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Everything posted by shugapop1

  1. Quote:Originally Posted by moodyc82 YAY Welcome to the thread, where in NJ? I'm in Parsippany Yay for getting the confirmation Thank you! It's vera wang Do not second guess yourself, my FI mother is trying to guilt us into inviting more ppl and I flat out told her no. This is for immediate family and close friends. We're not going broke b/c she wants ppl to come. In the end it is your wedding day when you marry your best friend and the ppl who mean the most to you will be standing by your side. Throw a little at home reception when you come back and show everyone a video of the ceremony and pictures. don't second guess yourself at all, my mother is trying to guilt me into not having destination wedding and having it in NC so that more people can attend. i had to explain to her, that was not an option and i could not afford to pay for all those people. my mother is not financially able to help out with my wedding and my father is deceased so, paying for all those people is a definite no no. lol
  2. Quote:Originally Posted by cocoluv Newbie signing in from Harlem, NYC... Wedding date is July 10, 2014 (postponed from August 26, 2012).. Very excited to be in this planning phase. Loving ALL of the ideas that you ladies have been sharing. So grateful for the wealth of info and looking forward to this journey. Congratulations to all of you!!! congrats to you too and welcome. lots of great stuff here
  3. red face! Yes ughhh. I was soo mad.. and needy.lol
  4. Totally off subject. My fiancd is at work ans I'm feeling..ummm. a lite needy. Lol
  5. Beautiful. My picture and passport are picture on my cover on my fb page
  6. This must be the week of the wedding guests asshholes. I'm goungr through same damn thing. Plus now they are pissed because they can't understand that ud u stay at resort other than where we are, you must pay day pass. I'm at same point. If u come you come if yku don't you don't. But stop pining and whining about it already. I politely said we will be very happy to havd u if u can make it but understand if you cannot. And for all tge negative nillies I say. "While your opinion is greatly appreciated, I'm gonna need you to know it is not needed"
  7. That is me too. I love shutterfly
  8. Yes. Most of my stuff I havd in place. I'm sure I'm gonna need to buy some other yji.gs but pacing myself
  9. Dang auto text. I meant to say I've been trying to not buy so much stuff now
  10. I'm vBulletin tryna slow down from buying so damn much stuff constantly
  11. What sort of things are u needing help with. I'd suggest my resort but its ij jamaica instead of mexico
  12. Not really. But I know I want it flowing and off to one sidd to show off side comb.
  13. I found a place on etsy to do them. She was very fast. I ordered on monday and thursday they were here.
  14. Omg! Love it love it love it. I think I just got jealous. Lol
  15. Thank you soo much. And how about it. He pucked it out all by himself
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