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Tara Thurau

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Everything posted by Tara Thurau

  1. Never been used..... I got it at $125 but if anyone likes it, I will sell it at $90. (I also have 4 bouts (lily with shell), and will sell at $5 per each with the bouquet) It's done by Kate Said Yes on Etsy... https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/t31.0-8/10380492_10152516648097975_6847957828313324758_o.jpg https://scontent-b-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/v/t35.0-12/1457987_10152074609392975_187815308_o.jpg?oh=5ae4cf0df9aa6e800d214a8e3464ac26&oe=537D8C74
  2. So far, everything is still available. They are 1 oz... I will pm you on the shipping Here's link for the chair sash: https://scontent-a-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/10391450_10152516544122975_3377254216075053403_n.jpg
  3. 36 Fan (aqua ribbon) ($40) https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1.0-9/10402511_10152516510612975_3637746382849411182_n.jpg 12 Jamaican flag color bag (3 per design) ($35) https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1.0-9/1907329_10152516510562975_5542733050789144330_n.jpg 20 white wish lanterns ($20) 10 aqua table runner ($15) https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/10391450_10152516544122975_3377254216075053403_n.jpg 50 aqua chair sash ($25) 15 sunscreen ($10) 10 starfish ($5) https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1.0-9/10407511_10152516526407975_9187349580007018106_n.jpg 24 Flip flop shaped notepads ($8) 12 flip flop shaped playing cards ($5) https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1.0-9/10383577_10152516549137975_3489005437844946624_n.jpg Cake topper with veil https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1.0-9/10311890_10152516537347975_7011687091518319200_n.jpg https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1.0-9/10352255_10152516537312975_8852309642889816850_n.jpg https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/10390005_10152516537272975_5874534934360014828_n.jpg
  4. Hi pzl101 We are booked for July 15, 2014. We actually went couple weeks ago to visit the site, met with WC and manager. It was awesome. BEAUTIFUL too! Their communication isn't stellar but I know they are super busy and usually don't start getting really active with you until about a month or couple wks before the wedding. So far... I have booked Photography: Stacey Clark Video: RG Weddings Hair and Makeup: Resort spa DJ: DJ Kevan I have already sent out STDs and am waiting on the invitations to be shipped.
  5. The way my travel agent advised is to book the minimum, which is 10 rooms, and then as people are calling in, if we feel we need more rooms, to book more. That's what we are planning on doing. We have guesstimate of number of guests because we are doing close family and friends only but you never know....
  6. Ladies who are getting married in summer time... like July/August What does your special day timeline look like and where will you be having reception? Our wedding ceremony is planned for 5:30 and we are planning on doing the pictures before the ceremony. The package we picked have a cocktail hour included. I was thinking about doing cocktail hour after the ceremony before the dinner...Then dinner and the reception...but not sure where is a good location to do dinner and then reception and also it's a good idea to do a cocktail hour at this time because of timing.. Initially I thought of bonfire but since our date is in mid-July, we think it would be too hot. Here's what I'm thinking: 3:00 - 4:30 Couple Picture 4:30 - 5:00 Family Picture 5:30 - 6:00 Ceremony (beach) 6:00 - 7:00 Cocktail hour / Sunset Picture (Not sure if this is a good idea to do cocktail hour at this time---) 7:00 - 8:30 Dinner (thinking of Calabash) 8:30 - 10:30 Reception (not sure where... Wonder if we can do reception at Calabash too without having it as a private...? Also is beach reception/party too hot in July? Where else would be a good option for reception without spending extra $$$?) What do you ladies think?
  7. Ladies who are getting married in summer time... like July/August What does your special day timeline look like and where will you be having reception? Our wedding ceremony is planned for 5:30 and we are planning on doing the pictures before the ceremony. The package we picked have a cocktail hour included. I was thinking about doing cocktail hour after the ceremony before the dinner...Then dinner and the reception...but not sure where is a good location to do dinner and then reception and also it's a good idea to do a cocktail hour at this time because of timing.. Initially I thought of bonfire but since our date is in mid-July, we think it would be too hot. Here's what I'm thinking: 3:00 - 4:30 Couple Picture 4:30 - 5:00 Family Picture 5:30 - 6:00 Ceremony (beach) 6:00 - 7:00 Cocktail hour / Sunset Picture (Not sure if this is a good idea to do cocktail hour at this time---) 7:00 - 8:30 Dinner (thinking of Calabash) 8:30 - 10:30 Reception (not sure where... Wonder if we can do reception at Calabash too without having it as a private...? Also is beach reception/party too hot in July?) What do you ladies think?
  8. We just sent in the Wedding Request Form today and waiting to hear back from IRHS with the info on making deposits and what-not. So excited! I went and did my very first bridal shop visit....and got some ideas. My DF and I originally were planning on waiting to do STD until October but we think we will send it out in July so that people have more time to start saving/reserving/start paying and so on.
  9. Hello all I just wanted to stop by and say hi. We have finally decided on the venue (RHS) and will be booking the date (7/15/2014) shortly. It's a weekday so hopefully it will be open.... I have got so much helpful information on BDW already that I'm excited to be a regular now that we know where we will hold the special event! Tara
  10. Please Copy, Paste, & Add your date! Happy Planning! 2013 Brides: 01-04-2013- Justine416(Justine & Ryan)- Beach 01-07-2013 - Shauna253 - Suites 01-14-2013 - Erin - Suites 01-20-2013- Jreist - Beach 001-26-2013 - Grand 01-27-2013 - mthackeray (Adam and Marci) - Beach 01-28-2013 - erin2100 - Beach 02-20-2013 - newbiebridetobe - Suites 02-21-2013 - Cateyedcutie (Monique & Robert) – Grand 02-24-2013 - HollyandJohn - Suites 03-07-2013- mcc842002 (Meagan & Tom) - Beach 03-13-2013 - kristencanada (Kristen & Kyle) - Grand 03-23-2013 - Laura2013 (Laura & Jonathan) - Beach 03-28-2013-Kassi22 (Karen & Wayne) - Suites 04-17-2013 Vanessa and Robert - Suites 04-18-2013 - niquira 04-26-2013 cancemini (Becky & Anthony)- Beach 04-27-2013 - albellis (Andrea & David) - Beach 04-30-2013 - ashlee430 ( Ashlee & Mike) - Suites 05-04-2013 - CourtandMatt (Courtney & Matt) - Suites 05-04-2013 - DaniScales2B (Danielle and Robert) - Grand 05-05-2013 - LauraKr - Suites 05-12-2013 - fut MrsAntenor (Tanae and Vladimir) - Suites 05-16-2013 - WendyJune (Wendy & Gordon) - Beach 05-17-2013 - katiemck22 ( Katie & Anthony) - Suites 05-18-2013 kinsellak1 (Roland and Kate)- Suites 05-23-2013 - heather1214 (Jack & Heather) - Suites 05-26-2013 - allieplask (Allie and Nick) Suites 05-29-2013 - sfox4214 (Stephanie & Phil) Suites 05- -2013- amybutz89- Suites 06-01-2013 - madison87 - Grand 06-02-2013 - Lillove81 - Suites 06-04-2013 beachbaby1192 (Andy & Debbie) - Beach 06-17-2013 - Bruuning17 (Laura & Jaden) -Suites 06-21-2013- kfarkas26 (Kristi and Jack)- Grand 06-22-2013 abbeynmike (Abbey and Mike) - Grand 07-01-2013 HeyMonBride - Suites 07-06-2013 - DanaB16 (Dana & Russell) - Suites 07-18-2013 - Julzman22 (Julie & Chris) - Suites 07-20-2013 - CokonLove (Naima & Satu) - Suites 08-13-2013- cander916 -(CharnayandCarl) - Suites 08-31-2013 - jleg04 (Jen & Tim) - Suites 09-02-2013- krystal084 (Krystal & Kurt)- Suites 09-09-2013 - Emily & Kieran (ejbunting) - Grand **I was deleted off after the last time I posted so I'm adding myself again! 09-21-2013 - (Amber & Nate) - Suites 10-12-2013-hollings04unc (Sabrina&Travis) - Grand 10-15-2013- KMidura (Kristina & Rich) - Beach 10-26-2013- onyxluxenoir (William & Keisha) -GRAND 11-08-2013- carajoe08 (Cara & Joe)- Suites 11-12-2013 Chris & Lisa - Suites 11-12-2013- cherri (Kenny & Cherri) - Beach 11-13-2013-Papoue (Pascale & Eric)- Beach 11-14-2013 – nattiejamrock (Natalie and Mike) 11-16-2013-Alier1 (Aliya & Thomas) - Suites 11-17-2013- ChelseaCat802- Suites 11-18-2013- HeatherandMatt - (Heather & Matt) - Beach 12-07-2013- MrsDSO (Brandy and Joe) - Suites 12-08-2013- ShayF (Shay and Dwayne)- Suites 2014 Brides: 01-18-2014- wugambi812 (Maria and Greg)- Suites 01-19-2014- KWandCM (Krista and Chris) - Suites 01-20-2014- AliciaRichards - Suites 04-01-2014-Oceangrl16 (Rachel & Justin)-Suites 07-15-2014-Tara Thurau (Tara and Josh) - Suites
  11. Hello everyone! Just wanted to stop by and say hi to all since I will be a regular on here. My DF and I believe we have picked Iberostar RHS for our special day. We just need to send out the form to reserve the day...and have already learned from here that it can take awhile to hear back from them! I love this place!!! Tara
  12. How soon should I make reservation...? Are you using/Did you use TA or dealing with the resort WC directly?
  13. Argh... I just typed a lot and a lot of it went buh-bye. Okay. So... I'm July 2014 bride. We already know where and when we want but have not made the reservation yet: 7/15/2014 Beaches Negril Thankfully we are from FL and most of our family is in FL/GA so the flight won't be so expensive, which is awesome. This is what we have done so far: -Picked Resort and Package (no reservation yet though) -Picked STD/Invites design -Create Wedding Guest List How soon should I reserve resort...? Are you using TA or dealing with the resort WC directly?
  14. Hello So.... I'm new on here. We will be getting married in July of 2014 at Beaches, Negril in Jamaica. Most of our family is coming from FL/GA so thankfully the flight will not be so expensive. I see that so many of you have already started on the list... but I haven't done much at all. -Picked resort (but haven't reserved yet -Picked the STD / Invites design -Created guest list How soon should I reserve resort...? Are you using TA or dealing with the resort WC directly? Thanks!!
  15. Hello everyone... I see that most of the ladies are now married...and therefore, it's quite quiet here. Well, I'm going to be Beaches Negril bride. We have picked the date and the location but have not made the reservation yet. Hopefully they will have the date available as it's on a weekday. (7/15/2014( I'm just checking things out on the details.. I'm still going through the thread and trying to learn some stuff...
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