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Everything posted by shugapop1

  1. Don't let anyone. Moms included. .. pressure you into an invitation to your day
  2. Quote:Originally Posted by Lianaflower Curious, shugapop1: Have you had any reluctance from parents of small kids coming to your DW? We've been getting some grumbling and not sure what to say to them. yes and no. Luckily where i'm having mine,it's at sandals so it's adults only so they know that no children will be there. i did have that problem big time when i was having it here in atlanta and i got a lot of grief for having it as dw in place that was for adults only. the bottom line that i explained to them is first of all. this is a wedding, a sacred ceremony. where alcohol is being consumed and served, there will be adults doing and speaking like adults do which makes this a "kid free environment" it makes it not a place for children to patiake in. It's not a backyard barbeque. as the bride you have every right to want what you want.(does''t make you a bridezilla) I've found that when children attend functions like this, as adults, you can't even really enjoy yourself at your own damn wedding. Kids crying, all over place, you can't even dance on floor for them being on floor in the way(parents not saying nothing or thinking and saying"awwwwe, that's so cute) no the hell it's not cute at all. lol. Kids running by licking their finger and on you cake. it's just not a good mix. if you are having a dw where children are not able to attend, as long as you have let parents know in advance in enough time to make accomodations for their children, they shouldn't grumble at all. if they choose to not attend because of that, you have done you're part by providing them all time to govern themselves accordingly. if you are having at resort that allows children and they are complaining about having to pay for children, same thing.as long a you give them ample time to make arrangements either way. i've seen where people get made and stop speaking saying" if my child isn't welcome", neither am i. It's not about your child not being welcome, it's about this is not a environment for children to be a part of. lol
  3. Try etsy. I got mine from charming charlies for 4. 99 a piece
  4. Quote:Originally Posted by lorcas     Ahh thank you all so much!!! these save the dates look amazing. can someone please email me at [email protected] so i can send my picture of save the date and have them posted. Yall know i have the worst time trying to upload things. lol
  5. I know and the knot has some awesome awesome deals.
  6. Quote:Originally Posted by moodyc82 Well you expressed you NEEDED the stuff....so i simply was just showing you a good deal LOL I do need it, tryna pace myself. but that's not working too good. lol
  7. stop tempting me to go and spend money you're supposed to be helping me stop shopping.lol
  8. I agree you are perfectly well then proper etiquette hand deliver those that are close by I hand deliver it mine to all my friends family that were close and I'll email those off to those that were out of town
  9. I've been fighting urge to buy one myself. But have resisted.
  10. I love resort I've chose . Love it. Its adts onlywhich is ok sincd. We havd babies/children going
  11. just went and bought a pair of black ummm song sandals limestone sandals to wear for the actual ceremony since my neckbreaker shoesissuvwill have to be for my pictures
  12. Quote:Originally Posted by RaynDrop Oh my God! Â I am so sorry to hear that!!!! Â Â Â Â thank you so much. i appreciate
  13. Quote:Originally Posted by MissJali OMG!!! I'm sorry to hear that. My prayers are with you. THANK YOU SO MUCH. WE NEED IT
  14. Quote:Originally Posted by RaynDrop                     OoooOOHHH HAHahaha and i was soo frustrated, then when he got home last night we had to go to emergency room. my nephew(his nephew) 16 years old, shot and killed himself about 2:30 am. soo tragic, so i['ll be frustrated again tonight.
  15. Quote:Originally Posted by RaynDrop I kind of thought that is what you meant ..... but well IDK hahah yes that's exactyl what i meant. lol
  16. Quote:Originally Posted by MissJali So apparently it is still asshole wedding guests week. Question: is it true that usually people who have engagement parties don't have bridal showers? Is this a rule I'm unaware of? So here goes my cousin asking me if im having a bridal shower and i just said im not sure, and he hits me with this. Right because men know so much?? I don't get what an engagement party would have to do with a bridal shower. Am I bugging? well we must be buggin togethere because i don't know either . lol
  17. Quote:Originally Posted by niknic456 Â Awww,no high end Jersey wedding!!!! lol...my girlfriend just spent over $60k on her wedding and she was heartbroken, disappointed, and broke in the end... not only did alot of people not show up (and she still had to pay the venue for their plates)but she had an all night free open bar which turned out to be not such a great idea, but of course her mother had to invite the world and the groom's mother thought 2 hours of open bar was not enough so in the end she went against her gut to please the MOMS, but she regrets it terribly. And now I feel so bad because she's always telling me how simple and beautiful my wedding is going to be and she should have done what I'm doing :(BTW I'm in Clifton, NJ... I wish i would pay 60k for a wedding. i don't think i would(i know i wouldn't ) even if i had that kinda money. lol
  18. Quote:Originally Posted by tyrebride2b2013 Wow that sucks! They can't accommodate you since your booked already? Do you have a TA who can maybe talk on your behalf? that is sad, they should accomodate you. Luckily for me, i have no children attending. and that's the only reason why i chose the resort where i will be
  19. Quote:Originally Posted by tyrebride2b2013 Beaches Turks & Caicos. .May 2 2014 tyrebride , you have been ignoring me alllll day and i'm sad. lol
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