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Everything posted by elisa555

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by aamy Has the hotel made a statement that they are remodelling on the 21st? Or was this from your TA also? This was from my TA. Now, I'm hearing june 2014 ( from the email trail). I'm so lost on what to do. I'm emailing other resorts just to see if they have my date available. That will help narrow down my options.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by futurekcarrera No there wasn't a big price increase at all. Actually, the wedding packages are all the same prices...The cost for travel was fairly similar as well. If you are looking for more information, the new owner is going to be Playa Resorts by the Hyatt...http://playaresorts.com/ourResorts.php Looks like no changes will be made until Q3 2014, so your April wessing should be fine I would think. Sorry if this is repeat information (If you are on the big thread via email right now that one of the 2014 Dreams brides started) At least we are kinda getting answers now! Yeah, I did get that email. I was so glad that bride reached out. Definitely helped with getting as much info as possible from different people. I appreciate you getting back to me. I'm happy to hear there wasn't a big increase in price and that you are excited for the new location! Gives me hope if I decide to switch too.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by bbbride My TA just posted on Facebook that AMResorts won't be managing dreams Cancun or puerto Vallarta after April 2014. Does anyone have info on this? Hi bbride, Yes, I just heard the same news from my TA. And my wedding is in April 2014! They are being bought out by the Hyatt and starting their remodel April 21, 2014. What are you going to do? Are you considering a different resort?
  4. Sorry, I replied to the wrong post. (On my cell phone). I'm thinking of switching resorts also because I just got the news about Dreams PV shutting down on April 20th & my wedding is April 19th 2014. I'm happy to hear Fatima is over at Secrets Amber/Now as I was working with her too. Was there a bug price increase to switch to that resort? So glad others are posting about this. I kinda freaked out when I heard the news.
  5. Hi ladies! I just heard about this from my travel agent today too. I heard the Hyatt is taking over. My wedding is on April 19, 2014 so I'm worried about it. I think I'll probably switch resorts as well. Jenny, as there a big increase in price to switch to the Amber/Now Resort in PV?
  6. Awesome, I'll look into that. I've only been looking for a few weeks too now. Thank you!
  7. Hi April 2014 Brides! I LOVE that I found this. I've been dying to share and learn from others in my situation. I too, am booking my wedding in April next year. I'm just debating on the location. I was leaning toward Dreams Puerto Vallarta but I'm curious if I should keep looking to find a better deal. We are inviting over 100 people but I expect around 40-50 to actually come. Where are you ladies having your wedding? (What Resort?) Also, I see that one of you are doing site visits. I prob won't be able to do that. Think that's a receipt for disaster?? BTW, your STD's (haha..totally weird abbreviation) sound super cute! Best, E
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