.
  3. Thanks for all the information, think ill have to wait for more questions to be answered from the WC. Could I ask have you booked true colours photography? Do you know the prices for the packages? X
  4. Thank you for your info Sarah. Could I ask did you use true colours for your photography and if so how much were they and what was included? X
  5. Thank you I'm still waiting for a response. Not sure whether to do the cocktail party then to eat in one of the a la cartes, or do the private reception. With the private reception do you need to pick off one of the menus they provide or can you chose any type of food the a la carte restaurants have? I would like the steel drum not sure $900 is a lot of money for one hour.
  6. Hi Sarah, I'm from the UK I'm getting married 18th April next year. Wanted to ask you what you did for your reception. I can not decide whether to do the cocktail party and then go into one of the a la cartes to eat or to have a private reception. What would you recommend please?
  7. Can I ask you as well what have you planned to do before your reception? Have you paid for extras like dj, band when you get married? Everything just seems to be so expensive. Have you picked your photographer? X
  8. Well hoping this is wrong to be honest, there's 25 of us so I'm hoping this will be ok for us to have one of them. Ill have to wait till Erika gets back to me. X
  9. Wondering if anyone can help. I'm a little concerned, received first email yesterday from a lady called Erika. We were hoping to have a private reception in either the Poseidon or blue lagoon, but Erika has stated there needs to be a minimum of 30 people, I didn't think this was the case? What are the other options then as I would want a private reception? Has anyone else booked the Poseidon or blue lagoon with groups smaller than 30? Thanks guys
  10. Thanks for the info, ill check there website out. We are getting married on the 18th April, we fly out on the 11th so there a week can work on a nice tan that way. What about yourself?
  11. Hi everybody, Has anyone decided on a photographer for the day? If so what are the costs for this? Waiting to hear back from the wedding corodinator but nothing for 7 days. X
  12. Could this be sent to me also please at betty_boo_b0018@hotmail.co.uk Just to let you know the second lot of 00 in my email address are zeros. Thank you
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