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Everything posted by RaynDrop

  1. I think we all need to remind the FIs that it is either..... we are on this site as much as we want to be ... OR ... we talk Wedding to them!! I think they will understand that! hahahah
  2. HAHAH you two are funny!! I love your idea! Not sure it will work because I am sure the STD will go out before I get my ring. However.... I do plan on buying him a watch as an engagement gift... I hope to get it soon (just trying to decide which one to get - I want to get him the one he will wear for the wedding so I need it to be THE Perfect watch) He his very picky about his watches and has a very nice collection.. Anyways.... I hope to have the watch before he gives me my ring SOOoooo that I can give it to him and say "It's about Time!" I was even thinking about getting that engraved on the watch (if it is a watch that can be engraved) You idea would be much cheaper though HAHA Hmmmm.......
  3. I have seen some Huge Elaborate cakes that have been done like this. It is a great way to save money and still get a great looking cake for photos and that AH! factor... even if you don't go huge and elaborate.
  4. Yeah I plan on getting my friends an excursion or two for helping. Hadn't thought of paying for a room night... Hmmmmmm HAHah
  5. HAHA okay so I just looked at that artical... I'd be pissed if the pics came out like that!! HAhah I have seen pictures she has taken from trips to very sunny CA. They are outside and don't have shadows and all that nonsense going on. I am also thinking about doing a trial run with her.. like an engagement shoot. I haven't talked to her or my FI yet about this but we will see. Of course I need my ring first!! HAHa we had a VERY informal "engagement" so now I am just waiting for the romantic profession of love (and the ring) to come!! Anyone else??
  6. I totally get your questions and thank you for the articles I will check them out!!! My thoughts about everything are like this..... it isn't about wanting to save money, it is about not wanting to spend money on something I am not thrilled about. I haven't made up my mind about not hiring someone.. I just want to see what packages the "partner" photographers offer. I most defiantly want great pictures of my wedding but in all reality, how often am I really going to look at a book of pictures. Last time we talked about it .. she mentioned that she has been wanting to take a class and now she has a reason too...I'm sure if I mention "island conditions" to her she will be sure to find a class that includes that. If I decide to only go with her and she gets ill or her stuff breaks I would just have to rely on other people there.. I'm not worried about getting stuff from her.. I plan to buy her a memory cards and batteries to use specifically for the wedding shoots so all I have to do is collect those from her (not the batteries just the cards haha) My FI is an incredible digital artist so any work I need done to the pictures he can do! I'll keep you posted!
  7. MY TA has already talked to them about my wedding and my date.... I'm sure if I don't book soon I might have an issue .. but for now Yes I know they have my date. I am actually going to the Halcyon Resort.
  8. Oh that is good to hear... I hope I get a good WC too... if not I will defiantly ask for a new one ... My TA will make sure of this too : )
  9. Hey Melissa! How is the planning coming along? I think that sounds perfect!
  10. No I haven't actually booked anything yet... should be doing so verrrry soon : )
  11. Aahhh.. yes that makes since... you'll have to hope on your computer to see the ones I just posted..... hahaha
  12. Ahh - I understand what your doing! I will look again but I am pretty sure that the sandals website didn't give pricing for the new partners... it says "call for pricing" I will have to do some more digging... or I know my WC can get my info once I have one.... hahah Yeah a couple of my post have been in and out of the grey.... no worries hehe
  13. Ohhh right! Halloween - How could I forget that : ) Yay!
  14. Aww... that is sweet! My FI and I have both at separate times mentioned going to Vegas again and just doing a drive thru.... I think he only said it cause I was asking him too many questions one day! I actually thought it sounded like fun... for a minute! But the tropical beach is callllling my name! I have planned so many parties for others (including weddings) it is soo different when it is your own - I TOTALLY understand!! :grouphug:
  15. I was thinking of that too... if you do off resort pics only.. what would you do for pics of actual ceremony? As far as I understand. I don't have the details about this yet but when I look at the website I don't see anything about St. Lucia not having this options..... I am so undecided on what to do about this. I will wait to hear the options/pricing for the outside photographers (assuming it is an option) I really don't like the packages that the resort offers. One of our friends that is coming is really into photography. I told her I wasn't thrilled with my options and asked if she would want to take pics for me. She was more then excited that I asked. After I saw the new program I wanted to get some info before I made any finally decisions on how much I want to leave picture taking to just her. I don't want her to feel like she is missing anything because I have asked her to do this and I want to get lots of group shots of everyone and I most definitely want her to be part of all of those. I talked to her about doing just a TTD type session and she was all over that. She said I shouldn't worry about her feeling excluded as she will make sure she is included in everything. We have a pinterest board going - the inspiration pictures she post on there are AMAZING and if she can capture moments like that for me I would be more then pleased!! She said she has a tripod and remote for her camera she will bring (so she can be in the group shots) I just don't want her to feel like hired help! haha Sorry that was a long answer! HAHA I'm just torn .... We are going to their house for dinner this weekend - I will talk to her more about it then and try to get a feel for what she is comfortable with : )
  16. Some of the smilys are really cute... a couple are mean.. I'm surprised they are on there HAHA So.. I may have already asked you (sorry if I am just having a bad memory) Are you planning on using one of the pre-designed packages from Beaches?
  17. Yay!! I hope soo .... with no one looking I might go crazy on my welcome bags or something!! HAHAHAH
  18. Well I have a lot of ideas anyways haha... I've planned other peoples weddings before.. which helps in knowing what I like and don't like for myself.... Never planned a DW before so a lot of stuff is new to me... but I have been looking/plotting since last October. Anything you need ideas for we are all here to help!!!!
  19. Aww.. well at least you found something else! I bet the more you plan for stuff to go with your new location you will start to like it more and more.... I was heart broken over not getting my #1 pick for a date... but now I like my date just fine! <>
  20. I love Planning!! You will defiantly have to come back and tell me allllllllllll about your wedding too!!
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