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Everything posted by shugapop1

  1. do you have any of the items left, if so, what do you have avail and what is cost for all of what you have avail. my zip code is 30127
  2. can you tell me where on etsy you purchased those labels. these too are my colors
  3. sooooo I know this is pittiful, I need someone that is crafty that can make some labels for tumblers for me. I will commission yours skills and services. I just am NOT THE CRAFTS GIRL AT ALL! anyone please pm me so we can set up some sort of payment for your services. I really want them to say " to have and to hold and to keep your drink cold, our name, date
  4. I''m sure that you will get a great WC. you have been such an inspiration on this board.
  5. i have mine booked through sandals whitehouse in whitehouse, Jamaica, and I must say my WC is very on it. I've already had my first meeting/call with her and my second one is scheduled in about a month from now. She answers everything i ask her about. if I call her, she calls me back promptly and when i email her, same in her responding to me. i thought i was going to be pulling my hair out, but i'm actually smooth moving.(I say that now). Still haven't decided yet whether i'm doing the oot bags yet. thinking maybe just for my wedding party.
  6. that's what i did. did the beautiful beginings wedding and just added on/upgraded to the things i really wanted included. it worked best for me using the 500.00 wedding credit and using the 500.00 resort credit.
  7. so do i, suck at diets bad, but i need something
  8. I am doing fuchsia, tangerine and yellow. on the sandals website, there is a bouquet called brillant orchid fantasy. it has all my colors and it is beautiful.
  9. i did give my guest options for different resort, but also let them know the cost of day pass as well as cost associated with transportation to/from their resort or hotel to ours. my wedding is at 4pm. i decided to do the 1hr reception with hot/cold appeitizers and i anticipate maybe 20-30 guest. that is 15.00 per person, plus after wedding, and reception, we can all jtust go eat together at restaurant. it is all inclusive.
  10. i did still do sandals and stayed with bb. you are right, addons can be costly. i only added a few things. i upgraded my bouquet because was the one i really wanted. the girls bouquets were like 65.00 and I only need 2. the guys boutidneeres are 25.00 and i only need 3. I did not do steel drum, etc. i also didn't do the professional photos. i am d doing the disposable wedding cameras, they are personalized and they have table tents. my guest will take pictures as they see things and leave cameras and they we go get all the photos developed.
  11. See missJali. I'm cheapskate probably more nthan you. I was able to do invitations cost since I got such a great deal on my dress. (Less than 200.00) love it from davids bridal. Got save the dates from shutterfly and great price for those too
  12. I agree with you hclibby1982. I too ddon't feel u have the creativity or time to diy invitations. I paid 267.00 for 40 passport invitations along with 40 boarding passes for rsvp. I had my colors are fuchsia, tangerine and yellow. So I did passport color in deep/hot pink with orange crest of jamaica on front with wording in my colors. I uses www.serendipitybeyonddesign.com and they have been great to work with
  13. i got 50 photo save the dates from shutterfly and I love them. they were about 26.00 plus i have a 20.00 gift certificate from davids bridal, so it really worked. i also ordered 25.00 additional in different design, i paid like 14.00 for
  14. you have goooottttttt to go to Charming Charlie. It is the ultimate. but you have got to keep the focus or you will buy everythin. Everything is color grouped.
  15. Thanks deeP10.they were good price and I got them in about a week
  16. these are the ones I found on ebay for my bridesmaids
  17. I should've just sent you the money and let you do mine. lol
  18. Welll cindy. I too was in same boat. I was torn but I decided to go with it having themprofessionally done.I actually only had 40 done.those will be given to people that I know more then likely will it attend.and a few for people who want to attend but I'm not able to due to age or health issues for everyone else I did the save the date I get those from Shutterfly very very inexpensive. I decided to have done professional do because so costly finding the right template. Then right cardstock of paper. Then printing. If doesn't look like what you want. Then redo. I kniw for some they love the thrill if it but for me.I just didn't want that added stress. I just did final approval on mine and I love them. Email me [email protected] and I Will show you what mine look like
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