Quote:Originally Posted by Lianaflower Curious, shugapop1: Have you had any reluctance from parents of small kids coming to your DW? We've been getting some grumbling and not sure what to say to them.
yes and no. Luckily where i'm having mine,it's at sandals so it's adults only so they know that no children will be there. i did have that problem big time when i was having it here in atlanta and i got a lot of grief for having it as dw in place that was for adults only. the bottom line that i explained to them is first of all. this is a wedding, a sacred ceremony. where alcohol is being consumed and served, there will be adults doing and speaking like adults do which makes this a "kid free environment" it makes it not a place for children to patiake in. It's not a backyard barbeque. as the bride you have every right to want what you want.(does''t make you a bridezilla) I've found that when children attend functions like this, as adults, you can't even really enjoy yourself at your own damn wedding. Kids crying, all over place, you can't even dance on floor for them being on floor in the way(parents not saying nothing or thinking and saying"awwwwe, that's so cute) no the hell it's not cute at all. lol. Kids running by licking their finger and on you cake. it's just not a good mix. if you are having a dw where children are not able to attend, as long as you have let parents know in advance in enough time to make accomodations for their children, they shouldn't grumble at all. if they choose to not attend because of that, you have done you're part by providing them all time to govern themselves accordingly. if you are having at resort that allows children and they are complaining about having to pay for children, same thing.as long a you give them ample time to make arrangements either way. i've seen where people get made and stop speaking saying" if my child isn't welcome", neither am i. It's not about your child not being welcome, it's about this is not a environment for children to be a part of. lol