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Everything posted by katevarela1

  1. some of our family members are not too pleased with the idea but for the most part everyone is excited to go on a family vacation and celebrate our wedding most people are making a vaction out of it. the wedding is next august and i sent out save the dates in mid july to give everyone plently of time to save and make arrangements. Some people have said it is out of their price range as we are getting married at the beaches resort in Turks & Caicos and it is pricey, we have offered to get day passes for those quest who cant afford to stay at beaches. At first my mom did complain about the price along with a few other people but we explained that this was our choice and we understood if they could not make it. of course my mom gave in and was the first to book. Enjoy your day
  2. I am getting married at the beaches T&C august 2015. we originally wanted bahamas but decided on a more unique location that way we can all experience and visit a new place together very excited
  3. I am also having a wedding in atlantis on a monday but in september of 2015 congratulations its good to know that Aura is closed on that day i wasnt aware and was planning on going there after the reception
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