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Everything posted by StephLB

  1. This is a great idea. I'm planning to carry on, but I was worried the airline would decide not to hang it up for me when I get there.
  2. These are beautiful! I love the boarding pass idea (I'm planning a ceremony and reception on a river boat so I think it would work)
  3. I have no idea about the official first day of summer but I think it's passed.... I think its summer, but it's been really weird weather this year. It's been getting hot and humid lately though so I think it's finally here for good.
  4. It's not likely you would move that far north anyways, not a lot of work up there.
  5. That sounds familiar. I ended up making hair clips for my daughter for Canada day instead of getting anything else done.
  6. It's wet and rainy here... I just got home from work so it's time for some sitting down before I get some household stuff done.
  7. Yes and no. Some of our remote areas have insanely high costs of living (up north) but usually that's how it works
  8. The black one is the one we still have. He's about 15 (adopted as an abandoned adult, so his age is a guess)
  9. Sounds exciting! I can't wait until I get to try on my first dress. Good luck!
  10. Congratulations everybody I'm looking at January 2015, no day selected yet though.
  11. It really depends where in Canada you want to live. Some places have a very high cost of living, and others quite low.
  12. Very helpful! Any advice on wording for a colour theme? Our wedding will have less than 30 people, and I'd love for there to be some colour coordination in the photos.
  13. That is so funny. We've talked about moving over to the UK a lot. At this point we're staying here in Canada, but it's still an option for later.
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