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Everything posted by causeyb21

  1. We had a similar situation. My mom and her (now ex) boyfriend of 10 years separated a few months before I sent out invitations. I spoke with both of them before sending invitations that we are choosing to have a small wedding. Even after our conversations, my mom's ex invited his sister and her husband, who were not invited and not part our our guest list. He did not tell me this. He told my mom and both of my sisters. I decided to call him on my own and explain that we only have seats for the people who were on the guest list. He said that they were only coming because they wanted to take a vacation. I really do not know why they would choose to come to a place where they were not invited. But, like you said, we cannot control where people decide to vacation. I do not want to make the trip awkward and leave anyone out, but we simply do not have the space for them. Our trip is in October, so hopefully it will go okay. Good luck with your wedding!
  2. We are also having a symbolic ceremony. The WC said they already had a script. If she sends it to me, then I will share. I am so curious what the symbolic ceremony is.
  3. Hi Ladies! If anyone is looking for a photographer other than the resort photographer, check out Octavio Montes (http://www.octaviomontes.com/). His prices are much, much better than the resort. Also, his photos are beautiful. I searched for so long to find examples of the resort photographer's pics, and the few I found were not that great. Here's an example of a beautiful pic from his fb. Octavio is also very responsive to emails. Something I have not found with the other companies I have contacted. I cannot wait to post my planning thread after our big day!
  4. Thank you so much mariposa6102! I also booked Octavio Montes. He has been so responsive. I absolutely love people/companies that have easy to use websites, up-front pricing, and response quickly to emails. Even with the vendor fee, his price was less than the resort. I have been terrified of the resort photographers. He has made me feel so comfortable!
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