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Everything posted by deedeelala

  1. I recently found out that my wedding package doesn't include centerpieces & the resort charges an outrageous amount for them. To top it off, I am not allowed to use an outside flower shop unless I want to pay a lovely $300 USD penalty. So since I have tons of time I decided to come to this amazing website and search for inspiration I came up with a sample centerpiece that I want to share with you. If you have made your own centerpieces and feel like sharing them please post them here. I bought everything from dollar tree (all amounts are in CAD eh?) fake flowers $1.25 long stem candle holders $1.25 each x 3= $3.75 vase $1.25 all 3 floating candles $1.25 tealight candles $1.25 TOTAL $8.75 I was also thinking of buying rose petals and scatter them around the vase. Also, I am not 100% convinced on the colour of the floating candles, but for now it will do. (Wedding colours are coral and gold) One of my bridesmaids suggested using gel instead of water, so I may play around with that and see how it turns out. Another thing I was thinking is getting submergible LED lights for the vase.
  2. What I ended up doing is asking some family members in Mexico to make my OOT bags & I will just pay them. They will just bring them along when they come to the wedding & I don't worry about importation restrictions. Hopefully they are a bit cheaper too
  3. Hello!! I would love to include a first aid kit in my oot bags but I would like to know where to get them? So for all of you brides who have purchased them can you recommend a good place or website? I live in Canada so hopefully they can ship here. Another question, did you ship your oot bags to your destination and did you have troubles getting them into the country because of medications etc? Sorry if this is a silly question but just want to be prepared. Thanks so much!
  4. And the countdown begins!

  5. Vanessa, Sorry for late reply but when you go on vistaprint select brochures and then browse our designs and you should get a whole bunch of different templates.
  6. I still can't see the image I got the template from Vistaprint, they have a lot of different options to choose from. I am planning on sending out the pre travel info a month before we depart for the wedding. I decided not to do formal invitations because most of guests have booked already and I just didn't see the point anymore. I too have a wedding website and doubt anyone reads anything on it haha. I heard about a wedding app called appy couple where you can also send notifications to your guests. I will have to look more into it.
  7. csho, I think the attachment option only shows when you start a new topic because I can't see it anymore when I reply on this thread. Sorry I don't know any other ways, I am new here Sorry for the double reply, I thought the first one didn't post. Shows you how much of an expert I am on this site hahaha Thanks!!
  8. Vanessa, I did it on Vistaprint super fast and easy! Csho, maybe try starting a new topic and I think you get the attachment option at the bottom. I can't see it anymore when I reply to this thread, so I think its only there when you start a new one. Sorry I am new here so I can't give you other ideas than that
  9. I just added it as an attachment, but then also clicked on the "My Media" button and selected the images from there. (You have to add it as an attachment first so that it shows up in your media folder) Hope that works!
  10. Thanks!!! I hadn't noticed I will change that!! Good catch! The packing list I got from pinterest, they have a lot of different ones there!!!
  11. I have been emailing with Demi from duosheng and just ordered one of the bridesmaids dresses from there. So far the communication has been great, she has answered all of my questions timely and I am now just waiting for it to arrive. Depending on the quality of the dress then I will order the rest of the bridesmaids dresses and my own wedding dress. So far Duosheng gets a great review from me! And I am sorry if this sounds wrong but once I have more money to spend then I may start worrying about the ethics of buying knockoffs a little bit more, but as of now as a budget conscious bride I will rather save myself $1000 that I can use to pay for the rest of my wedding.
  12. Not overdressed at all!! The dress is so beautiful and it's your wedding day so just enjoy yourself!
  13. I delivered Board pass save the dates and did have a few people that thought we bought the trip for them. We just took it as a joke and said oh trips for everyone would be way too expensive! But now that I think about it, on the template I used there was a little note that says "This is not a valid travel voucher" and it was supposed to go on the back and I deleted it. Maybe I should have kept it! No one was mad or anything though!
  14. I know it is still super early but I just enjoy doing this kind of stuff and it's one more thing to cross off my checklist! I would like to thank many of you for giving me so much inspiration and also for some of my text which I borrowed from all your great ideas. FYI I do not plan to mail these until about one or two months before our wedding Lol
  15. We just hired DJ Doremixx. He has really good reviews and I hope he does a great job at our wedding!
  16. Hi ladies, just wanted to give you a quick update of where I'm at. -We have decided to use the onsite photographer mainly because of the outside vendor fee if we decided to bring someone else. -After much research and thinking, we have decided to book DJ Doremixx. They had really great reviews & they have experience with English & Spanish speaking guests which is the case for my wedding. I was a bit disappointed because his package includes cold fireworks but they are not allowed on the beach (my ceremony will be on the beach). So for anyone else who had hopes of fireworks on the beach please note this is not allowed unless you get a special permit of $450 USD plus you can only get them from an approved vendor and the rates are pretty expensive. -I got deposit confirmation for 60 guests (We didn't think that many people would come so it was quite a surprise!) and so we have decided to get a head start on our seating plan. I emailed Paola and she said the tables are round and they fit 10 people. For those wondering the difference between the Lindo and Maya, they share the same installations (pool, most restaurants, etc) The Maya has suites and the Lindo has rooms. It is not that big of a difference as the rooms in the Lindo are still very nice. I believe you get access to an extra restaurant or two with the Maya, but other than that not much difference. I have stayed at the Maya before and the suites are absolutely beautiful. Happy planning everyone!
  17. The reason I did it so far ahead is because a lot of our friends are students and would appreciate the extra time to save up for the trip. Also this TA offers monthly payment plans for everyone which would be really helpful to some of our guests. My main question is when to send the formal invites now.....
  18. That really sucks!! But looking at the positive side, it is best that she told you no from the beginning rather than saying yes and then not doing anything or not being excited about the wedding (which is what is happening to me right now!) I do totally understand the feeling of you doing so much for others and then when it's your turn they are not there for you. But you will get over it and like I said, thank God she is telling you right from the start so you can think of a Plan B. Good luck to you!
  19. Hello everyone Hoping you can give me some advice. I am getting married November 27, 2014 in the Mayan Riviera. When I first got engaged in May this year I thought I had so much time to plan everything and I wouldn't be stressed out. Not the case at all haha I started working on my save the dates and made them in that boarding pass style except they had more than one "boarding pass" each (I am having a separate religious wedding on a different date but I included that info on the save the date as well) The boarding passes included the dates, resort, a magnet with the dates and a little note from us. I also started shopping around for travel agents and getting group quotes, I was able to find a good deal but the TA told me the deposit of $200 CAD from all the guests is due December 3rd this year. I told her I hadn't even finished handing out my save the dates just yet and tried to see if I could push the deposit deadline a bit longer because I was hoping to give everyone more time, unfortunately the TA said this wasn't possible because we would lose that price and risk the new price being more expensive. So I have been delivering all my save the dates and got most of them handed out, but now I do not know what to do about my formal invitations. Should I deliver them to people before the deposit deadline or is it okay to do it after? I was planning on putting them inside a glass bottle so it can be a message in the bottle invitation so they do require a bit of work but I think I could have them ready by beginning of November. I am just worried that it might be too soon to deliver them considering a lot of people only got their save the dates a few days ago, but at the same time is there any point in delivering them after the deposit deadline? FYI the save the dates have our TA agent info and booking info on them. Please let me know what you guys think. Thanks soooo much!!!!
  20. Here are the other packages. Hopefully this helps everyone!!! I got these prices in May 2013. Best of luck to you all.
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