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Jeanetta H

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Everything posted by Jeanetta H

  1. We are leaning towards putting a deposit in with Samuel Luna has anyone used him? His pictures look great and his prices are very affordable! On another exciting note I am going to try on wedding dresses on Sunday!! Cant wait!
  2. I will probably look into booking with the resort photographer too since the cost to bring someone else in is so high! I just hope they do a good job!
  3. Does anyone else have photos from the resort photographer? I looked on their site there isnt much there.My email is [email protected] Thanks
  4. No we are just going to make playlists on our ipod and use the sound system the resort provides
  5. Soo exciting! Lets keep in touch during the planning process! Have you picked a photographer yet?
  6. Thats so exciting!! We should keep in touch during the planning process! Have you picked a photographer yet?
  7. Ladies I am wondering if you can help me!! I want to bring in an outside photographer to do my wedding photos but on my wedding package list from the resort it says something about outside photographers prohibited! I thought I just have to pay a fee and then it would be ok? Has anyone used the resort photographer and if you dont mind emailing samples of the pics of that photographer? [email protected] Thanks soo much!
  8. Hi ladies! My fiance and I have booked with OCT for may 14, 2014!! Its a year away but I am beyond excited! I cant wait to marry my best friend in such a beautiful place! All of your responses and advice is soo helpful! I just have a question about the reception......did you ladies book for a longer than 3 hour reception or are there places to go continue the party on the resort?
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